I've been a Field Engineer in electronics for 30 years and looking for something different to do with my life. It's not like my life has been boring because I've been to places, seen and experienced more strange stuff than most people could imagine. From riding trains across Siberia and China to being detained by Colombian guerillas and everything in between. I understand different cultures and most of the people I've met left me with good lasting impressions.

I 've worked on computer based systems all of my life but I only used them as a tool in the performance of my job. I purchased my first computer in September, 1998, a COMPAQ ARMADA 1585 laptop which I loved dearly. I gave my son the COMPAQ for Christmas and bought myself an AMD K6-2 333 MHZ clone. I have been trying to catch up for all the years I missed.

If anyone out there knows what a DOODLEBUGGER is I can't hold that against you. For those in the majority who don't have a clue what it is I'll enlighten you. The name and symbol are a copyright of Texas Instruments Inc. The little man on top of the globe with a divining rod in his hands is a Doodlebugger searching for oil. He will go anywhere, do anything, live like a dog, and love it. My Doodlebugger Photos show a few of the places I've traveled to and remembered to bring my camera.

Last Updated 10/26/99