Boletín (16 de enero de 2005)

Este domingo le damos la bienvenida al Arzobispo Alejandro Brunett. El nos ha visitado en diversas ocasiones: para confirmaciones (como se ve en la foto de mayo de 2001), para misas en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y el Señor de los Milagros y el 15 de julio de 2001 para la ordenación de Armando Pérez al diaconado. Ya es sacerdote y el Padre Armando sirve como párroco de San Juan en Vancouver, WA. El arzobispo celebra la misa de 11 a.m. para la inaguracion de nuestra Campaña Capital.

Esta semana habrá tres recepciones en español: martes a las 2 p.m. y 6:30 p.m. y miércoles a las 7:30 p.m., en el salón parroquial. Favor de participar en una de estas recepciones. En las recepciones, yo daré información sobre los proyectos de la Campaña Capital – y como Uds. pueden participar. Hasta la fecha tenemos un total de $318 mil en compromisos, que es un buen inicio, pero necesitamos que todo feligrés haga su parte. También necesitamos a personas que pueden ayudarnos con visitas a los hogares. Favor de llenar una tarjeta este domingo si Vd. puede ayudar. Habrá entrenamiento – y las visitas comenzarán después del Domingo de Compromiso, el 13 de febrero.

Lunes. 17 de enero, es el Cumpleaños del Dr. Martín Luther King, Jr. El famoso pastor dedicó su vida a defender a las personas marginadas en nuestra sociedad. Es significativo que su sobrina, la Dra. Alveda King participará esta semana en un evento en frente de la Corte Suprema: Hablar en Contra del Aborto. Ella es parte de una organización que se llama Silent No More, (No Más Silencio) cuya representante principal es la actriz, modelo y autor, Jennifer O'Neill. Al conmemorar el aniversario triste de Roe v. Wade que legalizó la matanza de niños hasta el día de nacimiento, recordamos a las mujeres como la Dra. Alveda King y Jennifer O’Neill que siguen sufriendo los efectos emocionales, espirituales y aun físicos de un aborto provocado.

This Sunday we welcome Archbishop Alexander Brunett for the “kick-off” Mass for our parish Capital Campaign. Archbishop Brunett is no stranger to Holy Family Parish. Since I have been here, he has celebrated three confirmations, as well as Masses honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lord of the Miracles. Many of you remember the summer of 2001 when Archbishop Brunett ordained Armando Perez to the transitional diaconate. Having the ordination here was a great honor for our parish. Since then, Fr. Perez has become a priest and is currently serving as pastor of St. John’s, Vancouver.

Archbishop Brunett has also strongly supported our Capital Campaign. I remember meeting with him back in 2002, laying before him the blessings and challenges of Holy Family Parish. At that time he volunteered to pay for a feasibility study, which Dan O’Connor from Guidance in Giving carried out in December of 2003. As you know, the results of that study indicated that parishioners would back a Campaign directed to the deferred maintenance of buildings and parking lot, retirement of debt and the remodeling of the ground level of our parish school.

We have already realized the “silent” phase of the Campaign, which involved setting up the organization and holding a series of dinners to gain advanced support. As of last Wednesday, we have received thirty-seven pledges totaling over $320,000. Most of these pledges have come from current Holy Family Parishioners, although we have also received generous support from people outside our parish who feel a connection with our mission. For example, Aloysius (“A.J.”) Mullally made a beautiful pledge and with it sent a letter addressed to the entire parish and me. Here is part of what he had to say:

”It was a chapter in the life of my family that can never be forgotten. It was here that most of my children received their early education, particularly in the training of their Catholic faith. It was also here that I was called, in 1952, to be the Parish chairman, which lasted until 1960 when I moved from the parish…”

I have posted A.J.’s letter on the bulletin board. Please remember in your prayers people like Mr. Mullally who bequeathed to us such a beautiful church and parish campus. It is now our turn to continue that legacy.

This past week we have held four receptions in our parish hall. The Legion of Mary, St. Vincent de Paul Society, Parent’s Club and Knights of Columbus served as hosts. Those who attended have responded enthusiastically to the overall project. This coming week we will have three receptions in Spanish and one in Filipino (on Thursday evening at 6:30). The following week, beginning January 25, we will have receptions in English and on January 27 in Vietnamese. Please make your plans to attend one of these receptions. Those who have attended a reception can assure you that they are enjoyable, informative and gentle. What we want to do is to give every parishioner the opportunity to participate in this important endeavor.

In February we will contact those who have not participated in a reception. We do need volunteers to help with the Visitation Phase of the Campaign. Please sign one of the cards this Sunday if you can help with these visits. It involves attending a training session and giving about ten hours of time for home visitations. The visits will begin after the February 12-13 commitment weekend.

There is one other event for which I ask your prayers and, if possible, your participation. This Wednesday is the annual March for Life in Olympia. It is so important that, as Catholics, we stand up for the most vulnerable members of our society. In recent years a good number from Holy Family Parish have attended the March. The picture shows Fr. Ramon, Samwise and a young participant in last year’s March for Life. This year’s March begins at noon, near the state capitol building, on January 19. Come and visit your legislators, let them know that you are pro-life. Carry a red rose (live or artificial), "the pro-life symbol." --There will be a “Respect for Life” Mass at 10am at St Michael’s Catholic Church preceding the March. It is open to all who respect human life. The church is located at 1021 Boundary St. SE, Olympia. Their website for directions is: A hot lunch will be served at St. Michael’s Church following the March until 3 PM. All are welcome, compliments of the local Knights of Columbus.

This Monday we celebrate the Birthday of Martin Luther King, a man who dedicated his life to defending those marginalized in our society. It is significant that his niece, Dr. Alveda King, will participate in the Speak Out Against Abortion event at the Supreme Court Building. She is part the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, whose principal representative is actress, model, author, Jennifer O'Neill. The event will take place on January 25 in Washington, D.C. As we pray for victims of abortion, we remember the moms (and dads) who are suffering emotional, spiritual and even physical pain as a result of an abortion.