Shawn Moore




Jesus and the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem when outside the town he was met by 10 people who all had leprosy. He told them to go to the city and show themselves to the priest, as was accustomed for all lepers who were healed. As they where on their way they were becoming healed of the disease, but only one of them came back and praised. Jesus told the one who came back, “Rise and go; your faith has made you well.”

This story taught us of how we can be healed from any sickness or disease. Leprosy was an incurable disease back in Jesus’ time and was believed to have been brought upon you by either sin from you or from your parents, and you were considered an outcast. The lepers showed faith by going to Jesus, seeing as they were considered outcast, and asking him for a healing. They also showed faith by going to the priest as Jesus told them, which was only to be done if you were healed. Jesus was trying to show that through the faith showed by the actions of the lepers they were healed and it can happen to anyone.


Jesus and the Paralyzed Man (Matthew 9:1-8)

Jesus was in town and some friends of a paralytic heard about it. They got their friend on a mat and dragged him to Jesus. When Jesus saw them he told them “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven”. Then he told the paralytic to “Get up, take your mat and go home” and he was healed.

This story taught us that we can be forgiven through our faith and healed from any infirmities. These men showed their faith by bringing their friend to Jesus. They had faith that Jesus could heal their friend and their faith forgave them. Also, they showed faith by bringing him to Jesus even though the Pharisees were around and were against all that Jesus did. As a result of their faith not only was their friend healed, they were forgiven from their sins. Jesus was trying to show us that through our faith we can become forgiven from our sins and can be healed from any sicknesses or diseases.

The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:1-9)

Jesus was asked by his disciples who are the greatest in the kingdom of God. He responded that “unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”. He also said that we should not cause any child to sin or keep them from coming to God.

Jesus’ messages that in order to make it to heaven we need to be meek and have faith like the little children. He told them that they are the greatest in the kingdom of God because they are humble and more often want to what is right tell the truth. He wants us to put our trust in God like children put their trust in their parents.