Seiya fanfic (of course! Whom else would I write about??? Sometime after they find out who each other is, but before Kakyuu appears. Taken out because of lack of monster-of-the-day)



Sailor Stars Lost Episode


           Mamo-chan, this is the 40th letter. Where are you? I’m very worried. Something happened I know it. I went over to Seiya’s apartment today. He’s sad too. He wants to see his princess. Mamo-chan, help!

                   Usagi was walking through the park slowly. “Mamo-chan, where are you?” At the same time, Kou Seiya is walking through the park in the opposite direction, wondering what they are doing wrong, why their princess hasn’t appeared. Neither of them is aware of their surroundings and bump into each other. Seiya barely manages to stay on his feet, while Usagi lands on her butt.

                   “Woo!” She says.

                   “Odango! What are you doing here??” He reaches out a hand to help her up. She shakily takes it and looks up at him. He sees how red and puffy her eyes are. “What happened??”

“Mamo-chan…?” she mumbles. She doesn’t notice the angry look Seiya is sporting.

                   “He’s still making you sad...I won’t forgive him.”

“You don’t understand! Mamo-chan cares about me! He’s just... I don’t know. But, I do know something is keeping him from me. He wouldn’t forget about me.”

“Gomen nasai, Odango. I shouldn’t have said that about your boyfriend. I hope he comes back to you, soon.” He starts to walk away.

                   “Wait, Seiya. I know you didn’t mean anything. I can understand your point of view. All you see is that Mamo-chan left me to follow his dreams and doesn’t even take time to respond to my letters.” Something about the tone in her voice almost convinced him that was how she felt. Either way, he wasn’t going to leave her alone in this condition.

                   “Odango, how about coming with me to the Crown Parlor? I’ll buy you an ice cream.” He smiles at her. Her eyes light up at the thought of food and she agrees happily. “He isn’t his normal self today. He’s being...nice...not flirtatious. Almost like Mamo-chan...”

                   “Maybe this will help get my mind off those other things...” He thinks to himself. “Let’s go!” she says enthusiastically, taking his hand and running in the direction of the parlor. He smiles and let himself get dragged along, ignoring the charge of emotions he felt when she took his hand.

                   Behind a tree, standing mouths wide open in shock, are Rei and Mako. “Did you see that??” Rei asks.

                   “What is going on with those two??” Mako wonders.

                   “She doesn’t even realize what she’s doing. She’s so innocent.” Mako gets flustered and laughs uncomfortably.


“What? It’s true. She is devoted to Mamoru-san and yet she still stays with Seiya. She doesn’t even realize she’s leading him on.” Both girls laugh at their leader’s childish ways.

                   After running into Ami, Taiki, Minako, and Yaten at the Crown Parlor, Seiya and Usagi go to the Three Lights’ apartment, seeming to have a common thought of wanting to be alone. Seiya had been surprised when Usagi had agreed to go to his house, but smiled at the thought anyway.

                   They go into his room and she looks around. Amazingly, she wasn’t nervous as she had been in the dance room a few weeks ago (See the date episode 181or182). Your room is very nice.” She walks to the stereo and picks up one of their CD. “May I?” She points to the stereo.

                   “Go ahead.” She puts the CD in and pushes play. Search for your love comes on. She closes her eyes and listens to the words as he goes to get them drinks. She hunts for paper and a pencil and starts to draw what comes to her mind. He comes back in a few minutes later with hot chocolate for both of them. “What are you drawing?”

“The image that always comes to my mind when I listen to this song. Search for your love...Only it doesn’t seem like you are searching for your love, are you?” She continues to draw throughout her speech. He seems surprised she knows.

                   “Not really my LOVE. At least not the way you are probably thinking of. Well, Yaten wrote the song. Maybe he was trying to send the message of his love.” He stays silent for a few minutes trying to picture Yaten and their princess together. “No way.”

                   “here. Finished. Now, do you have any colored pencils?” He hands her some pencils, content in the thought that she is feeling better. She colors away as he thinks about her, and about his princess. “Is she even alive?” He wonders miserably. “Finished again.” She giggles.

                   “May I see it?” She doesn’t answer, only hands him the paper.

                   “I know the coloring is not very good. I like painting much better. Michiru-san taught me to…” She notices the shocked and pained expression on his face. “Seiya?! What is it?!”

“How…how did you…” He points to the image.

                   “I told you that’s what I see when I listen to your music. She’s very beautiful. That’s your princess, isn’t it?”

He leans on the desk in front of her, who is sitting in the desk chair. He puts his forehead in his hands. “Yes…” He whispers. After a moment of silence, with her sitting up on her knees in the chair so she is almost eyelevel. “Seiya, I’m sorry.”                           He doesn’t seem to hear her. He suddenly looks up and smiles. “Odango, what is on your mind?”

“You are stubborn. Just like Mamo…mamo-chan.” She stutters and her eyes blur with tears.

                   “You really miss him, don’t you?” She nods and leans against his chest, crying. He is surprised, but then hugs her. “Where is he? He wouldn’t just forget about me. I know that...I miss him! I want to see Mamo-chan!” She cries harder.

                   “Gomen...gomen nasai, Odango...It seems we both have many troubles.” She laughs. “You are sorry for what, Seiya? For once you said nothing rude about him.” He smiles faintly. She looks up at him slowly, trying to figure out the feeling she was getting. It was alien to her. Her heart was beating fast and she didn’t know why. “Your turn to spill...” she says quietly.

                   “I don’t know what we are doing wrong. Why won’t she appear?”

“Perhaps she is in hiding. Maybe she wants to appear, but is afraid of the enemy. I don’t know.” She puts her finger under his chin and lifts his face so she can look up in the eye. “She will appear. When...the” She swallows her words when she looks into his eyes. Hesitantly, she kisses him. Though EXTREMELY surprised, he returns the kiss. After a minute, she pulls away, panicked. “I…I’m sorry!” She starts to run out of the room. “I didn’t mean to. It’s just that…just that you reminded me of him for a minute. I’m sorry. You seemed like Mamo-chan for a moment. I shouldn’t have...” She looks at his surprised face one last time and runs out the door, leaving him to wonder if she felt the same way...Or maybe they really did look alike, him and Mamo-chan…





                   Yeah, I was bored, once again. This probably really sucks, but...oh, well. Sorry. Felt like sending it in.