     It's official, the site is moving to www.seansego.com and renamed to Sean's Ego, The registration on the new domain just came through, so the days of pop-ups and low transfers will soon be over.  Should be done by first part of February.

     I am getting ready to move the entire site to an independent domain, the new name is still in the works, but rest assured the new link will be posted here to redirect you.  Some front runners for my new site are seanscastle.com seanslife.com seans-world.com seansego.com seanshideout.com seanorama.com

     Internet fixed, making major site updates, will be finished any day now.
Notice: All photos that appear on this website are copyrighted by their respective authors.  The photos are not public domain.  If you find unauthorized use on the internet please report them to me.
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    I went to see Last Samurai.  I recommend this as an excellent guy movie with lots of good action.  At first I let my loathing for Tom Cruise get in the way of going to see it, but I was glad I did.  Two Thumbs up.