Bulletin (August 29, 2004)

La visita al Perú ha ido bien. El trabajo del Centro Mary Bloom va muy bien, ayudando a muchas familias y niños de Puno. En la parte escrita en ingles, hay una foto del cuarto día del Camino Inka y también con unas huérfanas en Puno. No voy a repetir aquí, pero quisiera agradecerles por el apoyo y oraciones antes y durante mi tiempo en el Perú.

Estaba muy contento de volver a la parroquia. Es lindo ver el buen trabajo en el techo de nuestra escuela parroquial. Como Uds. saben, esto ha sido necesario porque el techo estaba en muy mala condición. El hecho que el arzobispo nos ha prestado el dinero para esto indica su apoyo para nuestra parroquia y su confianza en el éxito de la Campaña Capital que tendremos este año. Juntos podemos construir una parroquia mejor.

El próximo domingo, los instructores del Método de Planificación Familiar Natural de Billings van a estar de nuevo con nosotros. Se reunirá en sesiones individuales con parejas comenzando a las 10:30 a.m. Favor de llamar a Cynthia o Mónica en la oficina parroquial (206-767-6220) para mayor información.

El día jueves, 2 de septiembre es el primer jueves. Habrá confesiones desde las 6 a 8 p.m. También quisiera mencionar que vamos a tener estudios bíblicos en español e inglés. El curso en inglés enfoca en el Evangelio de Juan y durará 30 semanas. Todos son bienvenidos a participar.

I had a good stay in Peru. As I mentioned to you last Sunday, part of the visit included hiking the famous Inca Trail. It was a four-day trek through the mountains of Peru on what is part of the ancient system of paths built by the Incas to unite their vast empire. With me was Luis Ponce de Leon, the husband of Luz Marrón (director of the Mary Bloom Center). Luis is an engineer at the University of Puno and is very knowledgeable about the history and culture of Peru. It was very enjoyable to do the hike with him. The picture shows Luis and myself at Intipunku or Sun Gate, a site overlooking the magnificent ruins of Machu Picchu.

In Puno I spent most of my time at the Mary Bloom Center. The work continues to advance very well; so many people are being helped by that medical clinic and educational center. The Mary Bloom Center is closely associated with an orphanage run by the Daughters of Charity. The picture shows me with three of the children at the orphanage. A few years back I told you about Francisca, who is the one on my right. Francisca’s mother died during childbirth, and her dad entrusted her to the Daughters of Charity in Puno. Along with Francisca, they take care of about seventy orphan girls, ranging in age from two to seventeen. As you can see from the picture, Francisca is a happy, lively child. Although she had some health problems during infancy, the Sisters were able to give her the necessary treatments and love. She is now doing well as she begins school.

It was good to return home to the parish. I, of course, was delighted with the progress on our school roof. As you remember, when we had a major leak in the roof last year, we had to close our school. The repair work showed what terrible condition the roof was in, and that it probably would not make it through another winter. I am very grateful that the Archbishop advanced us the money to replace the roof. It shows his support for Holy Family Parish, as well as his confidence that by our Capital Campaign we will be able to repay the loan.

I was also very happy with the work done to organize the Catholic Scripture Study (CSS). This is a thirty-week course that focuses on one book of the Bible, the Gospel of John. By studying St. John’s Gospel in depth, you will get a view of the entire Bible, as well as the person and teachings of Jesus. CSS has been received with enthusiastic praise in many other parishes throughout the United States, Canada and other countries. Please consider participating in this excellent Scripture study. It will take place on Sunday mornings (or if your prefer, Wednesday evenings) beginning the second week of September. With this Scripture study program and the Capital Campaign, we have some exciting events coming up at our parish. I am looking forward to the new school year here at Holy Family, confident that working together we will build a better parish.