Boletín (11 de junio de 2005)

Esta semana ha sido histórica para la Arquidiócesis de Seattle – la ordenación de dos obispos auxiliares: Monseñores Eusebio Elizondo y Joseph Tyson. La foto muestra la imposición de manos sobre el nuevo obispo Eusebio por el Arzobispo Brunett. Para mi personalmente la ceremonia fue muy conmovedora – no solamente tener un obispo que es hispano, sino por la ordenación de mi amigo, José Tyson.

Rezamos por los nuevos obispos, por el nuevo sacerdote, el Padre Ed White, y por todos los pastores de nuestra Iglesia. Al mismo tiempo pido las oraciones por otro tipo de pastor – la persona que será director de nuestra escuela parroquial. Estamos en la última semana de entrevistas. En la parte inglesa menciono a los que están colaborando conmigo en este proceso. Incluye el Padre Ramón, el Diacono Abel y la Sra. Berta Galaviz Alcalá.

También quisiera agradecer a todos los que han respondido a la Petición Anual (Annual Catholic Appeal). Es importante que apoyemos a nuestra arquidiócesis, especialmente ahora con los nuevos obispos y con el numero impresionante de seminaristas – unos treinta y cinco jóvenes que es el grupo mas grande en veinte años. Si Vd. todavía no ha llenado un sobre, favor de hacerlo esta semana para devolver en la colecta.

El próximo domingo es Día del Padre. Vamos a tener una celebración especial después de la misa de 12:30. Durante esta semana el Padre Ramón y yo estamos ofreciendo una novena de misas por nuestros papás, vivos y difuntos.

This Sunday Jesus speaks about a reality we know only too well: “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few.” We obviously need more priests, deacons, religious and other laborers for the great harvest of souls. Jesus also gives us the key to solving this great problem: “so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.”

Yesterday, God gave us an answer to our prayers with the ordination of Fr. Ed White. I am delighted that such a fine man has answered the call to serve as priest of the Archdiocese. The pictures show Fr. White at St. James Cathedral, before the shrine of Our Lady, and at the Good Friday Service at Gas Works Park. Fr. White is in the center holding the processional cross. The picture indicates his great dedication to the defense of human dignity, from conception till natural death.

Next year we have eight candidates for priestly ordination, including Peter Mactutis from our parish. Please pray for them and for all those whom God is calling to this service.

I also ask your prayers for another type of shepherd. As you know, Mr. Stephen Morissette is leaving Holy Family School to become principal of All Saints in Puyallup, which is near his home. We wish him well and are grateful for his seven years of service to our parish school. Our Search Committee has been collating your responses to the survey questions and will use them for interviewing candidates this week. Please pray for us in this most important moment. The members of the Search Committee are James Donohue (chair), Mary Horn, Arabella Corcoro, Bertha Galaviz Alacalá, Ted Naff, Cynthia Hoang and Dorothy Wells Plummer. I have also asked Fr. Ramon, Deacon Abel Magaña and Tom Weber to assist me in this process. Karen Tarabochia from the Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Department will accompany us until we have selected a new principal.

Speaking of shepherds, Fr. Ramon and I have begun a novena of Masses to pray for the dads of our parish. Our own dads have passed away, so we are praying for their eternal rest, but we are also very much remembering the dads who have the great responsibility of caring for their children. May the Lord give them strength, grace and courage for this vital shepherding role.

I want to thank all those who responded to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Your support of the Archdiocese and of Holy Family Parish is much appreciated. With our new Auxiliary Bishops, Eusebio Elizondo and Joseph Tyson, this is a great moment for the Seattle Archdiocese. Your response to the Annual Catholic Appeal shows your support. If you have not yet responded, please do so this week. Thank you.