Boletín (12 de septiembre de 2004)

No voy a repetir todo que esta en la parte en inglés. Este domingo, antes de dar la homilía, tendré una oportunidad de comunicarles unas noticias importantes. Solamente quisiera mencionar que tenemos aperturas en casi todos los años de la escuela, menos en el séptimo grado. Favor de comunicarse con Frances Barrón (habla español) en la oficina de la escuela, 206-767-6640. Si una familia no puede pagar el costo total de la tuición, tratamos de ayudar en la forma posible. En cuanto a esto, gracias por sus contribuciones en la segunda colecta del domingo pasado para el Fondo de Becas - $1,059 fueron donados.

En la reunión del Consejo Parroquial vamos a considerar unos asuntos importantes con relación a la escuela y parroquia en general. Favor de rezar por el Consejo, especialmente al iniciar la Campaña Capital este año.

Hay un volante con relación a las elecciones de nuestros obispos. Favor de leerla con cuidado. Si Ud. es ciudadano y mayor de 18 años de edad, hay formularios para registrarse para votar en la entrada del templo. Hay que enviar el formulario antes del 2 de octubre para votar en las elecciones de noviembre. También en la entrada se puede encontrar el Librito 100 Preguntas Sobre La Pasión del Cristo por solamente $2.50.

Finalmente quisiera agradecerles por sus oraciones, cariño y apoyo en la ocasión de mi cumpleaños. Especialmente quisiera agradecer a la persona que donó las botas y sombrero para la rifa. Hubo una ganancia de $682 de la rifa y $550 de la venta de comida. Será una ayuda enorme para los pobres del Perú por medio del Centro Mary Bloom. ¡Gracias a todos!

When I was first ordained, an older priest told me, “Don’t worry about scheduling anything during the months of September and May. Your calendar will fill up on its own.” That seems more true today than thirty years ago. For my column this week, I would like to quickly call your attention to some of the things going on in the parish.

First of all, our school year has gotten off to a good start. Although some families have moved, we have at the same time picked up a number of new students. We do have openings in almost every grade, except seventh grade. If you know someone who is considering sending their child to Holy Family School, please have them call Mr. Stephen Morissette or Mrs. Patty Peterson at 206-767-6640. One of the signs that we have many potential students for our school is the number of baptisms we have here at Holy Family Parish. So far this year we have baptized 325, mainly children! The potential students are out there – we need the help of everyone in order to recruit them. One of our great needs is to build up our School Scholarship Fund. I thank you for your contributions in last weekend’s two-bit collection. $1,058.74 were given during our seven weekend Masses. Speaking of our parish school, I ask you to pray for one of our school moms, Arabella Corcoro, who will be going in for chemotherapy this month – and also for Millie DiLaurenti who is facing treatment for cancer, as well as other parishioners who are dealing with life threatening illnesses.

Next week our Parish Council will be discussing issues, which impact our school and overall parish community. As you know, we are launching a Capital Campaign to address the facility needs of our parish. This summer we received a loan of $120,000 to replace the school roof and do the necessary seismic re-enforcements connected to the roof. The actual cost came in lower than the original estimates – thanks be to God. Replacing the roof at this time will have prevented additional damage to the school. The same can be said in regard to our church roof. As you know, during the last few years, leaks have done damage to the interior of our church. The council will discuss the possibility of a further loan from the Archdiocese in order to address this need more immediately. Please pray for our Parish Council and other consultative bodies who will be advising me regarding these concerns.

In this week’s bulletin you will find a flier titled Catholic Values in the Public Square. It comes from the Washington State Catholic Conference which represents the bishops of our state: Archbishop Brunett of Seattle, Bishop Skylstad of Spokane and Bishop Sevilla of Yakima. Please read it carefully. In a few weeks they will be sending us another insert in a question and answer format. For those who are not registered to vote, I urge you to take one of the Voter Registration forms in the vestibule. In order to vote in the November election, the form must be postmarked by October 2. As the bishops remind us, “It is our obligation to engage in constructive dialogue regarding the issues and candidates and to participate in the electoral process by casting our votes according to the dictates of a properly formed conscience.”

I want to thank those who signed the petition to have the movie Terese shown in the Seattle area. I understand it is a beautiful movie. If you have not yet signed one of the forms, please do so this weekend. Also, we still have some copies of the Guide to The Passion of The Christ. They can be purchased for only $2.50 a copy. Also, in the bookrack you will find the pamphlet regarding The Da Vinci Code. For only thirty cents it provides a concise response to some of the questions raised by the popular novel. Pick one up and give it to any family member or friend who wants to know the facts behind the fiction.

Last week a dear parishioner passed away. Many of you would recognize Rita Thompson – a sprightly lady, who always wore a fresh flower in her hair. Rita was drawn to Holy Family Parish on account of Eucharistic Adoration. She made her Holy Hour each week up until the last months of her life when she had to move to a nursing care facility in Renton. Please pray for the eternal rest of Rita and all our faithful departed loved ones. Also, consider taking her place by making a commitment to a weekly Holy Hour before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

Later this month (Sept 20-22) Fr. Ramon and Tom Weber will be going to a liturgy conference in Chicago. I know that this will not only be a benefit to them personally, but will help in enriching liturgical celebrations at our parish.

Finally, thank you for your kindness, best wishes and prayers on the occasion of my birthday. Please understand if I am not able to thank each of you individually. I am now in my tenth year at Holy Family Parish; and, I must say, that every day I am grateful for the love, faith – and patience – of Holy Family parishioners.