Welcome to South Dakota State University's RHA website!

What is RHA and what does it do?

Residence Hall Association, RHA, is a student run organization which promotes unity and leadership in the residence halls. Every student that lives on-campus is a member of RHA, regardless of whether they choose to exercise their speaking rights formally or not, which makes RHA the largest organization on campus. Students in RHA work to improve residence hall communities and living conditions within the halls. Some examples of this include retreats, social and educational programs, leadership opportunities, and exchange of information throughout campus and the region.

Past accomplishments have been Casino Night, Welcome Back Bash, formal dances, and modifying the visitation policy. We have had executive board members on the U.S.E.R. committee, Student Conduct Committee, and the Union Renovation Committee. Various organizations seek our input on important issues that concern residents, such as Residential Life, Students Association, University Program Council (UPC), and RA Council.

Have questions? E-mail us: sdsurha@yahoo.com

**E-mail is checked frequently**
