The Seagreen Incorruptible

10 Things to do with 90,000 Sequins

- An affront to your beliefs -

Professionally recorded by anti-professionals, "10 Things to do with 90,000 Sequins" examines the crippling personal wilderness and self-imposed isolation that separates you, the occasional listener, from emotional fulfillment and love.

Finally, a party record for people with no friends.

By establishing a hysterical manifestation of sensory bewitchment, The Seagreen Incorruptible have effectively given listeners a pathway to their inner-brothel; utterly vacant, yet boasting a fully stocked bar.

If "10 Things to do with 90,000 Sequins" offers listeners anything more than a favorable self-comparison model, may it demonstrate a means to conquer humanity through the satisfaction of the individual; to look within yourself to discover the perfect balance between happiness and suicide.

The Seagreen Incorruptible are augmented on this release by a varied and talented ensemble of guest musicians and casualties, most of whom we've forgotten the names of.

A Short History...

After five years and as many wasted fortunes later, The Seagreen Incorruptible give the world their latest record.
10 Things to do with 90,000 Sequins began life as a hastily assembled list of songs to someday record.
It was promptly forgotten, but occasionally remembered with reverence.

One day, many years later, a philanthropic lunatic gave the boys free reign in his recording studio / sex dungeon.

The eventual result: a sixty-nine minute aneurysm.

Red written by a lozenge; Green written by a passing cloud.

When the strides of your friends and family are long and purposeful, "10 Things to do with 90,000 Sequins" will take their place.

Shameful Discography