Well if you're going to be going around, browsing through my domain, you should be fully "knowledged" on how to decipher my speak. There are some things I say that may confuse you, but fret not, for this nifty part of the domain can help you!

[Sayings & Phrases]
Stooge: A saying my friend Ger and I thought up 2 years ago. Inspiration from the comical "Three Stooges". Basically, we call anyone who's being somewhat weird, funny, or stupid a "stooge". So naturally, we call each other that all the time.

Stoogette: The politically correct saying of a female stooge. Recently developed.

Crappers: A little bitty saying I say instead of the original, "crap". I dunno, I just think it sounds cute.

What the hello: I'm not big on swearing. Even though "hell" isn't really that big of a curse word, if it even is. Still, it sounds cute. XD

Idjiot: Basically, another word for an "idiot". Once again, I say it only because it sounds cute.

Oy with the poodles already: Okay so I don't say this, but I think it sounds - no not cute - but cool! XD Taken from the show, Gilmore Girls. Props to them.

[Emoticons & Abbreviations]
XD: Alot of people I know don't really know what "XD" is. Basically, it's an emoto-face, laughing it's bum off. Turn your head sideways to the left, and you'll see it properly. The "X" is the eyes, and the "D" is the mouth. See it yet?

^^: A happy face! Or sorta. They're eyes, showing a sign of... er, happiness. Kinda like the anime-style way of smiling. lol. There are other variations - ^^; and ^_^.

lol: Laughing Out Loud. Believe it or not, some people have no idea what this means! It's a crying shame.

conv.: Conversation. I'm incredibly lazy, so I try and shorten whatever I can when typing. lol. comp.: Computer. Once again, my laziness has overcome me.