° Welcome # to Got-Me.NET! What you are looking at right now is the third version of Got-Me, featuring some beautiful artwork by Hyung-Tae Kim and altered by me of course.

- - Updates [72702] - -

° If you haven't already noticed, NEW LAYOUT! XD I was messing around with PS. I was so very close to using this plain layout but no! Thank goodness too cuz this is much better. I don't really like how I made the title up there. =/ Oh well. Also, I'm sorry if this font is hard to read for some of you, expecially those with a higher resolution. ^^; I apologize in advance. I mentioned a long time ago that I was planning on adding a visitor section for Got-Me and I finally got off my lazy bum to put together a section for the visitor's enjoyment. ^_^ Check that out and also the "me" section because I changed around some stuff. This isn't just a domain/collective. This is a personal domain/collective. XD - I've got a new "hostee" coming in. My friend, Steph, and I are working on a premade layouts archive and I'm hosting it. ^_^ Be on the lookout for that. The launching date's set for the end of the month and we have about... 10 layouts and a bunch of buttons up. My host, Mike was kind enough to donate a layout. ^^