Seiya's Second Chance

           Part 12:: Usagi is poisoned?!

           BY:: Sailor Star Fighter(


             "Are you all right Star Fighter?" Sailor Pluto asked while having Star Fighters arm around her strong neck.

             "I don't know, but I have to find Odango, it is my fault that I couldn't protect her," Star Fighter stated while starting to walk slowly along.

             All the Sailors looked at her with weak smiles. "I miss Artemis, and Luna!" Sailor Venus yelled and they all turned to her. "I mean, I am not used to not having a cat telling me what to do, I am scared."

             Sailor Mars started to blow steam. "I swear, you act more like Usagi every day! It is almost like you two are twins, besides you don't cry as much!" Sailor Venus stuck her noise up in the air.

             "You miss Usagi so you have to pick on me now, is that it?" Venus snapped and Mars looked down. "See! See! I am right!"

             Jupiter looked up at the sky. "You know, it is weird, I mean, we don't know anything about this enemy and yet he knows about Usagi . . . how can that be?" She turned to Star Maker.

             "Well, after Sailor Moon defeated Galaxia, the news spread all over the universe that Sailor Moon was the most powerful and could destroy or control anything she wished. Tulin, being a hateful man, wanted Sailor Moon. For her beauty and her power." Star Maker answered while Mercury held her hand.

             "He soon found out that we knew Sailor Moon, so he attacked our planet. We didn't know why he attacked us, but we needed help, so we went to Earth and got Usagi." Star Healer stated while Venus snuggled onto her arm. "I am a girl right now and this just doesn't like right," Star Healer thought to himself.

             "I never knew this would happen," Pluto answered and everyone gasped.

             "But, you are the keeper or time, you had to of known something!" Mercury stated while they all stopped.

             "Like I said, I did not know a thing, this wasn't supposed to happen. Just like the Star Lights weren't supposed to come to Earth. Usagi was supposed to marry Mamoru, but now, she is . . . "

             Suddenly they saw an object coming closer and closer to them. "Is it the enemy?" Neptune asked while standing next to Uranus.

             "It's about damn time!" Uranus pulled out her sword and started to smile evilly. She ran ahead while charging with all her might till she finally noticed that it was Usagi! She put away her sword instantly and ran to Usagi. "USAGI!" She ran up and hugged the weak little girl. "You scared us to death!"

             Everyone came running and Saturn go there first. "Princess!" She ran up and hugged Usagi as tight as she could. "You scared us." Star Fighter finally looked up and saw Usagi. He pulled his arm away from Pluto and ran.

             "Odango!" She yelled while running up to her and grabbing her in her strong sturdy arms. Star Fighter started to cry as well as Usagi. "Don't ever give up on us again! Understood?!"

             Usagi only nodded to this and Mercury then noticed a huge red mark on Usagi's face. "Usagi-chan, what happened?"

             She smiled weakly, "He made me wear some tight dress and slapped me when I wouldn't like him like I like Seiya." She hadn't noticed but her whole back was covered with blood. Star Fighter hadn't noticed it till she pulled her arms away and noticed that her arms were red, with blood.

             "Usagi! What happened?!" They all yelled, Mars came up and shook her.

             "Tell us what happened now!" Mars ordered and Usagi started to get weak.

             "I went flying into a wall, that's al . . ." Usagi passed out and Mars held her in her arms. Mars had tears that were sadder than any other come down.

             "I will kill this bastard no matter!" Mars yelled and everyone nodded their heads.


             Tulin opened the door to Usagi's room and noticed she was gone. "Well, she left as planned. I will just now control her with this little machine." He pulled out a remote control and smiled. "First I will let her feel pain, so much pain that she will beg me for forgiveness!"


             Usagi opened her eyes to see Seiya sitting next to her. She was in a soft bed while he sat on the end. "You feeling better, Odango?" He whispered while rubbing a hand across her cheek. A beautiful shade of red blush came onto her face.

             "Yes, thanks to you," She answered while putting her hand on her face to feel that it was completely wrapped up. "Where are the others?" She asked while looking around her.

             "They are trying to think of a plan to kill Tulin," Seiya answered while smiling at her. "You are beautiful, and I missed you so much," He got closer to Usagi's face and their lips were only inches away when Seiya got hit over the head by a mallet.

             "MINAKO-CHAN!" Usagi yelled while holding Seiya in her arms. "Why did you do that?!"

             "Because," Minako whispered while trying to hide the mallet behind her back while looking at the ground.

             "Because why?" Usagi asked, puzzled as it was.

             "I am jealous," Minako turned away. Usagi laid Seiya down and got up slowly.

             "You shouldn't be because you will always be one of my best friends. Plus you still have a chance to get Yaten!" Usagi answered while getting in Minako’s face.

             Minako made two fists and got twinkles in her eyes. "I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THAT! IN THAT CASE, SEE YOU LATER USAGI!" Minako yelled while darting out the room, screaming for Yaten.

             Usagi started to giggle. But suddenly she felt and sharp pain stab her in the heart. She held her chest for a second and then started screaming. Seiya woke up instantly and jumped to his feet. "WHAT’S WRONG?!?!" She wouldn't listen, she screamed louder by the second, her heart was trapped by a metal devise, which shocked.


             Mean while Tulin watched with an evil smile. "My life sucking devise is working," he laughed while watching Usagi scream in a huge crystal ball.


           To be continued . . . . . . . . .