personal opinions are ilegal
ok. so earlier today, I recived an emal from ITV, the channel that hosts "the trisha show" obviously, I was VERY excited. had they called me to ask me to be on the trisha show? did they want to give me my own show? had they sacked trisha, on my reconmadtion? no. they had called to complain about my treatment of trisha:
email adress: ******
subject: no subject
message: Mr major. It has come to our attention that the website has posted inflanatory comments about trisha godard. allthough ITV understands that this is a comedy website, we insist you take down the offending posts. we wont sue you, but just take down the offending posts
many thanks
iain jones

wow! so iain jones is doesnt like me huh? whoops! I think iain jones made a boo-boo. see, in acordence with the law, you can post your own opinions on the net, so technicly, he cant do jack about my trisha page. I thought I would email him back and tell him this:

email adress:
subject: Yo iain!
message: hey iain. thanks for the message from ITV. I will be the first to admit, im the biggest fan of trisha. is trisha upset? because if she is, I will send her a big box of chocs to make up for it. mabye I could send her a trisha badge to make up for it? obviously she would have to pay, im not made of money. let me know what you think about this idea. bye bye iain
your pal

now I thought this was a decent reply. but obviously iain didnt think so

email adress: ******
subject: no subject
message: look ok. you can play the fool if you like, but it wont get you anywhere. this is a serious offence. I realize its a joke, but trisha herself has seen the posts, and she is rather hurt. so please, be the bigger man and take down the post. ok?

iain is a tricky one isnt he? so I thought I would outfox him with this message:

email adress:
subject: no subject
message: no, its not allright! I fought in vietnam, and all I get is hassle from you mr jones! did trisha fight in 'nam? no I didnt think so!
anyway, what I am doing is personaly legal. I offered trisha some chocs and a badge, and what do I get? sorry iain, but I think I should be sueing you for harasment. anyway, if you dont get off my back, I will set stone cold stan on you. he is like stone cold steve austin, except his name is stan
your bestest buddy

now I thought that would get him, but no. he just kept on going:

email adress: ******
subject: you sad, sad little man
message: oh forget it. your just an imature little idiot. jsut take it down mate, and we can forget all about this. I realize that what your doing isnt ilegal, just hurtfull.
iain jones

well obviously I had to get the last laugh in, so I wrote this witty comment back:
email adress:
message: ha ha you smell
your best pal in the world