Announcements (January 23, 2005)

1. I regret that the Ladies’ Rest Room is closed this weekend. Apparently the sewer line outside our church has broken. On Monday we will have a back hoe to find out what is wrong. I want you to know I did not arrange this to demonstrate the need for our Capital Campaign. :) However, it does underscore the importance of the Campaign.

2. If you wish to help with the Campaign, please fill out one of the home visitation cards. About thirty-eight did so last weekend – and we can obviously use more volunteers when we go out to visit those who have not yet made a pledge or attended a reception. Next weekend their will be receptions right after each Mass.

3. Copies of the Catholic Northwest Progress are available at the entrances of the church. If you are not a subscriber, please fill out the envelope in order to receive our diocesan paper each week.

4. Also registration forms for the Fr. Corapi retreat are available at the church entrances and in the parish office.

5. Scrip is for sale after Mass.