Seiya's Second Chance


           Part 11:: Mamoru is back, and pissed?! No way!!!

           BY:: Sailor Star Fighter(


             "I found the portal! It is at the top of the school building!" Sailor Mercury stated while taking off her goggles.

             "The outer senshi will do this alone!" Sailor Uranus stated. Sailor Mars stood in the way of the door. "Rei, don't make me have to hurt you again!"

             "This isn't fair! Usagi means a lot to us as well! You may push me around, but there is no way you are leaving us behind!" Sailor Mars was now crying.

             Sailor Neptune rested a hand on Sailor Uranus's shoulder. "We have to let them go along, Usagi is going to need all the help she can get." Sailor Uranus sighed in defeat.


             Star Fighter was now on her knees pounding the ground. "Why? Why couldn't I protect the only one that I loved?!" Mamoru walked up to Star Fighter in his Tuxedo Mask form. He kicked Star Fighter in the stomach.

             "Because of you, I can't rest in peace! Yes, because of my death, Chibi-Usa will never be born! The whole future of Earth is changed! Everything is now changed because of you!!!" Mamoru was acting strange. Star Healer grabbed him from behind and tried to hold him back but he went right through him.

             "I am not alive Star Healer! My soul was brought back! If I return to my body, then I will be alive, but I can hurt objects if I fell like it!" Mamoru kicked Star Fighter in the stomach again.


             "I think this dress with suit you nicely," Tulin answered while pulling out a long silky white dress, which had no sleeves and dragged to the ground. "I want you to wear this all the time now, understood?"

             "Yes, sure," Usagi answered with a sad face. Tulin grinned slightly and walked out the door. Once the door was closed, Usagi fell swiftly to the ground, crying.

             Suddenly a little white light formed over her head and

Queen Serenity appeared. "My child, you can't give up! The senshi will come for you!"

             "No, they won’t!" Usagi answered. "I let them down."

             "No, you haven’t! They will come for you, I can promise you that!" Serenity stated with a smile. "But whatever you do, don't let him have the crystal."


             Sailor Mercury was the last to run through the portal. They all looked around to see a planet much like their own, but everyone on this planet seemed much sadder for some reason.

             "Let's find Seiya so I can kill him," Uranus answered while pounding her right fist into her left palm.

             "Do you think that is wise?" Neptune asked. "I mean, if we beat him up he wont tell us where Usagi is."

           Mercury walked over to the middle of a giant circle, which had a water fountain in it. She walked around it a couple of times till she noticed the Star Lights to her side. She gasped as she ran over to see Mamoru's soul killing Sailor Star Fighter.

             "Mamoru? How can this be?! You are supposed to be dead!" Mercury yelled and they all turned to her.

             Mamoru walked up and stated, "Because of them, Usagi is with the enemy, Tulin. She gave up because these wimps couldn't handle Tulin."

             "That is no reason to be hurting them, I mean, they must have had a reason to kidnap Usagi," Mercury stated. "Because they are great people!"

             Jupiter walked up. "They would never want to see Usagi in pain."

             "Yaten-chan is to cute to do anything like that!" Venus added in.

             "And they know we would kick their butt if they did!" Mars growled.

             Mamoru looked down. "I guess you’re right, I wasn't meant to be with Usagi after all."


             Usagi tried on the dress and saw it fit her like a glove. The dress wasn't extremely tight but showed off her form a little more. She started to dance around to try and cheer herself up. *I should've known that they will come for me. They are my friends after all.*

             The door flung open and Tulin walked in. "Well, well! You seemed to like the dress after all." She stopped and looked down. She didn't want to say a word. She looked away when he got next to her. "Why do you hate me so much?"

             "I don't hate," Usagi answered with a tough voice.

             "Well, why won’t you talk to me like you talked to Star Fighter?" Tulin asked while still trying to get her to look at him in the eyes.

             "Because, she is sweet and you are not!" Usagi snapped and Tulin finally slapped her so hard she went flying into the wall. Her scream was loud and painful as she slammed into the wall with a big bang.

             Tulin looked at his hand and then looked almost sad as he walked out. Usagi opened her eyes for a moment till she noticed the window was open. She slowly changed into her PJs and climbed out. When she was on the ground, she noticed where she was. She was on the same planet as the Star Lights. In fact, she was only a little away from the castle which Princess Kakyuu. She started running as fast as she could.


           To be continued . . . . . . . . .


           Sorry that I haven't written soon! I had family problems so I couldn't get online! But thank you for all those people that waited for this chapter. I will probably have another one out soon. Please e-mail me with any comments that you may have!


           Sailor Star Fighter