Boletín (22 de mayo 2005)

El próximo sábado celebraremos primeras comuniones. Felicidades a todos los papás, padrinos y niños que han hechos sus preparaciones para este gran sacramento. El 29 de mayo es la Fiesta de Corpus Cristo, Cuerpo y Sangre de Cristo. Habrá procesión con el Santísimo con la misa de 12:30

Gracias a Lalo y Camarina Morales por la donación de $2,307.35 que representa la comida consumida el día 17 de mayo. Gracias a todos que han ido al Restaurante Puerto Vallarta para apoyar este beneficio para nuestra Campaña Capital.

El director de nuestra escuela católica va a asumir responsabilidad en otra parroquia. Hay más información en la parte inglesa. Favor de llenar el cuestionario para ayudarnos en el proceso de buscar un reemplazo para el Sr. Morissette.

This Sunday after Pentecost is dedicated to the mystery of the Trinity. As the early Christians expressed it: The Father is God, his Son Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit is God, but there are not three gods, but one God. When St. Patrick evangelized the Irish, he plucked a shamrock to illustrate the threeness and the unity of God. We know about this mystery because of the revelation of Jesus, whom we adore together with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Next Sunday we focus on God not so much in his essential nature, but as he gives himself to us in the Eucharist. To honor the mystery of Christ’s Body and Blood we will have a procession with the Blessed Sacrament at the 12:30 and 6 p.m. Masses. I encourage you to attend.

I want to say a public word of thanks to Eduardo and Camarina Morales. This past Tuesday they dedicated the entire food sales at their Puerto Vallarta Restaurant for the needs of our Capital Campaign. Eduardo (“Lalo”) gave me a check for $2,307.35, which will be a great help toward our overall building needs.

Another piece of good news is that we received the permit to advance with renovation of the ground floor of our parish school. As you know, this is the centerpiece of our Capital Campaign and it will greatly improve the building for both our school children and overall parish use. The central area will become a hall, which will bear the names of Lou and Diane Tice, major supporters of the Campaign. The new classrooms and tutoring spaces will also memorialize donors, as will the new bathrooms. On June 16 there will be a Mass, tour, and picnic for the Campaign volunteers.

This week I also received some very sad news. Mr. Stephen Morissette, who has been principal at Holy Family for seven years, will be going to a different parish to direct a parochial school there. The school is closer to his home near Puyallup and thus will enable him to dedicate more time to the needs of his family. This is difficult news for our parents, children, faculty, parish staff and for me personally, since all of us have grown to deeply admire and rely upon Mr. Morissette. The picture shows Mr. Morissette and me after the demolition of our old school porch in the summer of 2000.

With the help of the Archdiocesan Catholic Schools Department, I have begun a process of seeking a new principal. On Tuesday evening I will be meeting with members of a newly formed Search Committee. Mrs. Karen Tarabochia, who is Assistant Superintendent for Personnel, will be with us. Please take time to fill out the enclosed questionnaire. To hear from as many parishioners as possible will greatly help us in this process.

One final note: I know this is an extremely busy time for people, but the Archdiocese has sent some information regarding the “End of Roe Litmus Test”, a postcard campaign urging senators not to require support for Roe v. Wade as a condition for determining a nominee’s fitness for judicial office. Currently, a number of Catholic candidates are being excluded simply because they believe in the teachings of the Catechism. I have information from the Archdiocese for anyone who would like to know more about this campaign and how it could be implemented at our parish.