Bulletin (February 13, 2005)

This week our parish Capital Campaign broke the half million-dollar mark! We received a good number of pledges ranging from $10,000 to $75. Every pledge represents a personal sacrifice and is a vote for the future of Holy Family Parish. We are not asking an equal dollar amount from each family, but that each household makes an equal sacrifice.

Today is Commitment Sunday. After a brief homily, a Campaign Chairperson will speak about the importance of the project and how you can participate. After this weekend, we will begin three weeks of Home Visitation. We have a good corps of volunteers who will help me carry out this most important phase. Dan O’Connor (our Campaign Consultant) has been training the volunteers. He mentioned that we have the biggest group he has seen in over four years. If you wish to help in this effort, but have not yet signed a volunteer card, you may call our parish office or simply come to the training meeting on Tuesday evening, 6:30 p.m. in the Cenacle room of the Ailbe House.

By the second week of March, we will wrap up the Campaign – although we will continue to reach out to those beyond our parish who identify with our mission and might be willing to support us. As a kind of concluding event for the formal Campaign, I will be leading a Walk to St. James Cathedral on March 12. You can join either by walking or by sponsoring one of those making this Lenten pilgrimage. The proceeds from the Walk will be divided between our Capital Campaign and World Youth Day. About five young people from Holy Family Parish hope to attend the World Youth Day in Cologne. They need our support in order to represent us at this event.

One of the goals of our Capital Campaign is to extend our parking lot. Well, last week some youth carried out their own version of parking lot extension. No one was hurt and no great damage was done, but there is a moral to the story: If your car is in neutral and someone in the back seat blindfolds you, do not take your foot off the brake. When I talked to the young men after the incident, they were good-natured and let me take their picture.

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day – a great opportunity to express your care to a spouse, parent, child or other loved one. The billboard speaks for itself, but it is something to seriously consider, especially during this time of Lent. In the pamphlet rack you will find a brochure titled “Breaking Free; 12 Steps to Sexual Purity for Men.” It is something probably almost all men struggle with at different times. Lent is a good moment to bring that problem before the forgiving and healing power of the Lord.

And a final reminder: Fr. John Corapi will be here next Friday evening and all day Saturday until the 5 p.m. Mass. Do not miss this great opportunity for spiritual renewal. Besides Fr. Ramon and myself, a number of priests will be available for confessions during this Lenten retreat.

Esta semana la Campaña Capital llegó a medio millón de dólares. Recibimos varios compromisos desde $10,000 has $75. Cada compromiso representa un sacrificio personal y un voto para el futuro de nuestra parroquia. No estamos pidiendo la misma cantidad, sino el mismo sacrificio de toda familia.

Hoy es Domingo de Compromiso. Después de la homilía uno de los Presidentes de la Campaña hablará sobre el proyecto y como Vd. puede participar. Esta semana comenzamos Visitación de Casas que durará tres semanas. Habrá entrenamiento este martes a las 6:30 en el “cenáculo” de la Ailbe House.

Como una conclusión para la Campaña formal, el 12 de marzo voy a guiar una Caminata a la Catedral de St. James. Con la Caminata vamos a recaudar fondos para la Campaña y para el Día Mundial de Jóvenes, este agosto en Alemania. Unos cinco jóvenes de nuestra parroquia nos van a representar. Aquí hay unas fotos de la Caminata del año pasado:

El Padre John Corapi estará con nosotros el próximo viernes en la tarde y todo el día de sábado. Es una linda oportunidad para todos. En adición a las charlas del Padre Corapi sobre la Eucaristía, el Padre Ramón, yo y otros sacerdotes estarán disponibles para confesiones durante el retiro