Sun-Optikos 'Zine Poetry & Artwork Submissions Guidelines
Sun-Optikos is always accepting original poetry and artwork submissions.  Authors/artists must have copyright to their material submitted.
Sun-Optikos reverts copyrights back to the original author/artist.
Send material for consideration via e-mail or U.S. Postal Services
(Please include a SASE).

E-mail submissions to
or mail to:   Sun-Optikos Publications  P.O. Box 17262 Minneapolis, MN  55417  U.S.A.

Sun-Optikos 'Zine is a not-for-profit publication and does not pay the author/artist
for submissions included in any issue of Sun-Optikos.  Each author/artist who appears in Sun-Optikos shall receive a one year subscription (print & pdf) to the publication.
In addition, Sun-Optikos posts links at this Web-site and in the issue of Sun-Optikos in which the author/artist appears, to the author's/artist's own Web-site, as a way of helping to promote the works of the authors and artists published in Sun-Optikos.

Themes that appear in issue of Sun-Optikos are based on current events,
and the submissions received, as well as the particular season.

Sun-Optikos is published seasonally: March 1st (Spring), June 1st (Summer),
September 1st (Autumn), and December 1st (Winter).
Submissions must be recieved no later than two weeks prior to the publishing deadline listed above, to be considered for that issue.

Sun-Optikos is only as good as the submissions we receive, so do not hesitate to send us whatever you feel like sharing.  We will give all submissions a careful consideration, and may keep them on file for future publications.  Sun-Optikos accepts never published and previously published materials alike.  As well, experienced authors/artists and those never before published are all welcome to submit works to Sun-Optikos.

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