
What I Did For Love

I really HATE to do this but I just want to validate once and for all that I'm the REAL author. I get really sick and tired of all these posers claiming that MY story 'What I Did For Love' is theirs. You guys KNOW that you did NOT write it. I wrote it back in November 1998 for my friend, Mina Nam. Please, it's just a story that I want to share and I'm not getting anything out of it except I met a lot of wonderful people through emails. I have written other stories but 'What I Did For Love' generated the most response. It's really frustrating when people don't know that I'm the author and these other people claiming that MY story is theirs. There's really nothing I can do about it except request that everyone would spread the word that I'm the REAL author. I don't see any personal satisfaction for stealing someone else's work and personally, I think it's lame. I'm sorry for this notice but it's about time I said something.

I've posted my story up on SOOMPI for almost 4 years now. My fanfic used to be featured on Funky Fanficz Library & for almost 4 years but now it's renovated to THE SOFA My good friend, Jonathan, has also posted my story on his personal site at CABUCO and also, Julia at RED ANGELS I have a lot more sites to name but those sites so far are credible.

Over the past 4 years I've received over a few thousand emails from readers either commenting or criticizing the story so I know at least that many people know that I'm the author but it saddens me to know that others are claiming my work as their own. I have 15 posers as of the moment. It's really getting out of hand. Please stop the plagiarism. Thanks for reading this copyright notice.


I'm unsure if PixieAngel claimed my story as her own but credit to me as the author would be nice. Also, she did change the story so it didn't sound right. **Credit has been given to Val by the administrator, not PixieAngel now.


Ron, Ron, Ron...It's funny how you go around telling people the story is yours when you know that you did NOT write it. I actually know someone who knows you in real life and it's laughable that you're trying to pass of my story as your own.

Also, a major THANK YOU to all the readers that keep me informed of these bad news. I really hate knowing about it but it's something that I need to be informed about. Thank you so much for your help and belief in me as the author. I know I may sound a bit mean in some way but please understand from my point of view. Please respect yourself and other artists' works. THANK YOU. ~val

Currently Under Major Construction


Copyrighted by val