Announcements (September 30, 2001)

1. Our two-bit collection this Sunday is for our Parish St. Vincent de Paul Society. With many families losing their jobs, the demands on our St. Vincent de Paul Society have increased. We appreciate you support to enable them to help our neighbors in difficulty.

2. Thank you for your contributions last weekend for Helpers of God's Precious Infants. A total of $261 were given to help this local organization continue its pro-life work.

3. A word from Father Bloom: Our collections at Holy Family have been down in recent monthes. Many have been affected by the downturn in the economy. As a parish we are trying to do what we can to support them. At the same time we ask those who have jobs and a source of income, to please be as generous as possible in supporting the parish. We have taken some measures to lower our expenses - including voluntary reduction of salary on the part of some parish staff members. If we all pull together, we can make it through this present crisis without having to reduce vital parish programs.

4. On October 11, we will be having a "One Month Mass" for the victims of the September 11 attacks - and to pray for their families and for our nation and world leaders. The multi-lingual Mass will take place at 7 p.m.

5. You are invited to the celebration of Vespers, Benediction and Procession with Blessed Sacrament every Sunday afternoon at 4:30 p.m.

6. Please mark your calendar for our parish Italian dinner on October 6. There will be two seatings: 6 - 7:30 p.m. and 8 to 9 p.m. Proceeds will go toward replacing the stove in our school hall. Please see the bulletin for more details.

7. Our R.C.I.A. - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - is underway, each Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p.m. If you know someone interested in becoming Catholic, please invite them. If you are interested in deeping your understanding of the faith, please come to this series of classes on the basics of our Catholic faith.

8. Adoration of Jesus, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament, takes places in the Ailbe House Chapel every day, twenty fours hours a day, except Wednesdays, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. when we have exposition in our main church. Please set aside an hour each week to spend in prayer before our Eucharistic Lord.

9. Religious Education and Sacramental formation for First Communion begins Oct 7. More information in the bulletin. Please call Sr. Mary Clare, 767-6220 to register your child.

10. A Men's Silent Retreat, using the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola, will take place on the last weekend of October. The cost is $140 if you register before October 15. For more information and to register, please call Gary Samaniego, 425-788-4987.

11. Office Depot has a program where school supplies purchased there generate a credit of 5% for ones school. This program lasts until September 30. If you buy your child's school supplies at Office Depot, be sure to identify your school. If your child attends Holy Family, be sure to specify Holy Family Seattle since there is also Holy Family School in Kirkland and Auburn.

12. Holy Family T-Shirts and Sweatshirts are for sale after all Masses this weekend. Profits will go toward the purchase of a new stove for our school hall.

13. The Western Washington Charismatic Conference will take place Oct 5 - 6 in Everett. Please see the bulletin for full details.

14. On Thursday morning there will be a special Mass for the Blessing of Man's Labor at 7:15 a.m. This Mass will be to pray for our country, especially working people who are facing an uncertain future.

15. Please plan on joining the Life Chain at Seatac on October 7, 2-3:30 p.m. Contact Sarah Schaper 206-243-7515. Life Chain is nationwide tradition of the pro-life community. Each year on the first Sunday of October, peaople around our nation gather to hold signs with pro-life messages. Please see the bulletin boards for further information and phone numbers.

16. Attention Youth and Young Adults: The High School Bible Study Group meets every Sunday evening. If you wish to participate, simply come to the Ailbe House library at 7 p.m. The Junior High group, ages 12 to 15, will begin this Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Please call Vernon Wells at the rectory for more information about these groups, as well as retreat opportunties during October.

17. (Sunday Morning Masses) Scrip is for sale after Mass. Scrip is just like a gift certificate.

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