Chapter 156.

Brenda closed her eyes and bit down on her lips as she struggled with the movement of her leg/
Dr Foyle: "Ok Brenda, easy..I'm gonna guide your legs, you just push." She nodded as He bent her knees. She sighed and tried to straighten them out. Dr Foyle's eyes studied her legs and moments after her struggling her legs slowly moved forwards, unbending.
DR: "Good...Good...Now the other.."
B; "I can't!"
Dr Foyle looked at her.
Dr: "Here there is no such thing...YOu can and You will...Now the other leg!"
She glared at him and forced herself to do it again, her left leg responded slower then the right.
B: "Can't you see, my legs are like CEMENT.."
Dr: "If your gonna whine this isn't the place for you. If you want to walk again you'll do as I say. Now you decide what you want...A permanent wheel chair or do you want to walk around..AGAIN.." He guided her legs. "As a baby it took you 6 months to learn to crawl, JUST's like learning to walk all over again...There you go...that was better than the first time..Let's try it again. You have to build strength in your legs Brenda."
B: "Would you just STOP talking for like a minute." He rolled his eyes.
Dr: "Your fiesty.."
B: "Damn straight."
Dr: "Well how about you do yourself a favor and put all that anger and frustration into concentrating on walking."
B: "Are you always this pushy?"
Dr: "Push it out...come on straighten your leg..good." He looked at her. "I'm not here to be your friend, I'm not here to gain your respect or for you to even like me. I'm here for one reason To get you to walk again. Now I never had a patient who didn't recover..and your not about to break my record. So either you work or you find another therapist."

Sonny was flipping through a magazine. He peered up when he saw Brenda, all flustered wheel herself out of the therapy room.
S: "Hey ...what's wrong?"
She blew the hair out of her face and glared up at him.
B: "Get me out of here!"
S: "Wait a minute! What happened?"
B: "Fine who needs you!" She wheeled herself out of the office. Sonny sighed and hurried after her.
S: "BRENDA." He pulled the handles on the chair and stopped her from going any further. He let out a breath and kneeled down. "Now tell me what happened."
B: "Oh I'll tell you what happened! That Guy--that Doctor is a complete asshole!"
S: "You think you can be a bit more specific?"
B: "Sure..HES A FUCKING ASSHOLE...better?"
He tilted his head and gave her a look.
B: "Fine..he saw I was struggling to do the excercises and when I said I couldn't do it anymore he said I wasn't taking walking again seriously..He gave me a fucking ultimatum and I left."
S: "You were there 20 minutes! You just left?"
B: "Look I want to go home."
S: "Brenda...Your not even giving it a chance."
B: "SONNY. I said I want to go home." She looked at him. "My sister may need me." She just watched him stand there looking at her. "FINE stand there.." She wheeled off, he shook his head and followed.

Lisa ran her fingers over the cherry mahogony casket. It was the most expensive, it's handles in brass, the silk that lined the inside, of where her fathers body would rest for all eternity. She turned to the undertaker and her husband.
Li: "This is the one..''
The undertaker nodded.
U: "Why don't we go into my office and work out the arrangements."
She nodded.
Li: "Ok."
Louie held out his hand to her and she took it. She looked over her shoulder at the casket.
Li: "It's nice right?"
Lou: "It's the best."
Satisfied she followed the undertaker into his office. Louie and Her took a seat infront of his desk and waited for him to sit.
U: "Do you have a picture of your father?"
Li: (Barely audible) Yes." She pulled one out of her purse and looked at it a moment before handing it over to him.
U: "Is that you with him?"
She nodded sadly.
U: "Ok what about clothes?"
Li: "The suit...Louie where'd you put the suit?"
He placed a hand on her knee and turned to the undertaker.
Lou: "The guy on Avenue U was getting it in this afternoon. I have to pick it up in an hour."
U: "Alright, could you run it over when you pick it up?"
Louie nodded.
U: "Ok now how many days did you want him laid out?"
Li: "We don't have much family..just one."
U: "What church should I arrange the mass in?"
Lisa looked at Louie.
Li: "I.."
Lou: "St. Edmunds, make sure---you know I'll take care of that.
U: "Very well then theres just a few more things, The cemetary."
Li: "St. Charles.." She took out an envelope. "He bought a plot 10 years ago there, here's all the papers. How do I get a tombstone?"
U: "Well after the funeral you give the cemetary a call, they'll work something out with you." He paused. "How many cars are to follow the herse, to the church and cemetary?"
Lisa turned to Louie.
Li: "I don't know..well I want you there, Brenda and Sonny." She bit her lip. "Would it be wrong to have your sisters and your parents."
He shook his head.
Lou: "No, they'd be honored." He took her hand in his and caressed it. She turned and looked at the undertaker.
Li: "Two."
U: "Ok.."He jotted it down."Who will be taking care of the bill, did he have insurance."
Li: "Yeah..he had insurance but I want to pay for it."
U: "Ok..You just come into my office when it's over."
Lisa nodded.
Li: "Thank you for your help."
The undertaker nodded then turned to Louie.
U: "Don't forget the suit."
Louie nodded.
Lou: "I'll be back in about an hour or so."
Louie held Lisa' and and they walked out of the funeral home together. He reached into his pocket for the keys.
Li: "Louie.."
Lou: "Hmm?"
Li: "Thank you.."
Lou: "For what, your not letting me do anything."
Li: "For being here with me, for not letting me do this alone."
He leaned into her and kissed her forhead.
Lou: "Don't worry about it...C'mon is there anyone you need to call?"
She shook her head.
Li: "I called his job, he doesn't talk to his sister so I rather not call her. That's it." She turned to him. "I just have to go to the florist now."
Lou: "Ok." He opened the car door for her and she got in. He shut the door walking around the back of the car he looked at her, and his heart melted.

Sonny parked the car infront of the Cerullo's. Him and Brenda hadn't exchanged a word since they left the therapist. Sonny got out of the car and saw Jason walking towards the house.
S: "Jason!"
He turned and looked at Sonny.
Ja: "Hey.."
S: "Wanna give me a hand?"
He nodded and he opened the door smiling at Brenda as Sonny got her wheel chair.
Ja: "Hey you."
Brenda grinned.
B: "IT's about time you showed your face!"
He leaned down and kissed her cheek.
Ja; "Miss me?"
B: "Of course."
Jason turned to Sonny and grabbed the chair from him.
Ja: "Your chariot awaits superstar."
She scooted to the edge.
S: "You gotta help--" He watched Jason lift her into the chair. He looked up at Sonny.
Ja: "Get the door will ya?"
Sonny nodded and walked towards the Cerullo's.
B: "So you hear?"
Ja: "That Louie's your brother-in-law? Yeah..My deepest condolences."
She giggled as Sonny opened the door.
Ca: "Jas--Oh It's you."
S: "Thank you." He stepped aside and let Jason wheel Brenda in. Carly grinned when her eyes set on him.
Ca: "Clyde, Your late."
Jason walked towards her.
Ja; "I got tied up, Bonnie.."
Ca: "Kiss me."He grinned and did as he was told.
Brenda shook her head and rolled on into the livingroom, Sonny behind her.
G: "Brenda, how was therapy?"
S: "Well Gloria she really can't answer that, since she was there for oh I'd say long enough to give the doctor her name and then leave."
B: "I'm not getting into this with you again Sonny. So why don't you do us all a favor and drop it!"
S: "I guess you don't take your promises seriously."
B: "Why should I, you didn't."
S: "I lived up to mine, you turned them away!"
B: "You know...I think I'm glad I did!"
S: "Fuck-"
G: "EH That's enough...this isn't the time for this..Lisa and Louie are going to be back any minute."
Brenda turned to Gloria.
B: "How is she?"
G: "Last night all I know is that she and Louie had a fight but this morning they went together to make all the arrangements."
Lois walked in holding Briana.
Lo: "It's like a passion pit in that hallway."
Jason and Carly pulled back and he wrapped his arm around her leading her into the livingroom.
S: "Jason, you closed down the club?"
He nodded, not looking at him. Sonny sighed heavily and shook his head.
The door opened and they turned to see Lisa walk in, Louie trailing behind her.
Lisa looked up at them.
Li: "hi.."
Jason walked over to her and kissed her cheek.
Ja; "I'm sorry about your father."
She smiled slightly.
Li: "Thanks" She walked further into the room and sat down on the couch.
G: "Is everything done?"
Lisa nodded.
Li: "More or less.."
Louie shoved his hands in his pockets.
Lou: "I just have to go to see Gallo about the mass." He looked at Jason and then Sonny. "You guys wanna come for the ride?"
Jason looked at Sonny and nodded.
S: "Yeah, let's go."
Lou: "K..." Jason and Sonny headed to the door but stopped and turned to see where Louie was. He walked over to his wife and bent down so he was eye level with her. "I won't be long." He kissed her forehead and she  lifted her hand to his cheek and leaned in and whispered.
Li: "I owe ya."
He shook his head and stood.
Lou: "No."
He turned to his mother.
G: "You need anything?"
She shook her head and watched her son leave with his two friends.
Brenda made her way to Lisa.
B: "You ok?"
Lisa nodded.
Li: "I'm glad that everythings done though.." She sighed. "I'm fine."
She paused. " was therapy."
G: "Don't ask.."
Brenda shook her head.
B: "I'm just not ready for it maybe...and that guy..OH my god he was such a creep!"
Lisa smiled slightly.
Li: "Tell you what, why don't I come with you and put him in his place?"
B: "I don't think I can go back there.."
Li: "You have to go back there."
Lo: "He's the best therapist Brenda, and he's your only chance."
B: "Look, I'm sure theres a good therapist in Port Charles."
Ca: " want to come back to P.C."
B: "I think It would be better...I mean thats my if want to get this company started I should be there..." She turned to Lisa. "And I have a sister I'd let to see more."
Li: "That's real nice Brenda but none of that is as important as you walking again."
Lo: "The company can wait."
B: "No it can't...Nick and the guys are depending on us..and I need to do this."
Ca: "Brenda, Sonny's not gonna fund the company if you just give up."
B: "Then we'll take a loan.."
Li: "Brenda stop it! You went to therapy once! You didn't even give it a I don't want to hear it. Your not giving up...Listen to me..second think theres so many? Theres not. I wasted my second chance with my father and it's the biggest regret of my life. Don't waste yours.."
Brenda just looked at her.

Sonny looked over at Louie as he drove.
S: "You alright?"
Louie nodded, concentrating on the road.
Lou: "Fine.."
Ja: "We know you a little better than that."
He sighed and shook his head.
Lou: "I hate seeing her hurt." He paused. "IT's like someone has rammed this knife into my heart and with every glance at her face, to see the sadness in her eyes, the knife turns and turns."
S: "It hurts more to see them hurt then when you hurt yourself."
Louie nodded.
Ja: "She seems to be holding herself together."
Lou: "She is...but oh god...she was pitiful in that funeral parlor today. She wants so bad for him to have a funeral suited for a king..and to watch her make all these decisions..alone-"
Ja: "She wasn't alone."
Lou: "She has me..big deal."
S: "She's got us...I mean." Looks at Jason. "We're her friends just as much as we're yours...and she's got Brenda now.."
Lou: "That's still new."
Ja: "Well what about your family...they seem to like her if not even love her."
Louie nodded.
Lou: "My parents actually adore her."
S: "Thats gotta count for something, considering they hated every chick you ever brought home."
Louie laughed slightly and pulled a turn.
Lou: "I just don't like to see her hurt."
Ja; "Could it be?"
Lou: "Could what be?"
Sonny turned to Jason, both avoiding the tension between them to help their friend.
Ja: "What do you think Sonny?"
S: "I wouldn't be surprised."
Lou: "Wanna fill me in?"
Ja: "I'd say the Louster's in love.."
Louie jerked the car.
Lou: "And I'd say Your insane."
S: "Oh come on Louie.."
Lou: "No you come on, I'm not in"
Jason shrugged.
Ja; "If you say so."
Lou: "I'm not!"
S: "Ok might want to turn here if we're going to Gallo's."
Louie shook his head as he made the turn, then his face fell when he saw firetrucks infront of The school, THEIR SCHOOL, Smoke coming from the top of the building. The road was blocked off and the students were all lined in the street.
Lou: "What the fuck happened here?"
S: "Gallo.." Jason swallowed and Louie turned the car off. The three men jumped out of the car and hurried towards the school.
Cop: "You can't go pass the baracades."
S: "Really? I guess you don't know me." He jumped over the baracaded and Louie grinned at the cop/
Lou: "You have a good day." Jason followed them, scanning the scene and his eyes found Gallo.
Ja; "There's Gallo!"
They ran in the direction Jason pointed. Father Gallo looked up and sighed.
S: "What happened?"
Gallo shook his head.
FG: "Vinny did it again.."
Lou: "What?"
J: "Who the fuck is Vinny?"
Gallo pointed across the baracades to the young guy who was grinning as the kids patted his back, praising him for his actions, for they didn't have classes today because of his good deed.
Jason looked up as smoke came from the building.
Ja: "How bad is it?"
Gallo looked towards the building.
FG: "It's not, he put two trash cans on the roof and lit them on fire, the buildings fine."
Lou: "How come these assholes you call cops aren't arresting him?"
FG: "They got no proof, but we all know only Vinny could do something like this.."
S: "Who's this Vinny kid?" He said as he stared at the guy with pure disgust. Gallo looked at Sonny.
FG:"I guess you can say he's who is running the show since you guys graduated."
S: "Oh?" His eyes widened. "Maybe it's time we met."
Lou: "Don't you know who he is, That's Vinny Spinello...he tried to make it with us Junior year."
S: "That little shit..he's not even a senior yet?"
Louie shook his head laughing as Sonny grinned.
FG: "Ahh Sonny..Come on leave the kid alone."
Sonny turned to Gallo.
S: "Look I'm not about to start paying for a shrink...he might actually light you on fire one day...then what? I'll look like the biggest jackass who ever lived going to see a shrink!"
Ja: "Who says you don't already...Look like a jackass that is.."
Sonny rolled his eyes.
S: "Are you coming?"
Ja; (Shrugs) "So this is what I'm good for these days, diciplining I feel so proud."
He followed Sonny, leaving Louie with Gallo.
Lou: "I actually need to talk to you."
FG: "Important?"
Lou: "Yeah."
Gallo nodded and turned to another priest.
FG: "Take over will you.." Turned to Louie. "Come on let's go into the rectory."
Louie nodded and followed him.

Vinny was grinning, and then turned and watched Jason and Sonny walk towards him. THe students around him whispered. There they were, in the flesh. The girls grinned and tried to get their attention. Sonny stood infront of Vinny.
S: "You VInny?"
V: "That's right...what's the matter Sonny you don't remember me?"
Sonny looked around then at him.
S: "I make it a point not to remember losers."
Everyone looked at Vinny, waiting his reaction.
V: "You don't run this school anymore."
S: "True..I'm running bigger and better things."
Ja: "Doesn't mean we don't still run this place."
S: "That's right, think you took over? Never gonna happen." He paused and then inched forward. "Let me explain something to you. This mine, you and any other wannabe ain't gonna change that. You have respect for whats mine you understand me? If you do something like this better run. Got it?"
Vinny just looked at him.
S: (Louder and demanding) "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"
Vinny nodded slightly.
Jason looked him after Sonny turned and walked off.
Ja: "You need a role model! You don't know the first thing about running a school...Pathetic." He turned and walked off to where Sonny was.

Louie looked at Gallo.
Lou: "Lisa's father died."
FG: "I'm is she?"
Louie shrugged.
Lou: "Not to good..we were making the arrangements and she didn't really know what church--I offered this one, and you."
FG: "Ok..."
Lou: "I figured she won't let me help her with anything, but at least he could have a good mass.."
FG: "Don't worry about it, I'll take care of everything."
Lou: "Thanks Gallo.."
FG: "How many times do I have to tell you guys, don't have to constantly thank me, it's my pleasure to help you guys out, in any way."
Louie nodded.
Lou: "We're lucky to have you..we really are."

Chapter 157.

Say goodbye to not knowing when
The truth in my whole life began
Say goodbye to knowing how to cry
You taught me that

Lisa sat in the first row of seats, her father layed in the coffin infront of her. He was surrounded by flowers. Next to her was Brenda and on the other side Gloria. Louie stood to the side, with Sonny at his side. Jason, Lois and Ned were talking. Frannie was with Carmine and Adela chatting quietly. A group of men walked into the chapel, Louie watched as they bowed at the casket paying their respects to their co-worker and friend. They turned and did the same to Steven's daughter. They took seats in the back. Brenda took Lisa's hand in hers.
B: "You ok?"
Lisa nodded as she clutched Brenda's hand.
Louie turned and watched Father Gallo walk in, his bible in hand and dressed in uniform. He was there to say the final prayer before they closed the casket. He shook Louie and Sonny's hand.
Lou: "Thank you for doing this."
Gallo placed his index finger to his lips and then walked to the left of the casket. Lisa looked up.
FG: "If I can steal your attention for just a moment as we pray for our brother Steven's soul." Louie walked over and sat next to Lisa. He placed his hand on her knee and squeezed gently. She interlaced her arm through his as the room became silent.
Fg: "Our father.."
All: "Our father who art in heaven..."

And I'll remember the strength you gave me
Now that I'm standing on my own
I'll remember the way that you saved me
I'll remember

Everyone filed out of the chapel, to give Lisa a few moments alone with her father. Louie stayed, he stood and watched her walk over to the coffin, she kneeled down and ran her hand down his cheek.
Li: "I love you, and I'll live each day of my life wishing you could've heard me say the words before it was too late." Tears fell from her eyes. "Your gonna miss so much, daddy, but I think you'll come along for the ride, in your own way."She smiled through her tears. "You'll always be in my heart.." Her lower lip quivered as she stared at her father. She felt Louie's hands kneed her shoulders. "I don't want to say goodbye.."She leaned against him and closed her eyes crying. "I'm gonna miss him so much."She shook her head. "Everyday of my life...I'll miss him...anything good that comes, I'll wish he was life won't be the same anymore..and I know that sounds ridiculous because I shut him out of my life...but I always knew he was somewhere, you know? And it didn't hurt this much."
Louie leaned over and whispered in her ear.
Lou: "He's always going to be somewhere...Ya might not be able to see him Lee, but he's not gonna leave you."He looked at him. "I never got to thank him."
Lisa wiped at her eyes.
Li: "Thank him? You didn't even know him."
Lou: "Yes, thank him, for giving me you."

Inside I was a child
That could not mend a broken wing
Outside I looked for a way
To teach my heart to sing

And I'll remember the love that you gave me
Now that I'm standing on my own
I'll remember the way that you changed me
I'll remember

The church was empty except for the first 3 rows. Lisa watched as Father Gallo blessed her father's casket. She watched Gloria step onto the podium and read an excerpt from the bible. She listened to the choir, but nothing really registered but her own thoughts, her own memories.
FG: "So we will not say goodbye to Steven, we will say See You Again...because one day we'll all join him in that eternal bliss. Where harm and sickness never play a role...where love and life lives on."
Lisa closed her eyes and saw her father smiling at her as he played his records. She could almost feel him pick her up and swing her around the room, like when she was 7. She opened her eyes and watched the ushers position around her father's coffin to carry him out of the church. Father Gallo walked over to her and handed her the crucifix she took it and whispered.
Li: "Thank you."
He took her hand and together They followed the coffin out of the church, Louie followed with His parents.

I learned to let go of the illusion that we can possess
I learned to let go, I travel in stillness
And I'll remember happiness
I'll remember, I'll remember
Mmmmm I'll remember

And I'll remember the love that you gave me
Now that I'm standing on my own
I'll remember the way that you changed me
I'll remember
I'll remember

The herse lead the two limosines in a funeral recession to the cemetary. Lisa looked around the limo. There her sister sat with Sonny, her mother in law and father in law, and then she turned to her husband. Louie was almost surprised when he felt her wrap her arms around him.
Li: "I don't think I could've done this without you." She whispered in his ear. She pulled back and looked at all who accompanied her. "Without any of you.."
Lou: "And here I thought I was special for a minute."
Lisa laughed slightly and Gloria shook her head.
G: "What are we gonna do with him."
Car: "You didn't listen when I said sell him."
S: "Or when I offered to donate him to science."
B: "Aww leave him alone...I say we Rent him out..."
Lou: "I really feel the love...Thanks.." He rolled his eyes.
Lisa looked at him and smiled weakly.
Li: "I can be pretty me I won't let them do anything to you."

No I never been afraid to cry
Now I finally have a reason why
I'll remember, I'll remember
No I never been afraid to cry
And I finally have a reason why
I'll remember, I'll remember

Father Gallo made the sign of the cross and they all watched Lisa lay a rose on the coffin she kissed her fingers and then placed them against it. Slowly one by one, each person layed a rose on the casket. Lisa turned, sighing.
Li: "There's just one thing left.."
Lou: "What's that?"
Li: "Clearing out the house."
He rubbed her shoulders.
Lou: "We'll do it together."
She nodded and let him lead her to the limo's.

Gloria had made a spread of food for everyone who attended the funeral. People were scattered around, in better spirits then the morning. Gloria was forcing food on everyone. Carmine was explaining how to smoke a cigar to Ned. Lois was fighting with Carly. Louie and Frannie watched amused. His suit jacket was now off, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his shirt was unbuttoned, well the top two buttons anyway. His tie was hanging loosely over Frannie's neck.
Brenda was sitting on the couch talking to Adela. Sonny was standing in the doorway of the livingroom taking it all in. Lisa was holding Briana, bouncing her on her lap.
Lo: "Want the weed wacker to get some of 'em?"
Ca; "In a minute I'm gonna whack ya ass!"
Car: "Jesus Mary...YOU DON'T INHALE!"
Ned started coughing up a storm.
Fr: "Aren't you proud of her?"
Lou: "Lois?"
Fr: "She takes after me don't you think?"
Louie raised an eyebrow.
Fr: "I used to be young!"
Louie laughed and wrapped his arm around her.
Lou: "Right.."
Fr: "Hey buster..I'm older than you, what I say counts."
Lou: "Ooh using authority!" He looked over at Lisa and smiled at the sight.
Li: "Do you know you can make me forget about everything huh lil girl?" She smiled at the baby.
Br: "Adela, there's no way I'm going back there..Looks like you might not be stuck with me too much longer."
A: "Brenda, you know It's not like that."
Jason walked over to Sonny and stood next to him.
Ja; "We need to talk."
S: "Your right we do." He looked at him. "I haven't been fare to you, and I'd like to change that."
Jason just looked at him. "You've done alot for me in the past and what happened in Canada, was just as much as my fault as yours...Your a good guy Jason...Your one of my best friends. I trust you with everything I have."
Ja: "Even now?"
S: "Never stopped...I just needed to blame someone, because it kills me when I know it's my fault that Brenda is hurt." He paused. "It's selfish of me."
Ja; "I don't get it...what's changed."
Sonny glanced at Brenda.
S: "I'm not the one hurting her anymore...she's doing it all on her own. So why should I have the guilty conscience of you for that matter."
Ja: "Are you ok?"
Sonny nodded.
S: "I think I what did you want to talk to me about?"
Ja: "Carlos..I spoke to him, you know checking up on the Puerto Rico operation because Benny said the figures weren't adding up."
S: "And?"
Ja; "Someone's dirty...and Carlos don't know who it is.."
S: "Ratting?"
Jason shook his head.
Ja: "Money's missing from the casino's, Someone has to go down there."
Sonny nodded.
S: "Aright...we'll take care of it.. I'll let you know who tomorrow."
Ja: "Sounds good." Carly pulled Jason.
Ca: "Excuse us.."
Ja: "What are you doing?" He grinned at her and then her lips met his. Sonny watched and smiled at the happiness his former girlfriend had found in his best friend. He turned and looked Lois, watching as she plopped herself down ontop of Ned. She laughed and rubbed her nose with his.His eyes drifted off to Louie. He watched him sit down next to Lisa. He grinned at his niece and then looked at Lisa. She looked at him.
Li: "You seriously have a staring problem."
Lou: "Shut up and give me a kiss." He leaned to her and she grinned, pressing her lips to his. He looked at Brenda. He shook his head, sadly. What was she doing to them? Or was she even aware? She wasn't destroying herself but him as well.
Lo: "Oh you know what I was reading..Records sale have boomed with every company who is sporting this Latin Explosion thing.."
Ca: "Do you have a point?"
Lo: "Of course I have a brain isn't filled with air like yours...My point is, we should get some one who can join this Latin thing...New talent."
Ca: "So...what do you want us to pull a mariachi band out of our asses.."
Lo: "If you can find one up there OR we can HUNT for some Latin DREAM who can sing."
Li: "So Sonny....can ya belt out a tune?"
S: "HaHa!" She grinned and he shook his head.
B: "She's right though you know? Sony's sales went sky high with the girl..whats her name..the one with the ass.."
Lou: "Jennifer Lopez..Mama Mia.."
Lisa raised an eyebrow and he just laughed innocently.
S: "Don't you people think you should actually CHOSE A NAME!"
B: "Well we narrowed it down."
S: "To what 15 names?
Lo: "No! Stone Records, Gallo Records or Brooklyn Records."
Ja: "They all have sentimental meanings but none of them stand out."
Ca: "Did anybody ask you?"
N: "He's right.."
Lo: "Your only gonna sing and make us money not talk!"
B: "Well I don't see any of you spitting ideas out."
Louie leaned into his wife, smelling her perfume.
Lou: "Jennifer ain't got nothing on you."
She laughed..
Lou: "Except for the ass but maybe we can get you implants or something."
Lisa put out her cigarette and stared at him.
Li: "Keep dreaming--"
She was cut off.
B: "That's it.."
Li: "Actually I wasn't done.."
B: "No...Dreams...Dream Records."
Lo: "Dream Records.."
B: (Smile) "Yeah..I mean we all have dreams right? Some have come true and theres the ones we wish will...everyone who signs with us dreams about a record deal.."
Lo: "Yeah but Stone Records was like paying him one more tribute."
B: "Well in away DREAM records could do the same. There were some dreams we shared with him..We made a few of his dreams come true, Lucky Sevens right? When we live out our dreams we're living out his."
Carly shrugged and then grinned.
Ca; "I like it.."
Lois smiled.
Lo: "Dream Records. So do I."
They all looked at eachother.
B: "Looks like we're on our way..."

Chapter  158.

Brenda grinned as she spoke into the phone.
B: "That's right Nick."
N: "So which is it..Stone, Gallo--"
B: "Forget those...Dream Records."
Nick took a moment to replay it over in his head and then smiled.
N: "It's perfect."
B: " tomorrow Lois is going back to P.C. and she's gonna get a lawyer to draw contracts up for you guys."
N: (Laughs) "I never thought you'd wind up being my manager."
B: "Yeah well life can throw a bunch of surprises on ya!"
N: "You can say that again."
B: "So I was think you can make the press conferenceafter the license is drawn up to start the business. In about 3 business days."
N: "OK..but why don't you, Lois and Carly join us..I mean we're promoting your company."
Brenda looked down.
B: "Well I'll mention it to the girls, I'm sure they'll go along with it..but um you won't catch me there."
N: "Why not?"
B: "I'm not about to show the world  how I look like in a wheel chair."
S: "Then why don't you do something about it."
Brenda covered the  reciever and turned.
B: "I'm on the phone."
S: "Well maybe you should get off.."
Brenda rolled her eyes.
B: "I don't take orders have a bug up your ass? GET IT OUT!"
She removed her hand.
B: "Anyway Nick, Sorry bout that."
N: "Listen the world knows you were in a accident and can't walk--"
B: "I'm not about to make my handicap a public thing.. Nick The girls with go with you guys..Just make sure they don't fight."
Sonny just crossed his arms and stared at her, he wasn't going to budge. He refused to back down this time. She had made his choice and now it was his turn to follow it through.
She sighed, feeling his eyes stare into her back.
B: "Nick let me call you back.."
N: "Alright, thanks for the good news."
B: "Anytime. Ciao."
He hung up and then she did the same she turned to Sonny.
B: "Ok..obviously we have a problem, so why don't you say something instead of giving me an attitude."
He rolled his shoulders and nodded. Fare enough he thought. His eyes bored into hers. Immediatly she could see the pain and yet the anger..whatever was about to happen was gonna hurt..She closed her eyes a moment and then looked at him. His voice was cold and to the point.
S: "I made a decison.."He uncrossed his arms and shoved one into his pocket. "And it concerns where we go from here."

A door knob giggled and then the door was pushed open to the dark house. Lisa walked in and turned the lights on. She turned and watche Louie close the door and look around. She walked further into the house she grew up in and looked around, nothing had changed since she had left. Her pictures were scattered about the house. From newborn to sweet 16. Louie walked over to the end table and picked up a photo of her and her father, she was holding a fishing line and he was grining pointing to the fish. Louie chuckled slightly and then turned. He watched her eyes close, she could almost hear them, talking, laughing and singing...blocking all the grief and fights..she had spent to much time on the bad, it was time to start with the good.
She looked at Louie and smiled.
Li: "You know we may have alot of hard times here, but we had more great ones..I've missed this place."
Louie sat down on the couch.
Lou: "Looks like you had alot of fun with him."
She nodded smiling.
Li: "It took me three years to come back, and now I don't want to leave again...I just want to let myself be wrapped up in the memories."
Lou: "We don't have to rush.." She nodded.
Li: "Where should we start?"
Lou: "Upstairs?"
Li: "Ok.." She laughes. "Wait till you see my room." He followed her up the stairs and stared at her body.
Lou: (hoarse) "Can't wait."
She peered at him over her shoulder and grinned. She started running up the stairs and he chased after her. She laughed as she ran into a bedroom. He caught her and pinned her down on the bed. She laughed as she looked at him. He was grinning down at her.
Lou: "It's good to see you laugh again." He ran his finger down her cheek. "I missed seeing that shine in your eyes."
Li: "Are you becoming a poet on me?"
He shook his head.
Lou: "God no..''
Li: "You know...daddy never allowed me to have boys in my room. He would scare them out of the house with his rifle."
His eyebrows raised and he looked down at her.
Lou: "Is that so?"
Lou: "You'd be in big trouble now." She grinned and nodded.
Li: "What else is knew.."She looked at him, running her fingers through his hair. "I think my father would've liked you alot.."
Lou: "Yeah?"
Li: "Definately."
Louie ran his fingers down her sides.
Lou: "He wouldn't like me too much if he knew what is running through my head.."
Li: "Gonna tell me?"
Lou: "Yep.."  He leaned down, looking into her eyes. He puckered his lips and she leaned upward kissing him slightly. "I want to rip your clothes off and watch you sweat, watch your body move with mine." She closed her eyes and swallowed.
Li: "Nice thought...but we got alot to do." She pushed him off her and pressed her lips to his. "Later."
He groaned and watched her stand up. She looked around the room.
Li: "Theres only a few things I want in here." She looked at him."Are you gonna help or jerk yaself off?" He stood up.
Lou: "What would I do without your sarcasm??"
She shoved a box into his arms and grinned.
Li: "Get ya buns to work and don't worry about my ain't going anywhere."

B: "What are you talking about?"
He sighed.
S: "Where we go from here...let me ask you a question every promise I made to you, how important where they?"
She rolled her eyes.
B: "Just spit it out Sonny."
S: "I use to look into your eyes and I saw what was in my heart reflected in them..I'd see my dreams, our future. Now I look into your eyes and I see nothing but emptiness...nothing but shattered dreams."
She turned her head.
S: "Everytime I promised you something I stood true to my word..I asked you to marry me--"
B: "You know why I said no! I thought you understood--if this is about us getting married--"
S: "BRENDA! It's about giving up. You said you wouldn't marry me because you weren't comfortable with who you are..Fine I understand..Then I made you a walk again and then I'll ask you again to marry, this time you say yes...Did you agree?"
B: ""
S: "So I guess you don't want to get married so bad after all."
B: "Are you saying if I don't walk again you don't want me?"
S: "No what I'm saying is..your not the same person..You gave up..Jesus Christ Brenda you didn't even give it a chance instead you set your goals on a company. Whats the outcome of it all...your in a wheel chair for life..Promises are broken but you have your record company...If you can live with that fine. I can't."
Brenda stared up at him.
B: "I told you this was going to'd eventually walk away..."
S: "(He shook his head) You pushed me away Brenda...everytime I tried to help you. Everytime I needed your help..Everytime I tried to make you see the light...You pushed and you pushed...I love you to much to watch you destroy everything...what you have worked for, your dreams, our promises to eachother."
B: "Nice excuse.."
S: "Don't..don't blame me." He paused. "I hope you find away to accept yourself...because this is it now..You've chosen this for life."
B: "Stop it would you!"
S: "Why you never stopped... Look you know what I'm not gonna fight with you. I'm leaving tonight."
B: "Sonny.."
S: "I've got business in Puerto Rico and who knows maybe I'll find your Latin Explosion while I'm there."
B: "Can't you send someone else?"
HE shook his head.
S: "Jason should be here to help with the club and Carly needs him. Louie and Lisa need time together and Lois has her wedding."
B: "What about you."
S: "I've got nothing."
B: "Well what about me..You didn't even ask me how I felt about all this."
S: "Yeah well you didn't ask me how I felt when you were tearing my heart out."
She closed her eyes and then looked at him.
B: "If your leaving because of me--"
S: "I'm going away because I need time to be get back to who I was. This accident didn't only change you Brenda...But we shouldn't have let it tear us apart."
B: "I knew I shouldn't have believed you when you said you'd never leave." She said choked up.
S: "I didn't want this..I wanted to be by yourside, to help you. I wanted to be proud of you when you beat the odds and then I wanted to stick to our deal. For the first time in my life I wanted more than just us..I wanted you to be my wife and I wanted so bad for us to have a family."
She looked up at the ceiling and tried not cry.
B: "I love you.."
He nodded.
S: "I love you too."
She looked down and smiled sadly as the tears fell from her eyes.
B: "When will you come back?"
HE shrugged.
S: "Whenever.."
B: "But you will right."
S: "YEah eventually.."
B: "What happens then?"
S: "Whatever..we could be friends or we don't have to be anything."
She looked at him, shaking her head.
B: "Don't say that because no matter what happens, we could never just be nothing."
He looked down.
S: "Take care of yourself ok? I hope your company works--"
B: "Sonny..." She looked at him. "Look at me." He lifted his head."I do take promises seriously...despite what you think...and everyone you made, meant the world to me.." She swallowed. "I'm not gonna say don't go..because your right I did push you away...just pro--just take care of yourself ok...don't get shot or anything...come back home safe..."
He nodded and walked towards her.
B: "I'm sorry I let you down."
He swallowed the lump in his throat.
S: "So am I.."
He titled her chin up and looked at her, sniffling.
S: "You've got my heart...always will."
B: "Yeah?" Tears streamed her face.
S: "I'll never stop loving you."
B: "Niether will I."
He was cupping her face. He leaned to her, his lips brushed over her slightly.
She placed her hands on his wrists.
B: "Don't leave...please..I can try again.."
He shook his head.
S: "Let's not make this any harder.."
He pulled back and just stared at her. Moments later he turned and headed out of the room. Brenda covered her face and sobbed hysterically. Her world was falling apart.

Louie walked down the stairs carrying a couple of boxes he set them down in the livingroom. He noticed Lisa had boxed up most of the room.
Lou: "Lee?"
Li: "In here.."
He followed her voice to the den. He watched her stand in the middle of the room. Obviously she was in deep thought. As soon as she had walked into the room she could feel the love and joy her and father once shared in that room.
Steven was slapping his hand to his thigh to the beat of the music. He turned and smiled when he heard his daughter walk into the room.
Li: "DADDY! If your gonna play the music you gotta dance!" She said as she put her hands on her hips lecturing him.
St: "But I don't have anyone to dance with it?"
Li: "HELLO! I'm standing right here.."
He grinned and held out his hands to her. She lifted her arms and he swooped her up and spun her around the room. Her giggles echoed through out the room.
She turned to Louie.
Li: "Me and my dad would spend hours in this room. He was a fanatic with his records."
Louie bent down and lifted two cases.
Lou: "These them?"
Lisa smiled.
Li: "Yep." She laughed. "Oh god there was this one song..Rave On? It's probably all scratched up by now. He played it over and over. I'd stand on the couch and dance and he would sing." She laughed and Louie smiled. "But everynight he'd have this finale and the last song he'd play was "God Bless America." She rolled her eyes. 'He'd do the whole salute and everything."
Lou: "Your father was a party animal huh?"
Li: "No he was just crazy."
Lou: "Well at least I know where you get it from."
She walked over to him.
Li: "Everynight we'd dance..and everynight he'd stop playing all the rock and roll and he'd play our song.."
Lou: "(Squints) Funny face right?"
She nodded.
Li: "By Donna Fargo.." She opened the case where her father had stored all his records for years and She pulled out the shiny 45. "He always said for my wedding we wouldn't dance to any of those traditional songs...just Funny Face." She smiled.
Lou: "Put it on.."
She looked Louie biting her lip and the she turned  and walked over to the stereo. She lifted the cover and placed the forty-five on the spinner. She lifted the needle and placed it on the beginning of the album. She closed her eyes and smiled.

Funny face, I love you
Funny Face, I need you
My whole world
Is wrapped up in you

She turned and looked at Loui, the tears fell from the corners of her eyes.
Li: "Dance with me?"
He stood and took her hands in his she wrapped her arms arms around him, leaning her head against his shouler..she let her mind wander.
Steven took his little girls hand and lead her in a dance. She giggled and let him spin her, then he kneeled down and pointed to his cheek. She gave him a kiss and he hugged her tight laughing.
St: " Funny Face."
She closed her eyes and listend to the words. Louie caressed her back gently.

When the road I walk
Seems so long
And the colors in my rainbow
Turn blue
You kiss the tears away
Your smile made me say
Funny face, Funny Face
I love you

She looked over Louie's shoulder her tears were running freely down her cheeks. As she could see herself walk into the den just 4 years ago.
Li: "Dad, we need to talk."
St: "Oh Lisa! Good, How about a dance.."
Li: "Daddy.."
St: "C'mon, just our song."
He put the record on and she shook her head.
Li: "Dad I'm too old for this!"
St: "Come here." She sighed and walked into his arms. He smiled brightly and she rolled her eyes and then smiled when her father started singing along with the music.
St: "Funny Face, I love You"
Lisa joined in.
St&Li: "Funny Face, I need you
These are the sweetest words I've ever heard
Funny Face, Don't leave me
Funny Face, Believe me
My whole world's wrapped up in you"

Lisa buried her face in Louie's chest and he held her, slightly swaying. She lifted her head and whispered along with the song.
Li: "And when I hurt your feelings
As I sometimes do
And I say those mean things
That we know are not true
You forgive my childish way
You hold me close and say
Funny Face, Funny Face
I love you."
Louie pulled back and remembered what she said her father would do when they danced, He'd twirl her, just to hear her giggle. Lisa looked at him and then before she knew it he was twirling her, like her daddy used too.. Her childhood giggled filled the room. He pulled her close and she closed her eyes. She sang along only this time she heard her father singing along with her.

Funny Face, I love you
Funny Face, I need you
These are the sweetest words
I've ever heard
Funny Face, Don't leave me
Funny Face, Believe me
My whole world's wrapped up in you.

The song began to fade out and then there was silence. Louie didn't let her go, he just held her. She took in his scent and whispered.
Li: "Thank you..'
He kissed the top of her head, holding her to him.

"There are times I know you are here, watching over me. You wrap me in your arms and take me where you are.Where one day we'll be together again" ~Author Unknown

Sonny opened the door to the Cerullo's. He saw Lois badgering Ned as He was on the phone.
Lo: "Tell Alexis we will sign the papers tomorrow..Just draw up the papers!"
Jason rolled his eyes.
J: "Gotta feel bad for Ned."
Lo:"Hey Jason..Wanna go for a ride..I'll ask A.J. to drive!"
Ca: "Hey butch leave my man alone."
Lo: "Barbie..there's a tray full of ice cubes in the freezer..go stick them on your tongue."
Sonny cleared his throat and they looked up at him. He was wearing Jeans and a white tacchini  shirt with a leather jacket. He was carrying a leather duffle bag.
Lo: "Wow...Deja Vu...You look like when we were in school."
Sonny smiled faintly.
Ja: "What's with the bag?"
S: "I gotta catch a plane--"
Ca; "Whoa where you going?"
S: "Puerto Rico.." He looked at Jason. "Business."
Ja; "I'll go..stay here, with Bren."
Sonny shook his head.
S: "Brenda's not my responsibility anymore.."
Lo: "What happened?"
S: "I'm just not gonna watch her fall apart anymore..I don't think we want the same things anymore."
Ca: "So just broke up?"
Sonny nodded.
Ja; "Sonny she needs--"
S: "She doesn't..It would be different if she wanted to recover but she doesn't..if she wanted to let someone help with losing the baby...she doesn't.."
Lo: "So you just pick and head out of NEW YORK?"
S: "I'd figure I'd get a tan.."
Lo: "Sonny."
S: "Lois..Don't ok..just make sure she's ok...Don't let her hurt herself to much? Promise me."
Lois nodded.
S: "Thank you.." He reached into his pocket. "I stand true to my word." He handed her a piece of paper. She looked down at the check made out to Dream Records for 1 million dollars. "If you need more, let me know."
Lo: "Sonny this is..."
S: "Start off the right way..and make me proud." He looked at Carly and winked.
Ca; "You'll be back won't you..your talking like your never coming back."
Sonny shrugged.
S: "I'll be back...I just don't know when."
Lo: "Your ass better be at my wedding!" She said choked up.
S: "Wouldn't miss it for the world.." He dimpled. "I'll be in touch..and I expect an invitation sent to the Conquistador."
Lo: "Of course."
S: "Take care of the club and you know eachother."
Ja: "Are you sure this is what you want to do?"
He nodded and then turned to Lois.
S: "Tell your brother I'll be in touch and...don't be scared to take chances." He looked at the three of them. "Love ya's."
Lois stood and wrapped her arms around him.
Lo: "Not more than I love you. You fucking take care of yourself."
He grinned.
S: "Don't I always."
Lo: "I'm not gonna answer that."
He laughed and then Carly pinched his ass.
Ca; "You got some pair of balls leaving us..I'm warning you! You better not build no life out there in Paradise, you got one right here and besides I'm here...can't be away from CARLY BABES too long."
S: " kidding The withdrawls are already kicking in."
She laughed and hugged him.
Jason held out his hand and Sonny pulled him into an embrace.
S: "Take care of them and yourself."
Jason nodded.
Ja: "Anything else I can do for you."
Sonny shook his head and then turned to Ned.
S: "I'll be back for your batchlor Party...maybe by then we'll have you turned into a real man."
N: "Thanks I think."
Sonny laughed and heard a horn.
S: "Thats my cab." They all looked at eachother. "Keep an eye on Brenda ok?"
They nodded and he took a deep breath. Before they could blink he was gone.

"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end, may also be only the beginning."~Author Unknown

Chapter 159.

"There are some things in life that should never be broken: Hearts and Promises"~Author Unknown

She sat alone in the dark. His words echoing through her, her own actions scaring her. Wishing to turn back the clock and start a new...wishing he was there. She tripped down memory lane, and the pain stabbed her heart. She looked over her night table, tears streaming her face. She took the bottle of pain killers in her shaky hand. Staring at the prescription as the door knocked. Ignoring it she opened the cap and poured the pills into the palm of her hand. She looked up as the door flew open and Carly and Lois walked in.
Lo: "What the fuck are you doing!"
She hurried to her and grabbed the pills. Brenda looked up at her.
B: "Go away."
Ca: "Look who your talking to!"
Lois shoved the bottle of pills in her face.
Lo: "What are you crazy?! You fucking want to kill yourself Brenda?! Is that it? Take the fucking easy way out.."
B: "This is all my fault.."
Lo: "Maybe it is..but ending isn't gonna make it better.." Lois opened the window and threw the pills out it.
B: "I don't know what came over me.."
Lo: "Besides stupidity? REGRET."
Ca: "Remember when they all left for Port Charles and it was just you, me and did the same thing..You didn't try to kill yourself."
B: "I wouldn't have done it..I don't have the balls." She wiped her eyes. "I really did it this time didn't I?" The girls looked at her. "I mean he doesn't even want to know me..He left the fucking country."
Lo: "Actually Puerto Rico is a common wealth."
Brenda threw her a look, then she looked away.
B: "I made him leave..I..what if he doesn't come back..what if he finds something better there..what if there won't be a second chance."
Ca: "Don't say that...he's coming back."
Lo: "He'll be back for my for second chances, that'll be yours."
B: "Nothings gonna change though..It's too late I hurt him...I didn't --"
Ca: "Stop worrying about what you didn't do! Pick your head up and put the pieces together...and figure out what your going to do!"
Brenda looked at her.
Lo: "The blonde bimbo's right..-"
Ca: "Tramp!"
Lo: "Shut up..Look.." She handed her the check. "He gave this to me, Paid to DREAM Records...what did you say the meaning behind this was? We all have dreams..right well lets make a few come true Brenda..You got 2 and a half months to give it your all..Proove him him you care about what happens, about you and about him."
B: "What am I suppose to do?"
Ca: "Tomorrow your getting your ass to that physical therapist. We're gonna make sure the papers go through for the record company..and we're gonna get some song writers.."
Lo: "RIGHT! And while your recovering..we'll be preparing for your comeback."
B: "Are you sure you didn't take the pills?"
Lo: "I'm dead serious Brenda..Sonny left, because he didn't want to watch you go down hill well I'm not going to watch either."
Ca: "Bren we're all in this together.."
B: "It just..I don't think I can do it now..not without him."
Lo: "Well thats to bad because you threw that now you gotta deal with whatcha got."
B: "What if it doesn't work..what if I do all this and it was too late."
Lo: "You still got your career and you can walk...but girl you'll have him too."
Ca: "HE's got a weakness for you and maybe he can hold back and he probably will but not for long."
She sighed and closed her eyes.
B: "Ok." She whispered. "I'll do it.." She looked at them. "Because I love him and I want my life to be with him." She looked down. "And I do want to walk again..I do want to sing.."
Lois put her hand over hers.
Lo: "And you will."
Ca: "And we'll be here every step of the way."
Brenda smiled sadly.
B: "Thank you."

Louie and Lisa walked into the Cerullo's carrying bags of take-out.
Lou: "We're home...Why is it quiet?"
They walked into the livingroom, to a room full of serious faces.
Lou: "What happened?"
He put the food down.
A: "My son left again..AGAIN he didn't say goodbye." She looked down.
Li: "Sonny left? Where?"
Ja: "He went to Puerto Rico."
Li: "He just left Brenda."
G: "She's the reason he left."
Lou: "She broke up with him?"
Fr: "No but he didn't want to see her hurt herself anymore."
Li: "So he decided to hurt her?"
Ja: "It's not like that.."
Li: "I should go see if she's ok."
Louie nodded and she hurried out of the house. He turned to Jason.
Lou: "Business?"
Ja: "That 's the excuse...not to mention something about the record company."
Louie shook his head.
Lou: "He shouldn't have left."
A: "No he shouldn't have!" She looked at Gloria. "I was just beginning to get my son back..there wasn't that gap between us anymore.
LoU: "So what now?"
Ja; "We take care of things until he comes back."
Lou: "Are we sure he'll be back?"
Ja; "He promised he would be back for Lo's wedding."
Lou: "One of us should've went." He ran his fingers roughly through his hair." Damn it."
Ja; "He said he was going because Lisa and Carly need us."
Lou: "What about Brenda? If anyone needs someone it's her."

Lisa charged into the house. She looked around the living room, empty. She took a deep breath, she prepared herself for a grief stricken vulnerable Brenda.
Li: "BREN?!"
Lo: "In Here!"
She followed her sister-in-law's Brooklyn accent into the bedroom and stopped in her tracks, there was Brenda just sighing.
Li: "Your ok?"
Brenda looked up at her.
B: "I think I will be."
Li: "Well.." She scratched her head.
B: "Expected me be hysterical? I was...these two pulled me out of it."
Ca: "That's right...instead of crying and doing nothing she's gonna do something about it."
Lisa raised an eyebrow.
Li: "Oh...Ok I'm lost...your not upset he's gone?"
B: "Upsets to dull of the emotion...But I'm the reason he left...and I'm gonna be the reason he comes back."
Lo: "Actually My wedding is.." She grinned. "However, you'll be the reason he stays."
Brenda nodded.
LI: "Well I give you alot of credit--"
B: "I don't deserve it though.." She looked at Lois and then Carly. "I'd probably be passed out by now, not determined."
Lo: "We're in this together remember?"
Brenda nodded.
Ca: "I'll call Foyle."
Lo: "I'll come back later on, I have to make a few calls."
B: "Thats right yous are leaving tomorrow.." She looked down.
Lo: "We'll come in during the week." She ran a hand down her hair. "I mean it your not alone Bren."
B: "Thank's Lo." Lois and Carly hugged her and then began to head out. Lisa looked down at her shoes then up met Brenda's gaze.
Li: "I just thought...well I wanted to see if you were ok..I guess I should go-"
B: "I'd like it if you stayed."
Lisa looked at her, biting her lip.
Li: "You sure?"
Brenda nodded , patting the space next to her. Lisa walked over and sat next to her.
B: "How'd things go today?"
Li: "I don't want to throw my proble--"
B: "Talk to me."
Li: "It was sad...but it was nice in a way. For the first time I didn't think about the hardships and thought about all the good."
B: "Good for you know what you're going to do with the house."
Li: "Rent it out...I don't want to sell it."
B: "How's Louie?"
Lisa sighed and thought of him.
Li: "He's been great to me...really has."
B: "Louie's a good guy, he was often misjudged by girls and woman."
She shrugged.
Li: "There lose, my gain."
B: "I'm glad things are working out for you two." Lisa looked at Brenda.
Li: "I think it's really good your gonna take this and make something out of it, you know use it as your strength...but anyone can see it's killing you."
Brenda looked down.
B: "I made it seem like we didn't matter anymore..I took the wrong path..I guess I never thought I was able to drive him to the edge. He always did that too me, but to protect me..everytime he made a decision it was for my benefit." She looked down. "I was selfish...I should've seen it in his eyes how much I was hurting him. He tried." She nodded. "He pleaded with me to open up to him when the baby.." She shook her head. "But I made it all about me. Something that was about us, something we lost together should've been grieved together."
Li: "People make mistakes Brenda...and sometimes not consciencely." She hesitated but ran her hand down her hair, pushing it behind her shoulder. "You weren't in a good frame of mind..."
B: "Lisa.." She turned to her. "What if I so all this..and it's really over between us."
Li: "Fate Brenda...believe in it. I think Sonny was meant to leave so you could pick up the pieces and jump start your life again...don't you see him leaving was the way he was meant to help you through this."
B: "Then what is supposed to be the way I'm meant to help him through it?"
Li: "All he wants is for you to be happy, for you guys to go back to who you were, and when he comes back and sees all can be right've helped him."
Brenda sighed.
B: "I hope so.."
Lisa nudged her with her elbow.
Li: "Yeah well I know so..''
Brenda looked at her.
B: "So sure huh?"
Li:"Of course.." She winked. "I think we're doing pretty well for sisters whohave just met."
B:"Yeah me too."
Li: "I don't want to go home tomorrow."
B: "'ve got alot more there then you do here...and I'll hopefully be back in P.C. wrecking havoc, soon."
Li: "How long you think this is going to take?"
She shrugged her shoulders.
B: "I don't long as it takes...I'm going to do it..for Sonny..and For me."
She nodded, almost feeling her strength slowly build.

Later that night Lois, Ned, Carmine and Gloria sat around the diningroom table. Gloria was addressing the envelopes that Lois had stuffed so carefully. With each addressed envelope Ned had stamped and sealed, Carmine crossed the name of the invitees off the long list of guests.
Louie walked in and looked at them.
Lou: "I can't believe you're doing this.."
G: "It is custom you do send invitations out for a wedding...but then again I suppose you wouldn't know that."
Louie kissed her cheek.
Lou: "I'll make it up to you."
G: "Damn straight you will...I'm coming in the delivery room for your first child!"
Louie laughed.
Lou: "I..well I dunno about that."
Lo: "Ok so maybe I was against this wedding thing but..." She smiled. "I'm getting excited..aren't you Nedley?"
N: "Think I can meet up with Sonny somewhere?"
Lo: "Hey forget who you're talking to.."
He threw her a smile.
N: "Just kidding."
Lois looked down.
Lo: "I feel almost guilty doing this knowing that they're not together..I mean no one wanted to have a big wedding more than Brenda..and all Sonny wanted was to be happy at make her happy."
N: "Every couple has their obstacles."
Lou: "They've had enough, she's right."
Lo: "Back in High shcool I would definately have said Sonny and Brenda would be the first...who the fuck thought Louie would."
G: "The language!"
Lou: "Your just pissed I got hitched before you."
Lo: "At this rate Carly and Jason will be getting married before-"
Car: "No..theres a date...the reception is booked the ceremony, THE INVITATIONS are on their way..."
G: "Next week we really should look for a dress the time you order it and then the fittings..and what about the bridesmaids, have ever picked a color?"
Lo: "Blue." She looked at Louie. "Speaking of bridesmaids.."
Lou: "First I wasn't elected best man but now I'm going from an usher to a Bridesmaid...I draw the line here!"
Lo: "No you jerk off!"She rolled her eyes. "I'd like to ask Lisa to be in the bridal party."She looked up. " I figured since this dope got suckered into having A.J. in our wedding we'd pair him off with Frannie because she has the most patience for scum...she married Richie! So that leaves you and I'd like it if my sister-in-law was part of it."
Louie smiled.
Lou: "So ask her.."
Lo: "Think she'll say yes?"
Louie turned and saw his wife walk into the room all flustered.
Li: "Explain to me how your clothes got into my bag! I can't close it now.."
Lou: "Where'd ya want me to put them.."
Li: "Not in my bag.."
Lou: "Now babe...married people share." He grinned as he watched her glare at him.
Li: "Listen here BABE...the zipper broke!"
Lois cleared her throat.
Lo: "AS entertaining as this is..Lisa I need a favor."
Lisa looked at Louie.
Li: "Rubbing off on your sister?" She looked at Lois. "Sorry..but HE" Looks at Louie. "Infuriates me!"
Gloria looked at Carmine and they grinned.
Lo: "Would you be in my wedding?"
Lisa's face softened.
Li: ""
Louie leaned over her shoulder and whispered.
Lou: "Thanks Lo..I think that's the first time I saw her speechless." He thought about it a moment and then grinned. "Actually the second."
Li: "Buzz off will ya.." She smiled at Lois. "I'd be honored."
Lo: "Good! Just one thing."
Li: "Anything."
Lo: "Kiss and make up...In another room though."
Louie grinned.
Lou: "That can be arranged." He started dragging her off.
Car: "Louie?"
Louie was nuzzling her neck.
Lou: "Yeah pop?"
Car: "Are you using protection?" Lisa's eyes widened and Louie laughed.
Lou: "GOODBYE pop.." He rolled his eyes and with one quick move he threw Lisa over his shoulder.
Carmine turned to his wife.
Car: "Well I don't think you'll have to wait to long to stand in that delivery room.."
G: "I better go charge the Video camera.."

Jason looked down at Carly. She was sitting between his legs on the step under him, on the Cerullo stoop. He was massaging her shoulders in silence.
J: "What are you thinking?"
Ca: "We're lucky you know?"
J: "Who you and I?"
Ca: "Yeah..out of everyone we've never had problems..I mean sure we faced deatha couple of times, but we always handle that. And we have our fights but we always take it in stride."
J: "We understand eachother.."
Ca: "They all understand eachother's something else..I can't lay my finger on it..but it's special." He looked at her and she laughed. "I know what I'm talking about."
J: "If you say so.."
Ca: "I do.." She looked up at him. "We're good together."
J: "Yeah we are.."He ran his fingers through her hair. "Carly is there something else?"
She smiled.
Ca: "Like what?"
He shrugged his shoulders.
J: "I don't the way you got frustrated I wasn't talking to you about everything with Sonny, you were upset because you care...well I don't want you to hold back on me, ever. If there's something on ya mind, I don't want you to hold back."
Carly grinned.
Ca: "When have I ever held back on you? I always tell you how it is."
He smiled.
J: "I guess you do." He looked down, and then peered at her. "So..Carly Babes." He winked as he let hands roam down her sides. "Do I make you happy?"
Ca: "What do you think?"
He thought about it.
J: "To some extent..but theres more..I mean there is more I can give you to make you happy."
Ca: "Oh.."
J: "Your right out of all of us we're the most stable...and we should be the ones taking the next step." Her mouth opened. "And we will Bonnie..."He smiled. "Well why are you so shocked..after all I've got the best parnter in crime...I want that forever."
Ca:"Jas..I..fuck! You got me lost for words."
He laughed and pressed his lips to hers.
Ja: "Im gonna make your head spin when I do ask you.."He mumbled against her lips. She inched closer running her fingers through his hair as she roughly sought her mouth over his.