Rhona Marie
- Real Name: Rhona Marie
- Age: 13
- Birthday: December 13 1988
- Height: 5'3 1/2
- Zodiac: Sagittarius
- Eyes: Dark Brown
- Hair: Dark Brown w/ Highlights
- Status: Taken..
- Grade: Freshman
- Email Addys: angelic_rhona121388@hotmail.com
- Sites: www.oocities.org/angelic_angels4/angel.html
- Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, hanging w/ friends, Surfing the net, Talking on the phone
- Bad Habits: Yelling too much
- Dream Job: A doctor or a singer
- Dreams for: Success and a great life

- Food: Chicken and pizza
- Color: blue, red, white, purple
- Animal: Puppies, kittens..well to break it down...anything cute
- Fastfood: Mcdonald
- Music: Pop, R&B, and some rock
- Song: ...
- Singer: IDK
- Band: Alot
- Movie: Master of Disguise
- Genre: Comedy
- Book(s): Sadako, Harry Potter
- TV Show: anything good
- Fruit: apples, bananas, oranges
- Vegetable: Yuck :P
- Subject: Math

- Food: IDK
- Color: Green
- Animal: Anything ugly
- Fastfood: Taco Bell
- Music: Anything that sounds bad
- Song: Read ^
- Singer: Britney...
- Band: Don't really pay much attention to that
- Movie: Anything that doesn't make sence
- Genre: hmm...
- Book(s): IDK don't read that much
- TV Show: uhhh....
- Fruit: Anything Sour
- Vegetable: All of it
- Subject: Social Studies.....zzzzz....