Bulletin (June 19, 2005)

You are all aware that we are losing our current principal and are hiring a new one. We are undergoing other significant transitions here at Holy Family Parish. The biggest one involves our Pastoral Associate for Administration, Tom Weber. Last month, after visiting his parents in Illinois, Tom determined that he had a duty to return there to support them as they face some of the weaknesses and illnesses of old age. I obviously applaud Tom in this decision, although I will greatly miss him as parish administrator.

Tom has done a great job here at Holy Family. Much of Tom’s job is not immediately evident, so let me enumerate some of his responsibilities. He has been in charge of finances and the promotion of stewardship. He has also had responsibility for staff supervision and has helped recruit volunteers for liturgy and other areas of service. He has overseen the scheduling and use of parish facilities. Probably the most time consuming area of his work is the maintenance of our buildings and grounds. With our seven acres of grounds and our aging buildings, which need constant upkeep, this is a major responsibility.

I think you will agree that Tom has not only dealt with needed repairs, but that our operations and buildings are in much better shape than five years ago. We have new roofs on our school and church. The Ailbe House has been extensively refurbished, including the preparation of our chapel for perpetual adoration. The rectory has been reorganized for maximum use of office and living space. Restrooms have been renovated and improved, and more improvements are in various stages of planning. Software and computer networks have been updated providing accessibility to and among parish and school staff, allowing us to communicate more effectively with you, our parishioners, and improving our overall record keeping abilities. Most recently the grounds have been beautified by the removal of some of the asphalt to provide areas to grow small shrubs and flowers.

For the past two years, Tom has facilitated our master planning process helping to put in place the many plans we have for improving our parish grounds and facilities. Before he leaves in mid July, Tom will oversee the beginning of the renovation of the ground floor of our parish school. This summer we will complete the asbestos abatement on the floor, pipes and boiler room of the school. With that, we will be in a position, next summer, to renovate the restrooms and provide new classroom space for BASS and pre-kindergarten as well as tutoring space and a small kitchen. By doing that, we will open up the main part of the ground floor for a meeting/reception area.

Gary Samaniego, who currently works at a software company in Redmond, has agreed to help out during this transition time. You may be aware that this past year Gary has done volunteer work with religious education and youth ministry. He is involved in the Catechetical Certification program of the Archdiocese. Gary brings a number of welcome skills and will be in charge of the buildings, as well as helping out records and accounts, during this transition time.

As you can imagine, these past weeks have been quite busy for me. I am looking forward to a vacation in Peru to recoup some of my energy. While there, I will be in contact with Tom, Gary and others regarding the various aspects of transition.

I am very grateful for Fr. Ramon Velasco’s ministry here at Holy Family. You may have heard that we almost lost him. I petitioned the Archbishop that Fr. Ramon be given one more year (at least) in our parish. He has been very generous in serving here and has taken on considerable responsibility for religious education and sacramental preparation. I have grown to rely heavily on Fr. Ramon and am grateful for his continued ministry. He and our deacons will provide that service while I am in Peru. For example, this week they will do Word and Communion services from Monday through Thursday in light of Priests Days at Ocean Shores.

Thankfully, we have many volunteers to work with Fr. Ramon. Deacons Ted and Abel, Gary and others will help in carrying out the work of the parish. Last week a group met to make plans for various religious education activities – CCD, RCIA, RCIC, Confirmation, sacramental preparation, Summer Bible Camp, etc. I am grateful to all. If you would like to help out in any areas of parish ministry, I encourage you to contact, Fr. Ramon, Gary or one of our deacons.

En la sección de ingles, escribí sobre la salida de Tom Weber. Como Uds. saben, Tom ha sido administrador parroquial durante los últimos años. Tom está en la foto conmigo y con Samwise, hace tres años. No voy a repetir todo lo que dijo en inglés, pero quisiera pedir sus oraciones durante este tiempo de transición por Tom – y también en cuanto al nuevo director de nuestra escuela parroquial. Este domingo el nuevo sacerdote, Padre Ed White estará con nosotros para la misa de 9:30 a.m. El día lunes voy al Perú para mis vacaciones y para visitar el Centro Mary Bloom. Como siempre agradezco sus oraciones y apoyo.