by Enilyn



Rukawa hurried up the stairs, half-asleep but he was still equally keen on
meeting the person waiting for him on the rooftop. His eyes darkened slightly at

that point.
He hoped -seriously hoped that is- that his koi would be there - for his own
sake. Last night, they had fought (what else is new?), and the whole thing ended

with Hanamichi leaving the gym by himself, and Rukawa shrugging as the other
wasn't there while continuing to practice his baskets.

But this time, well, Rukawa didn't feel so sure. I mean, it was not the usual
'Baka kitsune-do'aho' exchange of insults. Something very perturbing had
happened since they entered their second year in Shohoku. He growled lowly, and
some of the students passing by startled perceivably.

He wasn't going to leave his koi to anybody, period. Even if it was a handsome
Ryonan player or, he shivered, a cutie-cutie girl that looked well-intentioned
but was secretly planing to keeping fawn around his boyfriend.

Rukawa let out a half groan. And that stupid one year looked dangerously similar

to Akagi Haruko, as in attitude he meant. She was sweet, caring and all-smiles--

exactly the type of girl that Hanamichi was so attracted to once. Attracted
then. What an understatement. She was the type of girl that Hanamichi would have

happily attempt suicide for. Why Hana-kun had such horrible tastes in girls was
something he could never understand. But it was probably him, himself, that had
the problems. He couldn't or wouldn't like any girl, even if he was under

Anyway that wasn't the target. Rukawa clutched his fist, and opened the door,
searching the redhead with his gaze through the rooftop. Nishikori Tomoko or
not, nobody was going to put himself in the way.
Rukawa was still thinking about that when his eyes finally met the view of
flaming red hair. And he stiffened, his eyes almost coming out of their sockets.

Hanamichi wasn't alone! To be precise, he was with HER. That annoying girl!
So now she even dared disturb their usual encounter on the roof-top?!

/I'm going to bump her off forever-- right here, right now. / Rukawa's eyes
murderously studied the box she was handing hopefully to the redhead. What the
hell?! Even a gift, now?!
As long as he was concerned, this was courtship.
And since he was the owner of that girl's goal, this was a clear declaration of
Nishikori stared at Hanamichi with shining eyes, as this one blushed, taking the

pink package with a goofy smile.

/Omae o korosu./ thought Rukawa instantaneously.
That, however, didn't prevent him from tiptoeing quietly behind the wall, and he

silently started to actually overhear the conversation between the two.

-This is...for me?- Hanamichi asked with a hesitant voice.

/You do'aho! It's so obvious!/ But it was clear that the idiot was flattered.
His brown eyes were glittering with emotion. Shit! He knew why: the stories
about the 50 rejections. Rukawa groaned inwardly. Because of that, the aho
thought that it was actually an extraordinary thing to have a girl after him.
/How can he be so wrong...?/ Thought Rukawa, grimacing.
- Yes, Sakuragi-san! - The brunette girl trilled, smiling widely, a faint blush
spread through her cheeks.

/Die!/ Rukawa narrowed his eyes. Oh God, how he wished that that girl would have

never entered their School. She was a freshman, and had fallen for Hanamichi at
first sight. Since the day after their first official practice, she had started
to show up every afternoon, screaming encouragements for Hanamichi from the door

- something that was to everyone's everlasting shock. She even fought with the
always present Rukawa Shinietai, who have been very upset by the competition.
They couldn't believe she was someone who didn't cheer for Rukawa but occupied
space on the door all the same, and above all, was rooting for their number one
enemy, Sakuragi Hanamichi.

Meanwhile, the girl continued with her attack. - So...why don't you open it,
Sakuragi-san? - she said, looking at him with earth-shaped eyes.
Rukawa snarled inwardly. Why the hell was she so mushy? Girls were so sugary by
God! Argh, she was a perfect copy of Akagi Haruko! And when he thought about all

the troubles he had had last year because of that girl...he felt an insane need
to show up and kiss Hana-kun right there and then to clearly establish his
ownership in front of the new troublemaker. Now that Akagi Haruko was settled
with Mito, he didn't need another girl in the way, especially if she was so
similar to her - and dangerous, consequentially.

-Kekeke... - A dumb giggle. - ...okay. - Hanamichi stated for the meantime, a
deep shade of red on his cheeks.
Rukawa adored Hana-kun's blushes - but not when they where caused by someone
else. What a do'aho. He knew that it was only his boyfriend's way of reacting to

cuties, and he knew that it was only because he'd always been rejected by girls
and this unpredicted suitor should make him feel thrilled but...but there was a
limit to everything. Hanamichi was his koibito. What the big idea about giving
dates to girls on the rooftop and even accepting gifts from them?!

He snapped out of his cursing and zoomed back on the couple as soon as he heard
the rustle of a package being loosened. Hanamichi looked at the thing inside and

beamed. Rukawa started throwing daggers through his eyes, without unbalancing
himself in the amount and intensity for one of them. What the hell did that girl


Nishikori sighed happily, detecting the emotional gaze of the redhead. Rukawa
showed his fangs, trying badly to see what exactly was the apparently
incomparable present. Hanamichi took the object reverently with his hand, still
staring at it dazedly. Rukawa finally knew what it was. He first blinked, then
humpfed, and lastly deciding for a low and uninterrupted growl. Again.
/And she isn't even original too!/ (Have you reflected about the verbs I have to

use for you today?)

Staring at it with almost watery eyes, the item that Hanamichi had in his hand
was an exact match of the thing that Rukawa always wore on his wrist during
practices and games. That one thing he used to clean his forehead from sweat
with. It was the same wristband, except only this one was of a glaring tinge of
red instead of being black-- the same identical color as their uniform. /Wonder
how many days she spent to find just that shade./ The dark haired boy deemed
with malice.

- Why don't you try it on, Sakuragi-san?- the brunette whispered with feigning
(Evidently, Rukawa thought) modesty. Man, how he loathed that ringing voice. It
was so annoying-- that was the only definition. Just to hear a note of it was
enough to make him grimace. It was almost worst than his Brigade's cheers. Well,

only to a certain extent. Nothing was worst than that.

- Uh...yes...- the redhead sputtered, still clearly touched.

/Why for God's sake?!/ Rukawa could (if he tried hard) understand that Hanamichi

fancied the idea of a girl chasing after him. It was something that could be
praising from his point of view, but c'mon, let's not exaggerate now! What was
the reason for Hanamichi being so pleased by such a squalid gift?! If the aho
asked him, he would give him his in no time! It was more than cheap, and it
could find in any sport shop.

- I... I really wanted one of these...these...uhm... - The touched tone faltered

a little, to be replaced by a tentative one. - Ano...- Hanamichi had a hard
/Duh!/ Rukawa slapped his forehead.
- You mean wristbands. - Nishikori suggested with a sweet smile.
- Yes! I mean wristbands!- Hanamichi beamed at the girl.
Rukawa was no longer amazed by the stunning highs of Hanamichi's foolishness. He

restarted glowering.

- So you like it Sakuragi-san? - She asked shyly.
/Witch!/ As if Rukawa didn't know what game she was playing. Damn! If they did
continued to fight over that girl, it would just be because of her underhanded
manners. She pretended to be timid. So the aho couldn't brace himself to dump
her definitely. At least, that was what Hanamichi declared. Rukawa's eyes
darkened even more.

- Yes... - This one murmured, admiring the red band on his wrist. - I was saying

that...I always wanted on of these...wristbands. - His brown eyes shone.
Nishikori's looked melted right away. She threw the redhead a worshipping look.
Well, it wasn't that Rukawa couldn't understand her. That childlike happiness
was awfully cute. But, she has no right to melt right away. He has, not her.
- I mean...since I saw the kitsune's one...uhm...- Hanamichi blushed.

Her jaw quivered with joy at the view of that redness.
Rukawa's lips parted. Oh my, that klutz. So he had craved for a wristband like
HIS? Why the hell didn't that aho just tell him?! But he softened, just a

Then, Hanamichi lost his fidgeting attitude, and scowled.
Nishikori blinked.
Rukawa sighed.

As soon as Rukawa's name popped in his mind, Hanamichi's face darkened. That
baka kitsune. That hopeless inexpressive idiot. That sly, malicious, pervert -
he flushed again at the last thought - good for nothing. That jerk! How could he

always be so mean to him?! How could he always look at me with that insufferable

haughtiness?! How could he always...start with him for no reason at all?!

Ano...Sakuragi-san? - Nishikori hesitantly called.
That block of ice walking! He just didn't know why, but Rukawa had a thing for
insulting him. He meant, just insulting him, for nothing at all. For instance,
why the hell had he started slurring the Tensai and in this way forcing him to
replay the scene from last night?!

- Sakuragi-san...? - Nishikori tried again.
It was just after Nishikori had left. She had been so nice, by the way. She gave

him all those compliments to encourage him to give his best. Something totally
different compared to the cold badass, Rukawa. He growled. Why the hell did they

fight? What in this goddamned world was his excuse for being so scornful? What's

with that attitude all of a sudden?! He just didn't get!! The kitsune was
overdoing it anyway. It's been about a month since he started acting like that.
He... - ...Baka kitsune.- he finished under his breath.

Nishikori's eyes widened in comprehension.
Rukawa snorted. He was even complaining now, that do'aho.

But then, it was Nishikori's time to sigh. - Rukawa is still making troubles
with you, ne Sakuragi-san? -
And it was Rukawa's time to widen his eyes. Impossible! How dares she?! She

- I see that Rukawa-san always put himself in the way of your greatness...- she
said slightly frowning.

...Trying to put him in bad terms with Hanamichi! Rukawa couldn't believe his
eyes. He couldn't trust his ears. That wicked ...girl. He chose the gentlest
word with much effort. She was surely more devious than what she appeared to be.

While Rukawa was busy struggling with himself with not showing his true feelings

and resisting the urge to hurt the girl in some painful and slow way,
Hanamichi's eyes grew even larger with emotion. When he heard the words
'greatness', flowers and angels started dancing in his background. A celestial
music filled the air. - Nishikori-san...- he uttered reverently. - Yes, that's
so true...-

She smiled blissfully back.
Rukawa started considering the idea of taking out a katana, and cutting her into

many little pieces.

Nishikori exhaled resignedly. - Nobody understands your value, Sakuragi-san. But

dun worry, I know you're the real ace of Shohoku. And... - she concluded
allusively, - I will always be at your side, and will never try to humiliate

Sakuragi blurted in a heartened - Thank you!-
Rukawa reconsidered his first idea.

- Yes, the kitsune always tries to put me down... - he said miserably.
Noshikori shook her head. - I know...but that's just because he's envious of
your talent, Sakuragi-san. -

Rukawa was on, now.

- He's such a pain in the ass, Tomoko-kun, you couldn't understand. -

Since when had he started calling her by her first name?!

- You're entirely gentler...-

That was absolutely unforgivable. Rukawa's mind was made up.

- Oh, thank you, Sakuragi-san...I'm touched. But maybe I don't deserve your
words. - she whispered timidly.

- Oh yes, instead you--Kitsune?!- Hanamichi burst out, looking angrily at the
expressionless guy coming out from his hiding place and was steadily moving
toward him.
- Rukawa? - Nishikori said surprised.

Rukawa ignored the both of them. He reached the place where Hanamichi stood. He
looked at him, coldly, and then he turn to her, motionless.

-Kitsune!! Since when were you th-Hanamichi had no time to end what he was

Rukawa grabbed his shoulders, pulled him to his side, and closed his lips in a
forceful kiss.
Hanamichi began to struggle, not wanting to believe to what was happening.

Nishikori's eyes widened.

Rukawa continued to kiss him, effectively muffling Hanamichi's panicking
Nishikori followed the whole scene in utter and dazed silence.

In the end Rukawa released the redhead, and they parted.
Immediately Hanamichi, who was spotting a very red face, grabbed his collar and
yelled against his face. - KITSUNE, TEEMEEEE!!! What the %&$£" did you think
were doing?!?! You unashamed hentai kitsune!!! How dare you kiss the Tensai in
public?! - He froze, that reminded him of Nishikori.

He turned to her, terrified. She still hadn't uttered a single word, looking at
the both of them as if in awe.
Rukawa slapped away Hanamichi's now limp hands from his collar, not taking heed
to his complaints, and turned to her as well.

He stared at her icily, then articulated in a chilling monotone. - Keep your
distance. He's mine. -

Nishikori snapped out from her reverie, her eyes slowly widening. Comprehension
Hanamichi's jaw dropped, his face took the darkest shade of red. He was about to

grab the kitsune and seriously give him a piece of his mind--

Then, Nishikori screamed.

ringing and absolutely delighted squeal.

Hanamichi stopped everything he was about to say, looking at her astonished.

What was she on?!

Rukawa blinked, caught off guard.

Nishikori started bouncing around the two of them - Aie kawaiiiiiiiiiii!!! - she

trilled, and something in her attitude suggested that if she had confetti in
hand, she would have started tossing them on the couple.

-Uhm...Nishikori-kun?- Hanamichi tried feebly. Maybe the shock had been too
Rukawa just stared at the jumping girl, blankly.

She stopped bouncing, and panting looked at the both of them with what looked
like an undeniably pair of heart-shaped eyes. - Oh my... It's wonderful!! You
two are the cutest thing I've never seen in my whole life!!!- she trilled at
cloud nine.

Hanamichi's eyes widened. NANI?!

Nishikori grasped Rukawa's hands, shaking them in happiness. - Congratulations,
Rukawa-san!!!- He looked at his hands that was closed inside hers, shuddering
slightly. - I didn't know you had this in you!!! But of course, that's
-SO-SUGOI!! You're cuter than Kurama and Hiei, better than Duo and Heero, even
sweeter than Touya and Yukito!!! -

Upon hearing that, the redhead flared up like a comet. /Kami-sama, don't tell me


Rukawa just arched an eyebrow as she dropped his hands and started patting
Hanamichi on his shoulder. - Subarashii desu wa!!! Ne, Sakuragi-kun, I'm so
happy for you!!! I knew there was something going under!!! -

- - Hanamichi's face was rocking between a brightening red
and mortal pallor. - You're into...-

She smiled joyfully, misunderstanding the reason of his astonishment. - Ah, I
know this is confusing Sakuragi-san, I mean I liked you buuuut...ah well, I
still like you, but... - she stressed, gaining another piercing look from

She returned it with cheerfulness. - But how can I not support such a beautiful
couple? As long this bishonen will take care of you, I'm happy! Oh, he's so
possessive, it's so... - she shivered with excitement. - thrilling!-

Hanamichi's face couldn't be redder now. So, it was true! She was into yaoi!
Rukawa didn't say anything. Nishikori gave the both of them one last dreamy
look, then patted the redhead on the shoulder again, and ran happily to the
roof-top door. When she reached the door, she turned, and waved a hand to the
both of them. - See you around! And have fun! -

Looking at her retraining shape, Rukawa considered that she was not that bad
after all. Of course he didn't like her anyway, but at least she seemed to have
took the truth rather well. Well to be honest, she looked actually enthusiastic
of the truth. Good. That was one problem resolved.

Hanamichi's head dropped down in self-commiseration. Just when he thought that
he finally got a fan. Sigh. In the end, faith was always against him.
In the end, he was always a victim.

In fact, suddenly he felt himself being grabbed by unforgiving hands. Rukawa
pulled him close to him. - Looks like your suitor likes us, do'aho. -

Hanamichi glared at him. He was about to insult him in some colored way, when a
thrilled shriek from the door startled him.

Nishikori was there, spying on the scene with eagerness.

Hanamichi jumped away from Rukawa's arms.

- Oops, gomen nasai! - she babbled, as Rukawa sighed. She definitely started
parting. - I bet you get to be on the bottom, ne Sakuragi-san? - she warbled
making Hanamichi choke. - Tomorrow I wanna know all the details!-

She finally left the roof-top, her hurried steps echoing from the stairs.
Hanamichi collapsed on the ground, cradling his head in his arms. - I can't
believe this...-
Rukawa shrugged. - Girls. - he just murmured, monotonously.



2000 (c)Enilyn