True Love Never Dies

(written by Idile. All the characters are copyrighted from N. Takeuchi, except Nyaga, her demons and Sailor Proserpine -Kaite Naikavi)



It was 7:00 a.m. and Haruka was already up and all the others too, except Hotaru. Michiru was eating breakfast and Kaite was getting ready. Michiru had decided not to show her suspicion about Kaite, but quietly keep an eye on her. Haruka came in and stretched her arms, which she used to embrace Michiru. Michiru turned around and smiled.

          -Sleep well? -Haruka asked.

          -Actually no.

          -Why not?

          -You were moving and turning from one side to the other all the night and it was really hard to fall asleep. -Michiru said and Haruka had a big sweat drop on her forehead.

          -Gomen, I didn’t realize that.

As Haruka was apologizing to Michiru, Hotaru walked in. Both Haruka and Michiru were in shock.


          -You’ve grown! -finished Michiru.

Hotaru was in her full size again.

          -I am a warrior again, because the princess will need all the help she can get .

Just then Kaite walked in. She looked at Hotaru and Hotaru at her.

          -Sailor Proserpine, aren’t you?

          -Yes. - Kaite said quietly and sat down. -Seems that Nyaga is stronger than we thought.

          -Why do you think so? -asked Haruka.

          -Simple. Hotaru has grown, hasn’t she? And that means that she senses real danger.

Michiru looked suspiciously at her.

          -How do you know that her name is Nyaga? We didn’t tell you.

    Kaite thought a second and said:

          -Pluto told me.

  Michiru did not want to believe it , even though it could have been true .


*              *              *              *              *


Usagi was in the kitchen making pancakes. It was the first morning when Usagi got up so early. She was giggling while making the pancakes, because she thought that maybe it was the first time when she would cook something delicious. Seiya was sleeping at the mean time. He was sleeping heavily and dreaming. (let’s go inside his dream, shall we?)


Seiya was standing all alone in a dark room, when suddenly Usagi appeared. She smiled to him with a loving smile and kissed him. While they were kissing, somebody laughed and Usagi stopped kissing Seiya. She became really scared and started shaking, she hugged Seiya. Nyaga appeared and pointed at Usagi. Seiya wanted to protect her, but he was frozen and could not move a muscle. Nyaga lifted Usagi in the air and hit her really hard, so that Usagi fell to the ground dead. Seiya still could not move, but a tear rolled down his cheek. Then Usagi disappeared and he was alone again...?


Usagi was sitting by his bed thinking how to wake him up. When she looked at him, she saw that even though he was asleep, he was crying. She touched Seiya’s cheek and Seiya woke up. He sat up at the same second and shouted:

        -ODANGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -he was breathing very quickly and heavily.

Usagi was still kneeling by his bed and was frozen. She said in a surprised voice:

        -I’m here, Seiya. -she looked at his face. -Why are you crying?

        -Oh, thank God you’re all right Odango. - Seiya said and hugged Usagi tightly. – Me? Crying? Don’t be silly, he…he…he! -he said and quickly rubbed the tear from his cheek. -Why are you up so early?

        -I don’t know, but I made breakfast, so you can get up now.


*              *              *              *              *


Taiki was in the School’s Library and he was in the foreign writer’s section. He was really sad, because Ami wasn’t there with him. She used to stand in this section and he usually crept up behind her and scared her. After that they laughed really hard. But now, no Ami and no joy. He was really miserable without Ami and Yaten was too without Minako. Taiki still tried to be cheerful, but with no luck. Taiki took a book from the shelf, which Ami liked, but he also noticed a new book near it.

          -I’ve never seen this one before. -he said and read the title. -“The Tunnel to Darkness? I’ll have a look at it. -Taiki tried to take it out of the shelf and when he did, the bookcase opened. A secret tunnel appeared. Taiki could feel a strange energy. He decided to inform others about this.


*              *              *              *              *


Seiya was sitting down at the table, ready to eat the pancakes that Usagi made. He was really excited, but then he remembered what Rei and the others told him. They warned him about Usagi’s cooking. So soon his happy face changed when he saw the pancakes he was supposed to eat. He had a scared expression on his face. “Please, anyone, call! Save me from this. -Seiya was hoping, but no one came to the rescue. Usagi came up to him, put the plate with the pancakes right in front of his nose and watched his reaction. He forced a smile, a weak one, but still a smile and looked down at the plate. That what he saw there, did not look much like anything  he would like to eat. He raised his eyes to Usagi and saw her excited blue eyes and he could not deceive them. So he slowly lifted his fork in the air and put whatever it was on it, into his mouth. He slowly chewed his food and his face was becoming more and more green. Then Taiki called them through his communicator and Seiya was rescued.


*              *              *              *              *


Yaten got out of bed and took his communicator watch. He saw that it was Taiki and he quickly dressed up. He mumbled and ran to school. Good for him that the school wasn’t too far away and that not many people saw him. As he ran, he saw girls giggling and guys looking strangely at him. He couldn’t understand what was wrong though, but just in case, he ran faster. He reached the Library and saw the guys at the foreign writers section. When he reached them, he stopped and tried to catch his breath.

         -Why did you want us to come here so early? -Yaten asked and looked at them: Usagi and Seiya were dying from laughter, so were Haruka, Michiru, Hotaru, and Kaite. Even Taiki couldn’t help but laugh.

         -Say, Yaten -Taiki began. -Is this some kind of new fashion or something?

         -What? What do you mean?

         -You…you …you… -Seiya tried to speak, but he was laughing too hard to say anything.

         -You came only in your boxers, you didn’t put your pants on. -Haruka said, becoming cool again. -I think we should transform quickly, while not so many people have seen you like this.

Yaten looked really embarrassed.

         -HEALER STAR POWER, make up!

         -MAKER STAR POWER, make up!

         -GOLDEN FIGHTER, make up!

         -GOLDEN MOON , make up!

         -URANUS PLANET POWER, make up!

         -NEPTUNE PLANET POWER, make up!

         -SATURN PLANET POWER, make up!


Well, everyone transformed and stood ready and waiting. Proserpine was standing and everyone was looking at her sailor fuku. It was a bit different from their fuku, the skirt was light blue and black and the bow was dark purple. Her earrings  and her pendant were shaped like starseeds and her boots were long.

         -Who are you, anyway? -asked Healer.

         -I am Sailor Proserpine, senshi of hurricane.

         -So let’s go. -Maker said. -I feel that the Inners are inside.

So they all ran inside and closed the bookcase behind them. They ran a little and a thunder demon appeared.


He aimed at Golden Sailor Moon, but she was able to avoid the attack. The demon was throwing his attacks all the time, without stopping, so Golden Moon was not able to destroy him.

         -What can we do? -yelled Sailor Saturn.

         -I’ve got an idea. -Proserpine said and noticed everyone’s attention at her. -Uranus and Neptune will attack the demon from the front and I will attack him from the back.

         -What about me? Only I can destroy him. -Golden Moon said.

         -Don’t worry. We will destroy him without you, you must save your strength - as much as I know, you’ve got to turn the Inners back to normal. Now, -she said. -Uranus and Neptune run in front of him and the others - stay as far away as you can!

Uranus and Neptune did as she said and took their Talismans in their hands.



The demon was a little harmed, but he still tried to attack Neptune and Uranus. Then came an unexpected hit of energy from the back.


This energy destroyed the demon much quicker than Golden Sailor Moon would have done it.

        -Wow! -Healer couldn’t believe it. -How did you do that?

Sailor Proserpine blushed.

        -I told you that we wouldn’t need Sailor Moon’s help. Come now, let’s go, we have a long way ahead of us.

28 more demons appeared. But Proserpine did not seem a bit worried.

       -You go, I’ll stop them.

       -We can’t leave you here alone! -Golden Sailor Moon yelled and was about to offer some help.

       -No! -Proserpine wanted to say something, but decided to keep quiet. *I have to stay quiet for my sake.* -You go ahead, I’ll stay here and fight them.

       -Are you sure? -asked Moon with a very concerned look on her face.

       -I am sure. *Maybe I am doing the wrong thing? Maybe I should turn around from her? Oh, what am I thinking! If I turn around from her now, there is no doubt that she will kill me. I shall have to be on her side if I want to survive. * Proserpine sunk into her thoughts.

       -Well, all right then. -Golden Star Fighter said and gave Golden Sailor Moon a loving look. -Come, we’ve got to bring our friends back.

       -Okay. -Moon said and smiled back. This sight was left in her mind as she saw them leave. *That’s it!* Proserpine thought. *That’s what I’ve been looking for.*

Finally they were gone. Proserpine was left with the demons.

       -Wait here and I shall be back later. -Proserpine ordered and smiled to herself. -MYSTIC TELEPORT!


*              *              *              *              *


Running. Running and not knowing where. They were all following Moon’s hunch. Finally they stopped since they came to a huge hall. It was strange though, ‘cause when they came there, the tunnel from which they came had disappeared. They were in a place without any windows or any other possibilities of escaping.

        -Weird. -Uranus said.

        -So, what else is new? -Healer looked at Uranus.

They started to argue. Maker tried to calm them down, but with no luck.

        -Ano? minna? Fighter began and everyone started looking at the walls.

The walls were opening in 4 places above their heads. They were melting and from them someone was coming out.

        -Nan desu ka? -Saturn was confused.

Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter appeared with their Senshi fuku’s on.

        -Girls! I’m so glad to see you? Golden sailor Moon began in a joyful tone, but she noticed Golden Fighter’s hand on her shoulder.

        -Don’t get too excited here, these 4 are still evil, remember? -Fighter gave her the sweetest smile in the world. -But we’ll get them back to normal.

        -How touching. -Venus said evilly. -But not true.

Healer couldn’t accept the sight of Venus being evil. She closed her eyes and when she opened them again, she looked at the evil Venus with hurt filled eyes.

        -Oh, we’re wasting time here, why can’t we just begin to attack?

        -Jupiter, you’re always so impatient! But we haven’t anything else to do, so why not?





Everyone was able to escape, except Moon. Her feet were stuck to the ground. (Something that Nyaga did to make sure Moon would get hit badly ) Fighter saw this and knew that she would not be able to take Moon away, so she embraced her Golden lover’s body and covered it with her own, so that she would receive all the energy blasts that were meant for Golden Sailor Moon. Fighter didn’t yell or scream, all she did was hold everything inside her. Moon was really worried.

       -Fighter! Fighter! -she watched Fighter, who tried to smile, but only a small and weak smile could be seen.

       -Daijoubu .

       -But your arms, your legs and your back are so badly wounded. Oh, it’s all my fault! -She started to sob.

       -No, darling, it doesn’t matter. And it’s not your fault.

       -Quick, use this moment and turn them back! -yelled Saturn.

       -How? -Asked Fighter confused.

       -Take your star earrings and throw them at the Inners. The earrings will do the rest.


       -Okay, let’s try it, as long as I won’t have to move. These wounds are killing me.

       -Sure. -Sailor Moon kissed Fighter’s cheek. -Let’s do it!

They took their Star earrings and shouted together:


The Inners weren’t able to escape and the star earrings started to multiply and soon a ball of stars surrounded every Inner Senshi.

         -Wow! I didn’t know the two lovebirds could do that. -Uranus exclaimed.

         -So, have you accepted us as a love pair yet? -Fighter asked with a sneaky smile on her face.

         -I was just… -Then the ball of stars exploded and the Inners fell to the ground. Venus was caught by Healer, Mercury by Maker, Mars was caught by Saturn and Jupiter by Uranus. The Inners started to slowly gain consciousness. The first one to open her eyes was Mercury. She looked around and saw that she was in Maker’s arms.

        -Where am I ?-was her first question.

        -Don’t worry, you’re safe, thanks to Golden Star Fighter and Golden Sailor Moon.

        -Thank you very much.

The other 3 also opened their eyes. It looked as if they were going to be okay. Golden Moon was able to get up and her feet weren’t stuck any more. But Fighter was hurt so badly that she couldn’t move a muscle without feeling a large amount of pain.

         -What happened to Fighter? Did your love hurt him? -Mars asked and looked at Moon.

         -You did it yourself , baka ! Don’t you remember?

         -Remember what? I don’t remember anything.

         -Oh, what will we do? Fighter can’t even move. -Moon said almost beginning to cry.

         -I can help. -Saturn said walking up to Fighter and leaning towards her wounds.

         -How ?

         -I can heal wounds, remember?

Saturn put her hands on the wounds and purple energy started to sink into Fighter’s body. The wounds disappeared. But Saturn dropped to the ground.

         -Saturn! Are you okay?

         -Don’t worry, I’ll get my strength back in a couple of minutes.

         -Everybody else okay? -Neptune directed her question towards the Inner Senshi.

         -I think so. But can anyone tell me what happened? -Venus asked.

         -Let’s just go home.


*              *              *              *              *



         -Yes, Proserpine.

         -I’ve got that what you’ve been looking for.




*              *              *              *              *


End of chapter 10. I’ll write more when I get inspiration. Anyone who has comments, questions, ideas, complains, send them to me! I love getting e-mail. But , if you don’t like my story, please don’t send me a virus or something. Okay? I would also appreciate if somebody would congratulate me with my 15th birthday, which is on the 12th of May. Happy birthday to me! Ah, I forgot, if there is anyone, reading my fanfic and thinking it’s good and is a DRAGONBALL or DRAGONBALLZ fan, e-mail me, please!


Ja ne all readers and Himeko, especially Usagi-chan, Moonbuni and Cynthia!