Till we Meet Again....(chapter five)

Author: Little Miss Usagi


(In the Death Kingdom's throne room)


        The Death Queen is on her throne and not in the best of moods.


Death Queen: You have failed me twice, Turquoise. You are suppose to be a general to the Death Kingdom, but now you are a disgrace!

Turquoise: ::bowing in shame:: I'm terribly sorry, majesty.

Fluorite: ::who was sitting in the BG:: Your soldiers are weak. The problem with you Turquoise is that you depend on them too much. ::looks at the throne:: Queen, please let me continue the search. I promise to retrieve a lot of energy and find the Imperium Silver Crystal for our master.

??: ::appears floating in the air:: I felt a strong energy not so long ago; it was similar to the Silver Crystal. Do you think someone may already have it?

Fluorite: I want to know what it is.....Queen, what is the Silver Crystal?

Death Queen: ::blankly looks at them, but then stands up with her glaive:: The Imperium Silver Crystal is the key to the universe! Within it lies a secret that only the Moon Queen knows. I'm determine to find out that secret! So you see, that is why no one must get in the way of the Death Kingdom. ::pauses then looks at Turquoise, who is still bowing:: Turquoise, I'll give you one more chance; set aside the search for the crystal and destroy those Sailor Soldiers! IS THAT CLEAR?!

Turquoise: ::smirks:: But of course....*I already know that girl is Sailor Moon. I'll just think of a way to lure her and once that happens, the Queen will be so impressed that I won't have to return to my original form.* I will use my last talent to find the Sailor Soldiers....then DESTROY them!


(A misty setting)


Usagi: ::in her school uniform:: Huh? Where am I? ::pink blossoms start falling from the sky:: Blossoms? ::pauses:: Hello? Anyone else here?


        Usagi starts running to who knows where.




        Usagi now spots two people embracing each other from a distance; they looked like they were in love.




        The couple looked at her like she was a threat to them. Usagi tries to see who they are, but the mist was getting heavier.


Usagi: What is happening now? ::she sees the two disappearing:: HEY WAIT! DON'T GO!.....


::The alarm goes off::


Usagi: ::jumps up in the air:: AGGGGHHHH!!

Luna: Well you set your alarm. That's good!

Usagi: Hm....::looks at the clock:: FOR THE WRONG TIME!!

Luna: Nani?

Usagi: I SET IT FOR 8:25!!! I HAVE 5 MINUTES TIL SCHOOL STARTS!! ::runs to the bathroom::

Luna: ::sweatdrop:: You are such a slacker! No wonder you are failing high school! ::walks downstairs::


::Ikuko was reading the paper::


Ikuko: Hm, this is odd. "Disappearing Children: The school of mystery."

Luna: ::concerned and jumps on the table::

Ikuko: Oh kitty! I didn't know you liked reading the newspaper!

Luna: Rowl! ::looks at it::

Ikuko: ::smiles:: Here. ::lays out the paper so Luna can read it:: But I don't think you will be able to understand what it says. Good Luck! ::walks to the stairs:: Usagi? Are you awake?

Usagi: NO TIME! I MUST LEAVE!! ::runs at the speed of light:: ((Funny, her mom didn't even ask if she wanted breakfast and she still responds with "NO TIME!"))

Ikuko: ::at the door:: Have a good day, dear! ::pauses and then gruffly:: Great.. She forgot her lunch! She is so irresponsible sometimes.

Luna: ::still at the table reading the paper:: The enemy.....I must tell the Sailor Senshi before it gets way out of hand.


(At school)


Mako: ::sighs:: Rei is lucky...she gets to have Seiya-san all to herself.

Minako: I wonder what it be like if it was Yaten-kun and me.


(daydream sequence)


Minako: Here you go, Yaten-kun. Does your pillow feel fluffy now?

Yaten: Yes...thank you, but there is one more thing I would like from you, Minako.

Minako: Yes?

Yaten: Your heart, spirit, and body.

Minako: ::blush:: Yaten-kun....

Yaten: You are the cure to my sickness. I need to see your smile all the time; please say you will be mine?

Minako: ::hugs him:: OF COURSE I WILL!.....Yaten...

Yaten: ::smiles:: Minako.......


Minako: :hehehe smile:: That would be so COOL!

Ami and Mako: :sweatdrop::

Mako: I don't even want to know what you were thinking about.

Usagi: Hehe.....I want....ice cream....cake......no......all of it! ::smiles::


::Everyone looks at Usagi, who was sleeping::


Ami: ::sweatdrop:: She is such a child!

Mako: ::sweatdrop:: That's Usagi for ya.

Minako: ::sweatdrop:: Well at least she's enjoying herself....Hm, dreaming about food? That is a strange kid right there. If I was her, I would be dreaming of bishouen on a beach with me and then.......

Mako: ::covers Minako's mouth:: Please no more....I can't take your wild imagination!

Ami: Neither can I.

Minako: ::groans::

Luna: ::appears:: USAGI-CHAN! WAKE UP YOUR LAZY BUTT NOW! ::on Usagi's head::

Usagi: ::rolls over and grabs Luna::

Luna: ::gulp:: Hey!

Usagi: Ah.....cheeseburger....::opens her mouth::

Luna: USAGI!!!!! ::uses her claws to scratch Usagi's face::

Usagi: ::has the dazed out eyes and red marks all over her:: Huh?....::looks closely:: Hey! You're not a cheeseburger....Luna, how did you get here?

Luna: I came for a short meeting.

Usagi: Here....now...at school....

Luna: I just need to tell you about the enemy's new plot.

Mako: So what is it?

Luna: ::Usagi lets her go:: I read the newspaper this morning and seems like there are missing children from this certain elementary school.

Ami: Missing children?!

Luna: ::nods:: I believe that the enemy has figured out a way to find energy and they are using the students at that school.

Minako: What is the school's name?

Luna: ((U guys forgive me, but I going to make up a name for the school, K?)) Minatoku Elementary.

Ami: Oh that new school.....I heard it has Preschool-3rd grade there.

Mako: Why only three grades?

Ami: It's suppose to be a special school for talented children.

Minako: Well, we need to check it out.

Ami: No, not without a plan; maybe we can defeat Turquoise if we made one.

Mako: That's a good idea, Ami-chan; but we can't afford to waste anymore time.

Minako: Right, those children are depending on us and their parents too.

Luna: ::smiles:: Well I guess you guys can take care of this. I'll see you later. ::runs off::

Usagi: Um, so what is the plan?

Ami: Don't know. I'll make one when I get home, K?

Inners: Hai!


(Outers's home)


Haruka: ::watching television::

Michiru: ::was painting a picture of Haruka watching the television:: You know this will be my 10th painting, Haruka.

Haruka: I know.

Setsuna: It looks lovely, Michiru.

Michiru: Arigato....

T.V.: We have an important announcement. ::Outers look at the television seriously:: It seems that children have been disappearing all around Tokyo. We have one school that is experiencing this crisis....Minatoku Elementary. ::Outers look shocked:: This school is for the gifted young children of Tokyo and has been around for 2 years. Unfortunately, the majority of parents think the disappearances are from strangers snatching their child away. We advise all parents to please take their child to school and make sure they pick them up when they get out till this matter has been taken care of.

Haruka: This isn't good.

Setsuna: What should we do?

Michiru: We'll talk to her when she gets home.


(In the boardwalk)


Usagi: ::walking down the sidewalk:: *Minatoku Elementary. It sounds familiar, somehow.* ::looks at a window:: Hm, those roses look very nice; bright red and fluffy. Oi! Maybe I can buy Seiya-kun some. After all, red roses mean love and respect. ::looks through her pocket for money:: Um....good! 10 yen should be enough. ::walks into the store:: Hello, I would like to buy some roses.

Employee: How many?

Usagi: Um...a dozen should be fine.


::The employee walks over gets a dozen of roses and Usagi pays for them::


Usagi: ::struggling:: A-Arigato...

E: Um, Miss? Are you sure you can carry them?

Usagi: Of course! ::swings to the side:: Hehe, bai!....::walks out the store::

E: ::blinkblink::


::Usagi FINALLY figured out a way to hold the roses and walk at the same time::


Usagi: I hope he likes these! ::pauses:: He better! I'm still struggling to carry this bush!

??: ::waving:: Bai Miyuki-chan! See ya tomorrow! ::then the girl just stared at Usagi strangely::


Usagi: ::puts her head on one side of the "bush":: Hotaru-chan?

Hotaru: ::running:: USAGI! USAGI! ::hugs her legs:: ((remember, she's small...and I mean small....))

Usagi: ::trying not to fall down:: Hotaru-chan! How are you?

Hotaru: I'm fine; why do you have roses? Is it for someone special?

Usagi: ::blush:: Well...you could say that. ::smiles::

Hotaru: Cool! So where are you going?

Usagi: To Rei's temple. Want to come?

Hotaru: Well, I have to call Michiru-mama and tell her. Do you think Rei-chan will let me use her phone?

Usagi: Of course she will!

Hotaru: Ok then. LET'S GO! ::grabs one of Usagi's free hands::

Usagi: Hehe....::and they start walking::


Turquoise: I should be able to pass this off.

Fluorite: Yeah right! The Sailors will be coming after your butt any minute.

Turquoise: I'm not worried; that is what I want. ::smirks::

Fluorite: What are you thinking?

Turquoise: None of your damn business!

Fluorite: Grrr....

Turquoise: *I felt a strange aura from Tomoe Hotaru today; could she be involve with the Sailor Soldiers? If she is, then I can use her to get Sailor Moon to the school, then everything will come out perfect and I shall capture both the Silver Crystal and the Princess!* ::starts laughing stupidly::

Fluorite: ::thinks T is on crack:: Um, I'll just leave now...::disappears::


(Hikawa's steps)


Usagi: ::panting:: H-Ho...taru...how m..any steps are l..eft?

Hotaru: About 20!

Usagi: ::groans::


        The two finally make it to the top and surprised to see that Rei wasn't at her usual "pose".


Usagi: ::sadly:: Don't tell me she isn't home.

Hotaru: Maybe she's with Seiya-sama.

Usagi: Hmph! Maybe.....::whispering:: but let's hope not.

Hotaru: What was that?

Usagi: ::arch eyes and laughing:: Oh nothing! Hehe. Let's go!


        They walk to the front door and see Yuuchirou sitting down.


Usagi: Hey Yuuchirou-kun! Where is Rei-chan?

Yuuchirou: With that man who stole her heart away from me...::cries stupidly::

Usagi and Hotaru: ::sweatdrop::

Hotaru: ::pats him on the back:: It's ok.

Usagi: Yuuchirou, can you help Hotaru get access to Michiru?

Yuuchirou: Sure. ::takes Hotaru's hand and smiles:: Come on little girl!

Hotaru: Ok! ::and they both walk out of the room::

Usagi: ::puts down her suitcase and the roses:: That was a workout! ::sits down and sighs:: I wonder how long those two have been together; I know how Rei-chan is when it comes to guys. Could she and Seiya-kun become a.....NO! That is not possible! It can't be! ::pauses:: Or can it? Hm....they:


        like singing and writing song lyrics.

        are smart in school studies.

        often never make sense, but still talk straighter than me.

        don't klutz out or make clumsy moves.......::sigh::


So Rei-chan does have a chance to be with Seiya-kun, ::makes a fist and has a confident look on her face:: but I won't ever let that happen!

??: Never let what happen, Usagi-chan?

Usagi: ::jumpy:: REI!!!

Rei: What's the matter with you?

Usagi: Oh, uh nothing.

Rei: ::looks at the roses:: Ah, you bought roses for me!?

Usagi: Actually no. They are for Seiya-kun.

Rei: Seiya-san? Really?

Usagi: ::nods::

Rei: I think you got the approach backwards, Usagi-chan. Boys give flowers to girls, not girls give flowers to boys.

Usagi: ::sticks out her tongue:: Oh yeah! Says who?

Rei: Says the "book of romance" and my personal instinct.

Usagi: Red roses are the symbol of love and respect. There is nothing wrong with giving a man flowers, Rei!

Rei: A symbol of love, eh? ::sneaky:: Tell me this Usagi-chan: how exactly do you feel about Seiya-san?

Usagi: ::sort of speechless:: How I feel?

Rei: And tell the truth!

Usagi: ::blush and confused:: Well, uh.....me and Seiya are....that is.....

Rei: ::sneaks up behind her and whispers in her ear:: In love? Deeply in love? Passionlately in love? Wanna be an item?


Rei: So are you saying you are JUST friends?

Usagi: YES!!

Rei: Hm...ok then. I'm sorry I made you act like a total fool on sacred ground. ::walks to the door::

Usagi: ::puff::

Rei: ::turns around:: Oh and Usagi-chan?

Usagi: ::groans:: What?

Rei: Try not to do anything freaky when you see Seiya-san. I don't want to hear inappropriate noises coming from you two...::starts laughing hard and walks out::



::Hotaru and Yuuchirou look at Usagi with dialect eyes and sweatdropped::


Usagi: Huh? ::embarrassed:: Oh, ha ha ha...did I disturb you two?

Hotaru: You were loud, Usagi-chan.

Usagi: So what did Michiru say?

Yuuchirou: She said Haruka and her will pick up Hotaru around 7:00. ::looks around:: Where did my sweet Rei go?

Usagi: ::points:: She went that way.

Yuuchirou: ::bows:: Thank you! ::runs:: Rei! My darling! I've come to see you! ::out the room::

Hotaru: He's funny!

Usagi: ::giggles:: He sure is. ::picks up her roses::

Hotaru: Are you going to take them to Seiya-sama?

Usagi: Yeah.

Hotaru: I'll wait here.

Usagi: Ok.....::runs off::

Hotaru: ::stands there smiling::


        Seiya was in his room looking up at the ceiling in his bed.


Seiya: *Hm...I wonder what Odango could be up to; she never came to see me.* ::rolls over:: I need to get stronger; I can't stand being weak. And yet....I recovered quickly from my wounds. Why is that? Could I be.....? ::hears a noise:: Huh? I thought this place was supposed to be tranquil.

Usagi: AGGGGHHHH! ::falls flat on her face and the roses spread out on the floor::

Seiya: ::rises up:: Hey! Are you.....Odango?

Usagi: ::sits up with a red streak across her face:: Hi Seiya-kun. ::looks at the roses:: Oh no! ::six were damaged and the other six were fine; Usagi developed tears and cries::

Seiya: ::gets out of the bed, kneels down to her, and puts his hands on her shoulders:: Odango, don't cry. What's the matter?

Usagi: ::head is down:: I'm a total failure! I can't even give you a proper present....without messing it up. ::cries harder::

Seiya: ::looks at the ground:: Red roses....for me!?

Usagi: ::nods without looking at him:: I thought this would brighten your day and help you get better, but now I made it worse.....

Seiya: ::smiles:: Hey, look at me.....::cups her chin:: You didn't have to go buy me these; you already have something that will brighten me anyday, Odango.

Usagi: What?

Seiya: ::looks at her lovingly:: Your kindness and beauty. Those two things are what make me feel warm around you. Promise me you'll never give them away.

Usagi: Oh Seiya-kun...::hugs him:: I promise. ::Seiya hugs her back:: *He's so sweet and thoughtful.....I feel safe when I'm around him.....I feel warm and relaxed....I can't explain it, but my heart pounds when we are like this. Why is that?*

Seiya: *I feel her warmth flowing with mine.....so nice and smooth. I feel her nervousness, but I don't want her to be scared of me...I wonder if she feels what I feel? Could she sense something like me?* ::looks down at Usagi:: Odango?

Usagi: ::blushblush:: Hm?

Seiya: Do you....

Hotaru: SEIYA-SAMA!!! ::runs over and steps on Usagi's head while hugging Seiya::

Seiya: ::choking:: Ho-Hotaru!

Usagi: ::broken neck:: OW!!! Hotaru!! ::gets up:: What was with the sudden outburst?

Hotaru: Seiya-sama is alive! I'm so glad! ::hugs harder::

Seiya: ::waterfall tears and turning blue slowly:: H-Hot......::passes out::

Hotaru: OH NO!

Both: ::fists go up to their face and panicking, crying expression:: SEIYA!!!

Seiya: ::spiral eyes and twitching body:: Eh...uh...eh...ha...


(Mizuno Residence)


Ami: ::at her desk with her computer:: Hm....the enemy seems to have a base at Minatoku Elementary. Stealing a child's life is really cruel! I won't let anyone else get hurt.

Mizuno-sama: Ami dear?

Ami: ::looks at her door:: Mom! How was work?

Mizuno-sama: It was very hectic today. We had many patients and the majority were kids from all around Tokyo. I believe that ever since the incidents at Minatoku started, many young ones have suffered from lack of spirit and strength.

Ami: ::takes her hand:: Don't worry; everything will turn out fine.

Mizuno-sama: It's strange, but the suffering has went from Minatoku and is slowly expanding.

Ami: ::concerned:: What do you mean?

Mizuno-sama: I mean that Minatoku isn't the only one with problems; now Azabu, Shinjuku, and Juuban are also victims.

Ami: *Then that means they are now after all Tokyo!*

Mizuno-sama: Well, I'm going to take a nap now. I'm sorry if I disturb you.

Ami: No, never! I enjoy talking to you, mom.

Mizuno-sama: Thanks dear...::walks away::

Ami: ::looks back at the computer:: We have to do something! And quick!!! ::types a few keys:: Huh? The students of Minatoku Elementary? ::looks down the list and gasp:: Oh no! One of the students that go there are.....


(Hikawa Shrine)


Rei: ::looking at the sky:: I wish we could finally have some peace. We deserve some....::walks inside and surprised to see Seiya helping Hotaru with her homework::

Seiya: Ok, 2+6 equals what?

Hotaru: ::counting her fingers:: Um....8!

Seiya: ::eye-closed smile:: Good job, Hotaru! You now know how to add numbers together.

Hotaru: ::jumps in the air:: YAH! NOW I CAN ADD!!! ::hugs Seiya:: Thank you, Seiya-sama!

Seiya: ::hugs her back:: Your welcome!

Hotaru: I need to call Haruka-papa and tell him! ::runs off::

Rei: Hm...you are really good with kids.

Seiya: ::looks at Rei:: I think it was Chibi-chibi that gave me the skill.

Rei: ::blush:: You will be a good parent one of these days....

Seiya: Hopefully not soon, but yeah, I guess maybe I will.

Rei: ::blushes harder:: And husband.....

Seiya: ::looks at Rei seriously:: Eh.......?


::Usagi and Yuuchirou were standing near the doorway eavesdropping::


Usagi: ::puff:: *What are you up to, Rei?*

Yuuchirou: ::tears:: I lost her forever....::loud crying::

Usagi: Yuuchirou....NO! We'll.......::and they both fall down to the ground::


::Rei and Seiya look at the doorway::


Rei: Usagi-chan! Yuuchirou! What are you doing? ::looks a little P's::

Usagi: Oh, uh...we were just...um.....

Yuuchirou: ::arm behind his back:: Tell you that dinner was ready!

Seiya: But how come you didn't come in and tell us?

Usagi: ::smiles:: We didn't want to rude, so we decided to wait outside...

Yuuchirou: And then I accidentally trip and brought Usagi and myself down to the ground.

Rei: I see.....::looks suspicious at the two:: Well, why don't we go and eat?


        Yuuchirou, Seiya, and Usagi nod; but then Seiya struggles to get up and Rei runs to him to help.


Rei: You should take it easy, Seiya-san. You might hurt yourself some more....::looks compassionate::

Seiya: ::smiles:: Thanks Rei.

Usagi: ::puff puff red:: Ergh! ::walks off to the kitchen::

Seiya: Did I say something wrong?

Rei: ::smiles:: Hm..hm...no, you didn't. Usagi is just being a child about things today...

Yuuchirou: Actually she looked a little.......

Rei: ::throws a vase at his head:: Quiet you!

Seiya: ::big eyes and sweatdrop:: What was that about?

Rei: ::pretends laugh:: Ahahaha! Nothing! Yuuchirou doesn't know when to shut up about things.

::clenches a fist:: *He almost blew it...*

Seiya: Oh. Well shouldn't we be heading to the kitchen?

Rei: Oh um sure! ::grabs Seiya's arm tighter::

Seiya: Huh?

Rei: ::looks at him and smiles::


        The two keep walking while Yuuchirou is still out from the vase.




Hotaru: Oh wow! We are having rice with fish!

Rei: Hehe...hope you enjoy.

Seiya: ::looking at Usagi, who was slowly eating her food and had a mad look on her face::

Rei: ::notices:: Um, so Usagi-chan....how was school?

Usagi: It was fine....

Rei: That's it? Fine?

Usagi: ::gruff:: What else do you want me to say, Rei?

Rei: ::mad:: Like what happened or...

Seiya: ::interrupted:: So Hotaru, do you like school?

Hotaru: ::has food on her mouth:: YES! It's fun! And Miyuki-chan makes it fun!

Seiya: Who's Miyuki?

Hotaru: ::after stuffing her face:: She's my best friend! We both love to paint pictures!

Rei: That's nice, Hotaru! ::Hotaru nods:: Come to think of it, what is the name of the school you attend?

Hotaru: Minatoku Elementary!


::Usagi and Rei put down their food quickly::


Hotaru: What? Did I say something wrong?

Usagi: No! ::pretends to smile:: We are just surprised that you made it in!

Rei: ::does the same:: It's really hard to get in that school; you have to be smart and gifted to attend there.

Hotaru: Well I guess I am! He he he.....

??: Hello? Anyone here?

Rei: ::goes to the hall:: Haruka! Michiru!

Michiru: We come for our little girl. ::smiles::

Rei: I'll go get her! ::walks back:: Hotaru, Haruka and Michiru are here to pick you up.

Hotaru: ::runs fast:: HARUKA-PAPA! MICHIRU-MAMA! ::jumps in Haruka's arms:: Hehe...

Haruka: ::smiles:: Hey!

Michiru: I heard that she can add numbers now.

Rei: ::nods:: Seiya-san taught her how.

Haruka: ::gruff:: Seiya?! What was he doing here?

Michiru: Haruka....he's here to get well from his wounds.


::Usagi and Seiya come out of the kitchen::


Usagi: Hi Haruka! Hi Michiru!

Haruka: And what were you doing here, Neko-chan?

Usagi: Visiting!

Haruka: ::sternly:: Him? ::points::

Usagi: ::nods::

Seiya: ::serious:: Is there a problem?

Haruka: Yeah...YOU! ::takes Michiru's hand:: Come on, we are leaving! Hotaru, gather your things!

Hotaru: :sadly:: Oookkk.....::walks over and starts packing her things::

Haruka: ::walks over to Seiya:: You may have saved Neko-chan's life, Seiya; but that doesn't mean you can be her protector or one of us!

Seiya: ::narrows his eyes:: And why not?

Haruka: It's our destiny to protect her from ALL outsiders.....ALL aliens....so that means you stay away from her.

Seiya: ::deep voice:: I don't know why you don't trust me, Haruka. Is it because I'm from another galaxy? Do you fear me? Or is it because you want Odango to find a better suitor?

Haruka: Neko-chan already has a suitor!

Michiru: Chiba Mamoru, our future king of this galaxy!

Usagi: That isn't true.

Michiru and Haruka: WHAT!?

Usagi: ::head is down:: He dumped me some time ago; Mamoru only saw me as Serenity...nothing more.

Haruka: ::sounded sort of P's:: That's not true! ::puts her hands on Usagi's shoulders:: Neko-chan, you must go back to him! He's your future husband and father of your child!

Usagi: I can't...

Michiru: What do you mean "you can't"?

Usagi: ::nervous:: Because I...

Haruka: ::still P's:: You what?

Seiya: Come on, Haruka! Back off!


        Haruka looks at Seiya and punches him right in the face really hard.


Usagi: SEIYA! ::rushes to him, but Haruka grabs her wrist::

Haruka: I'm going to take you home now. Let's go!


::Usagi is struggling to get "free", but Haruka still hangs on::


Haruka: You are coming and I mean it!

Usagi: ::gets out:: NO!

Michiru: Usagi!

Usagi: You can't run me! Mamoru left me and I'm not going back!

Haruka: Yes you are! You and him are destined to rule the galaxy from the future city of Crystal Tokyo and raise Small Lady. I refuse to leave you alone until that happens. ::looks at Seiya, who is giving her a nasty look:: As for you, I won't hesitate to kill you and the Starlights. You are the reason for their break up! And I'll never even consider you as one of us, Star Fighter.

Seiya: I would never want to be a bitch like you.

Haruka: ::kicks him HARD::

Usagi: ::tears:: HARUKA! STOP!

Seiya: ::holding his stomach::

Michiru: Take that as a sample of what we can do to you and your senshi.

Hotaru: Seiya! ::runs but Haruka picks her up:: Huh?

Haruka: We are leaving! Neko-chan, I meant every word I said. I will not rest until I see the two of you married and take part as our masters......


        The Outers start walking and Hotaru reaches out her hand to her friends who stand there looking sad. Usagi collapses to the ground crying.


Usagi: Why do they always have to be so mean?

Rei: They are always like that. We can never change them, Usagi-chan.

Usagi: They always have to stick to destiny; they don't care about my true feelings or anything else. It's always the mission.

Seiya: They do care about you, Odango.....they just want you to be happy and succeed to the throne.

Usagi: I'm not happy when they go this far; I hate it when they treat you like a low class citizen. It breaks my heart because I know you aren't bad, but they refuse to listen to my reasons, my feelings, my dreams. They don't understand....they never will! ::buries her face in her hands::

Seiya: ::goes over to her and hugs her:: You shouldn't cry for me, you shouldn't cry at all. The tears of pain and regret should never fall upon your face, Odango. No one should ever make them appear; I won't let them. ::kisses her forehead:: Haruka and the others just have a different way of thinking; they truly care about you, but don't express it very well. Maybe they think it will be a weakness for the enemy or something....I don't know.

Usagi: Do you believe in my dreams and emotions, Seiya-kun?

Seiya: Of course! So does Rei, Mako, Ami, Minako, Taiki, and Yaten. We all do. We all believe in you, Odango. That's what friends are for.

Usagi: ::blushes a bright pink:: Thank you.......::Seiya smiles::

Yuuchirou: Well said.

Rei: ::feels teary:: Usagi-chan? Will you be all right?

Usagi: I have to. It's the only way for me to stay strong and confident.

Seiya: That's the spirit. ::stands up and then gives a hand to Usagi to help her up::

Usagi: ::falls a little, but Seiya catches her::

Seiya: Hehe...a little clumsy tonight? Or very light in weight?

Usagi: ::giggles:: I guess...but, I should be going home.

Rei: We'll see you tomorrow! ::hugs her:: And don't worry about the negative things in life, K?

Usagi: ::hugs her back:: I will...::lets go:: I'll see you guys!


        Usagi starts walking out of the temple and was halfway to the steps when she heard....


Seiya: Odango!

Usagi: ::turns around and her hair blows in the wind:: Seiya-kun?

Seiya: ::steps in front of her and his hair blows:: I want you to have this. ::hands her a red rose::

Usagi: ::blushes and takes it:: It's a red rose....one of the ones I gave you.

Seiya: It's suppose to mean love and respect for someone you care about; I guess this suited my feelings to you, so I thought I should give you one......

Usagi: T-Thank you.

Seiya: ::deep voice:: And one more thing......::he takes Usagi's little body in his arm and looks at her seriously::

Usagi: ::looks up and blushes:: *I feel drawn to him.......his eyes, his body, his soul.....*

Seiya: *What am I doing? This is way to early, but I feel drawn to her. I want to be close to her soul; I want her to be my princess, I want to take care of her......*


        Seiya looks at Usagi with seriousness and started leaning forward to her. Usagi let him and closed her eyes. Seiya brought her closer to him and gently kissed her on her lips. Usagi felt a stream of love and passion flow through her; she never thought Seiya and her would do this....especially since she thought Seiya liked her only as a friend. Seiya was thinking the same as what Usagi was thinking and decided to press harder on the kiss. Usagi then started kissing Seiya back and wrapped her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her back and waist.


Usagi's voice: Ah, this feels like we have done this a thousand times.....


                warm sweet kisses,


                        embracing each other tightly,


                                always together........


        Usagi and Seiya were kissing for a long time.....only the stars, the moon, and the wind were upon them. A man in a tree was watching the two kiss and didn't seem pleased. He then leaped away without saying a word......


                                     -End Chapter 5-


Ah...isn't that sweet!? They finally kissed! *sniff*. But who was that man? And why does he not seem happy about Seiya and Usagi's kiss? What will happen to children of Tokyo? Will Turquoise finally get what's coming to her? Hope to see you in the next chapter! Bai!

-Little Miss Usagi


P.S. Feel free to send me more comments or flames, K?