Seiya's Second Chance


    Disclaimer::  Sailor Moon doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Naoko Takeuchi!


           Seiya's Second Chance

           Part 3:: Usagi's in trouble?! The night I'll always remember!

           BY:: Sailor Star Fighter (


             "Okay," Yaten stated. He spun the bottle and it went around about five times till it landed on Ami. Ami turned beat red and looked up at everyone to see them smiling.

             "Now what do I do?" Ami asked, and Usagi got closer to her.

             "You go up and kiss someone!" Usagi whispered in her ear.

             "Do I have to?"

             "Yes!" Everyone yelled. Ami got up and walked over to Taiki and kissed him on the cheek, and everyone frowned at her.

             "No! You have to give him a real kiss!" Rei yelled.

             "Oh...okay," Ami answered and then kissed him on the lips, and everyone whistled as Taiki kept on kissing her. Ami finally got away and sat back down. "Now what do I do?" She asked with a ruby red face.

             "Now you spin the bottle to see who has to go next!" Makoto yelled. Ami spun the bottle and it landed on Seiya. Everyone started to laugh at him as he got a huge smile on his face. It almost seemed like he wanted it to land on him. He got up and walked around the circle four times till he stopped by Usagi. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet and he kissed her with love that everyone could see. Everyone was cheering for them. He held her so close she couldn't get away, and in a way she didn't want to. He then let her back down and went to go sit back down. Usagi still stood up and was in complete shock.

             Makoto snapped her fingers and then noticed that Usagi was crying a little. Everyone looked at her in shock. Seiya saw everyone starring at her. He turned towards his Odango and was now crumbling in the inside. The worst site he could ever see was her crying. Minako tried to think of something to say when she finally did it.

             "Well, Taiki is right!" Minako squealed and everyone turned toward her even Usagi.

             "What," Taiki asked.

             "It is not fair that all of us beautiful women have to share you guys! We shouldn't play this kind of game unless there is more guys!" Minako yelled and then jumped over to Yaten’s side and held his arm. A huge sweat gland went down everyone's heads.

             Usagi smiled; Minako knew her friend was hurting right now, so she tried to change the game just for her even though she really wanted to kiss Yaten-chan.

             "Uh . . . okay, then what shall we do?" Yaten asked.

             Usagi stood up and had a huge smile. "Me and Ami-chan can go and get some movies at my house!" Everyone smiled and didn't want to argue with her at the time.

             "Okay!" Everyone yelled.




             "Are you okay Usagi-chan?" Ami asked as they left Usagi's house with ten of the best movies ever made. They both had their school uniforms on still. The sun was getting ready to set and it was beautiful outside.

             "Well, not really," Usagi admitted. "I mean when Seiya kissed me it felt like Mamoru in a way. Whenever I think of Mamoru I want to cry but yet I want to hit him. Do you understand so far?"    


             They turned a corner. "Well, Seiya is WAY better than Mamoru, but when he kissed me I thought about all the times he tried to go out with me and well, it hurts. It really hurts how he still acts around me. I would think he would be mad at me."

             "No one can ever be mad at you Usagi," Ami answered cheerfully. Usagi smiled brightly and then bumped into someone. Ami bumped into Usagi and all three of them were now on the ground.

             "Usako!" Mamoru yelled. When Usagi heard that voice she pulled herself to her feet and helped Ami up. She pulled Ami along when suddenly Mamoru grabbed her arm and pulled on it. He pulled so hard that Usagi let go of Ami.

             "What do you think your doing Mamoru?!" Ami yelled.

             Mamoru paid no attention to Ami. "Usako, I wanted to say I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you like that. I was having weird dreams that the three lights were coming, and I was told that I needed to stay away, or you would die." Usagi struggled to get away, but he just held onto her tighter.

             "Let go of me!" Usagi squealed. Mamoru grew a new hatred in his eyes, and he was extremely mad now. Ami tried to pull Mamoru's arm off of Usagi, but he just pushed her, and she went flying into a wall. Her scream could be heard through out the city. "Ami-chan!" Mamoru then slapped Usagi across the face.

             "Now will you shut up and listen to me?!"

             "I hate you Mamoru!" He slapped her again but his ring now cut her across the cheek.

             Ami looked up and saw Mamoru beating her. She slowly pulled out her communicator and press the emergency button when suddenly she saw Usagi be thrown enough harder then Ami had been against the wall. "USAGI!!!" Ami then passed out.




             Rei was cleaning the dishes when she saw the emergency button going off. She dropped a plate and ran into the living room. "Guys! Usagi and Ami are in trouble!"

             Seiya dropped his guitar and ran out the door faster than anyone else could.




             "Now are you going to listen to me, or am I going to have to hurt Ami a little more?!" Mamoru lifted Ami's body in the air and was ready to throw her into the river since they were now on the bridge. Usagi slowly, and painfully got to her feet.

             "I wont let you hurt Ami-chan!" Usagi charged at Mamoru in a ram possession. She hit his stomach so hard he fell over, and he dropped Ami. Usagi looked up and barley could see straight. Ami had landed in a pile of flowers ten feet from the bridge.

             Mamoru got to his feet and walked over and kicked Usagi in the side. "Now, you have one last chance to listen to me or I'll.."

             "Or you'll what?!" Seiya screamed from behind him. Mamoru swiftly turned around and fire glowed in Seiya-chan’s eyes. No one had ever seen him this mad in their life's, not even Yaten and Taiki.

             Mamoru slowly started to back up. Seiya punched Mamoru so hard in the face that he fell off the bridge and into the water. He then looked over and saw Usagi had passed out, holding her bag of videos.

             He ran over to her and knelt down while shaking her hard. "ODANGO! Speak to me please! ODANGO!" Everyone had just now caught up with Seiya. All of the girls screamed in shock.

             "NO!" They all yelled. When suddenly four other people were running from the left side of the bridge. It was the outer Senshi!

             "What happened?!" Setsuna yelled as she saw Seiya holding Usagi with sorrow running down his now tear stained face.




           To be continued.......


           Well, what did you think? Was it bad or good? E-mail with any comments to how you like it or if you have any ideas for me!


           Sailor Star Fighter


    Rated = 13