Title: Till We Meet Again... (chapter nine)
Author: Little Miss Usagi
Rated: PG-13

*Disclaimers: Sailor Moon and the Sailor Senshi belong to Naoko Takeuchi, Japan.*

(A beautiful setting with crystal blue water and seagulls)

Ami's voice: Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a doctor like my mother. It 
is my dream and my future. My destiny is to protect the princess and the Silver Crystal. I am 
Mizuno Ami, but in my fighting form, I'm the solider of wisdom and ice, Sailor Mercury!

(Puffy, white clouds)

Ami's voice: I have a dream, a future, and a destiny...but no love. I am alone. Is it because of
my studies? Or because of my destiny to fight evil and serve the princess? Too many questions, 
no answers...

(Three days later; Rei's temple)

Mako: Have you guys heard from Usagi-chan yet?
Rei: Not a thing. I'm worried about her. It's been three days!
Minako: ::eyes closed and thinking:: Hm... 
Ami: What are you thinking about, Minako-chan?
Minako: I got it! Let's set up a date for the two!
Inners: ::sweatdrop:: What?!
Minako: Just think about it! If they go out, then I'm sure they will apologise and confess their
feelings! ::looks starry eye:: Then I WILL become the goddess of love! ::laughs::
Inners: ::BIG sweatdrop::
Mako: ::pats Minako's shoulder:: One problem, goddess.
Minako: Huh?
Mako: The idea was good and all, but Usagi-chan might not be ready to confess her feelings and 
Seiya could be the same way.
Minako: Point?
Artemis: ::sigh:: In otherwards, it would be totally pointless because Seiya would still be 
angry with her and a hope for a relationship would not exist.
Minako: ::snaps her finger:: Darn!
Artemis: Hey! At least you tried!
??: Try for what?

	The Inners looked directly at the stairs and saw Usagi standing there with the most 
innocent look on her face. Luna was near her feet.

Inners: Usagi-chan! Luna!
Usagi: ::eye-closed smile::
Inners: ::they run to her::
Mako: How is your leg?
Usagi: It's healing and I don't limp anymore!
Rei: That's good.
Luna: Anyway, are we all here for the meeting?
Minako: ::gruff:: Haruka and the others haven't come yet.
Luna: Oh.
Mako: Why must they still come?
Rei: They treated us very badly last night and didn't even say sorry.
Luna: Now girls...
Usagi: ::interrupted:: It's ok! I'm fine with them coming.
Ami: Usagi!
Mako: After what they did to you and Seiya.
Usagi: They are still part of the team. Sailor Senshi always stick together, no matter what.
Cats: You must all remember that.
Inners: ::nod::

(About 10 minutes later, The girls are sitting on the second pair of stairs while Rei was 

Ami: So Usagi-chan, how are you feeling?
Usagi: Mm...a little better.
Mako: Have you heard from Seiya-san?
Usagi: ::silent for awhile:: No I haven't. ::looks down and her eyes are shadowed:: And I don't 
think he wants to hear from me.
Inners: ::sad sounds::
Luna: ::curls up to Usagi:: It will be all right, Usagi-chan. You know he will come back to you.
Usagi: Maybe...if Mamoru and Haruka would stop getting in the way. ::Inners look at her:: I 
realized something. I heard "Nagareboshi-e" on the radio that night and it came to me that I 
really do...
??: Hey everyone!

	The Inners look ahead and saw the Outers and Mamoru coming up the stairs. Mako and Rei 
sneered and Ami and Minako just gave mean looks.

Michiru: We are ready to start this meeting. ::Outers sit down::
Luna: ::nods:: All right. Sailors, you all know we have a new enemy approaching us.
Sailors: ::nod::
Artemis: This enemy is neither old or new; its been around for at least 3000 years.
Luna: The name of the enemy is The Death Kingdom.
Rei: The Death Kingdom...hm.
Artemis: The Death Kingdom is ruled by The Death Queen or so what we researched on.
Luna: She is very dangerous to the human race for she and her servants seek the souls of the 
living and eat them alive.
Usagi: ::hands up to her mouth:: Souls of the living...just like... ::remembers yesterday when 
the monster took her spirit::
Luna: We think there is a connection and that she was the one who destroyed the Moon Kingdom. 
Mako: But I thought Queen Metallia and the Dark Kingdom were the ones who destroyed the Silver 
Artemis: They were only the minority. This evil witch was the REAL one who destroyed the Silver 
Luna: And she has come back. Sailor Senshi, you must stop her! She is VERY powerful and if she 
is who we think she is, then we have a big battle ahead of us.
Haruka: ::makes a fist::  I'm in it all the way!
Michiru: Me too!
Minako: We shall protect this world!
Mako: And the people who live in it!
Cats: ::smile:: Thank you, Sailors.
Usagi: I have a question.
Luna: Yes?
Usagi: The enemy kept saying a group called the Silver Alliance. Just who exactly are they?
Cats: ::look at each other and then back at Usagi::
Artemis: We can't really tell you right now.
Haruka: Why not? They always mention it.
Luna: The time to tell you is when the one who carries the sword of justice awakens.
Ami: Sword? What sword? And who is it?
Luna: It will be too complicated to explain. Let's forget about it.
Haruka: All right, but I want an answer soon!
Usagi: *The one who carries the sword of justice...who can it be?*
Mamoru: So what can we do now?
Artemis: Wait...until the enemy strikes again.
Luna: And that is all...
At the Kingdom of the Dead...

Death Queen: Fluorite, I have seen your progress and it stinks!
Fluorite: ::bowing in shame:: I know...
Death Queen: Oh do you? Then why haven't any changes been made in your way of fighting?
Fluorite: I don't know.
Death Queen: That's because you have no control over your hormones! I seen what has been costing
you your life! Human men! That is all you ever think about! And that girl...the one you attack 
had a good spirit, but not a strong one! ::stands up:: You days are numbered, Fluorite! You 
better get busy OR YOU WILL BE JOINING TURQUOISE VERY SOON! ::the area rumbled with her voice::
Fluorite: ::shivers:: I w-will...
(Back at the Temple)

	Rei and Usagi were arguing over something and the girls were talking to each other.

Minako: So Usagi has problems in her "love life", but that doesn't mean we need them.
Mako: I agree! We need boyfriends!
Ami: Hm...
Minako: Do you have an interest, Ami-chan?
Ami: Well...I like...

	Everyone became quiet, even Rei and Usagi. They all stared at Ami like she was some 
weird looking creature.

Ami: ::eyes closed:: It's a secret. 
Usagi: ::crawls up behind her:: Oh really now...? ::half-eyed:: I know who it is.
Ami: ::gulp:: 
Inners: ::surprised:: Who Usagi!?
Usagi: ::thinks:: Uh...actually I don't know...heh heh...
Girls: ::facefault::
Ami: ::gets up with a flat eyes:: If you must know, I'll give you a hint.
Minako: All right...SPILL!
Ami: ::becomes a little bit red:: Well...he's smart...and tall...and I think he is very funny 
when he wants to be...
Usagi: ::half-eyed and crossed arms:: This all sounds TOO familiar. Ami-chan, would the guy you 
are describing to us happen to be Seiya-san?
Inners: ::gasp:: 
Ami: ::red:: NO! NO! It's not him, Usagi! 
Usagi: ::sneers up to her:: Are you sure?
Ami: Yes...I would never steal anyone's crush!
Usagi: ::arch eyes and smile:: O.K.! ::plops next to Rei::
Ami: ::sighs:: Even though he is everything I said he is, sometimes he can be so cold...
Mako: Oi Ami-chan, who is he?
Ami: ::looks up:: Well...his name is...

	Then the crows in the trees flew away and the temple was shaking with screams.

Usagi: ::BIG, watery eyes:: OH MY GOD! ::goes to Ami with her hands on Ami's shoulders:: 
Ami-chan...you...you are in love with TAIKI!!?? ::falls over and laughs extremely hard::
Ami: ::red:: Yes...well...no, but I do think he is the one...somehow... ::she looks at the 
girls, who are still laughing, and gets a puffpuff:: I don't understand why you guys are 
laughing at me. 
Rei: ::calming down:: You finally want a boyfriend, Ami-chan. That is why we are all laughing...
Usagi/Minako: ::rolling on the ground::
Ami: ::giggles a little bit:: I guess it's funny now...since I have been known for only 
studying and being a sailor senshi.
Mako: Well, now it's time to change you path. 
Ami: ::stands up:: You're right... ::walks to the door:: 
Usagi: Where are you going, Ami-chan?
Ami: ::turns around with a smile:: To the library! I need to research somemore and have quiet 
Minako: Can't you stay here?
Ami: ::shakes her head:: If I stay, I won't get anything accomplish!
Usagi: ::plops next to Ami:: I'm coming with you!
Usagi: ::sweatdrop:: So? Maybe I want to spend time with one of my best friends!
Ami: ::smiles:: Hm hm...
Rei: Well, all right.
Mako: We will see you two later!
Ami/Usagi: Bai! 
	They both walked out of Rei's shrine when Luna came up behind them calling Usagi's name.

Usagi: What's wrong, Luna? 
Luna: Don't forget to come home by 6:00 or your mom will kill you!
Usagi: ::salute:: Hai!
Luna: Now that's settle, see ya! ::runs back to the shrine::

	Ami and Usagi were talking all the way till they met up with a bench. Usagi complained 
about her legs aching and begged Ami to take a break. Of course Ami, being the nice person she 
is, let Usagi and herself sit down for a few minutes.

Ami: ::sigh:: I wish it didn't take so long to get there.
Usagi: Yeah! And you go here every week!
Ami: It's not that bad! You will get use to the walk and know something is waiting for you!
Usagi: ::silent for a minute:: Ami-chan?
Ami: ::looks at her:: Yes?
Usagi: How long have you had these secret feelings for Taiki-kun?
Ami: ::blushes and giggles:: I guess since we met. Remember when I told you and the girls who 
my favorite Three Lights member was?
Usagi: Yep!
Ami: I thought that would have been a clue to you guys that my life isn't just about studying...
well, maybe it is, but I like being involved with other things.
Usagi: Ever since junior high, I only known you for studying, Ami-chan! ::panicking:: Don't get 
me wrong! It's good! But...
Ami: ::closed eyes and smile:: Don't worry. I understand what you mean and you're right! I need 
to show you and the girls more of myself than the books because even though we're best friends, 
it's kind of a shame to only know them for what they do best!
Usagi: ::nods:: Sooo...I guess this means you are going to put moves on Taiki-kun? Heh heh!
Ami: ::red:: Um, no! He probably doesn't even like me! 
Usagi: Oh come on, Ami-chan! He has to if he is always hanging around with you! ::sneaky 
half-eyes:: Like at school.
Ami: Um... 

Flashback: A day of embarrassment...
Taiki was sitting at the table for lunch with Seiya and Yaten...

Ami: ::shyly:: Hello guys...
Taiki: Hi Miss Mizuno! 
Two: Hey Ami-chan!
Ami: May I sit here with you?
Taiki: Sure! You can sit by me! ::scoots over::
Ami: ::blushing::
Seiya/Yaten: ::saw Ami's face and had a sneaky smile::
Seiya: Soooo, Ami-chan, why do you want to sit with us today?
Ami: ::red:: Um...well...
Yaten: To sit next to your "boyfriend"? Heh heh...
Taiki: ::red:: Stop it, Yaten! It's not like that at all.
Seiya: ::half-eyed, sneaky, and comical face:: Then why is your face turning red? Hm? Hm?
Taiki: Shut up!
Seiya: Did I make you mad? ::stands up on a table:: LISTEN UP EVERYONE! ::the cafeteria turned 
towards his table:: Today's topic is on Taiki's life!
Cafeteria: Huh?
Seiya: Girls, bring out your tissues because today Taiki has found the girl of his dreams!
Girls: ::gasp::
Seiya: And that girl is... MIZUNO AMI!!!
-Ami and Taiki were RED; the cafeteria started to have crying and laughing inside. Seiya was 
proud of his "moment of the school day".-
Seiya: So Taiki...is that better for you to realize the truth of you and Ami-chan?
Taiki: ::jumped on the table and started choking Seiya maliciously; Seiya's eyes were bulging 
Taiki: Damn you, Seiya! DAMN YOU!
Seiya: Ah...Taiki, let...go...
Yaten: ::laughing in the background:: Seiya's finally getting his ass kicked! ::big, watery 
eyes:: AND TAIKI IS THE ONE DOING IT!!!! WAHAHAHA!!!  ::falls out of his chair::
Usagi: ::laughs at her table::
Ami: ::red and doesn't quiet associate with the violence::

Ami: ::sweatdrop:: That day...Seiya-san just made life even more difficult, but... ::smiles at 
Usagi:: at least he hinted me to acknowledge my feelings to at least my friends.
Usagi: ::eye-closed nodding:: Hm hm!
Ami: Usagi-chan, you were going to say something earlier. About Nagareboshi-e...?
Usagi: Huh? Oh! ::arch eyes:: Forget it! He he!
Ami: I know what it is.
Usagi: Huh?
Ami: It's about Seiya-san...
Usagi: Uh...?
Ami: You don't have to be scared Usagi-chan...I know you are thinking of him and that you miss 
so much that you would do anything to see him.
Usagi: ::looks down with a sad face:: I...I miss him a lot, but I know he isn't too interested 
in seeing me. When Seiya says what he is going to do, he does it with that stubborness he was 
born with and ambition to keep it that way. And right now, all he wants is not to see me ever 
again... ::starts crying::
Ami: ::hugs her:: Oh Usagi-chan...

	Ami lets her cry on her for a few minutes...

Usagi: ::gets up:: I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that.
Ami: You have a right to. You were expressing your heart's feelings and it shows that you are 
miserable...that your love can't ever be expressed in his soul, but don't give up! If you want 
something, you go and work for it, Usagi-chan! My mother always told me that and it gave me the 
strength to pursue my dreams! Just fight!
Usagi: ::smiles and clears away a few of her tears:: Thanks Ami-chan! ::hugs her:: Let's go!
Ami: Hai!

	They continued to walk and Usagi decided that they should run instead of walk.

Ami: Oi! Usagi-chan! You should slow down or you might trip into someone!
Usagi: ::giggly:: I know what I'm doing! I'm not going to... ::BUMP!:: OWWWWW!!
Ami: ::looks at her:: I told you! ::looks up:: Huh? ::blush::
that it is Taiki:: Oops!
Taiki: Fat, tall, ugly person? What negative offenses, Miss Tsukino! ::laughs::
Usagi: ::confused:: Is that sarcasm?
Taiki: No...::helps her up:: There ya go! ::sees Ami: Konnichwa Miss Mizuno!
Ami: Hi Taiki-san!
Taiki: Where are you two going?
Usagi: ::arch eyes:: To the library!
Taiki: Really? I was going there myself!
Ami: Why don't we all go together!
Usagi: Yeah! Together! 
Taiki: ::laughs at Usagi's hyperness:: All right! 

	Usagi was ahead of the two and being her unique, funny self. Ami and Taiki were just 
watching her.

Ami: She's just like a child.
Taiki: Hard to believe she's 17 years old.
Ami: Yeah, but I like her this way. In a way, I'm jealous. She gives me and the girls fun and 
joy; without Usagi-chan, I don't think we could ever be the way we are. 
Taiki: ::stares at Ami:: But, I can see her grief behind that happy face. ::looks up:: It's 
hard to believe that Seiya wants to go back home...
Ami: ::grabs Taiki's shirt:: WHAT DID YOU SAY!?
Usagi: ::turns around:: Hey! What are you two doing? ::they don't answer:: O.K.? ::goes back to 
happy mode:: la la la...
Ami: You can't be serious? Seiya's leaving? He can't! How am I suppose to tell Usagi-chan?
Taiki: Shhh...he might. Seiya's not sure if he wants to go or not.
Ami: He can't leave Usagi-chan! He can't!
Taiki: ::sad eyes:: I can't do nothing about that, Miss Mizuno. I tried convincing him for my 
sake and the girls, but it's not making anything better.
Ami: ::sad:: I see...*Seiya...Usagi...they were so good together...after everything they have 
been through for each other, the time of separation has come and I didn't want to see it happen,
especially to Usagi-chan...* ::looks at Usagi::
	Meanwhile, Fluorite was floating up in the air and looking all around Tokyo.

Fluorite: The first thing I need to do is to stop looking at men! And then I have to find more 
energy for the Queen. But...why does she need spirits of life? The Death Kingdom has been around
for centuries without them, but what's with the sudden need for mortal life source? ::thinks for
a minute:: Ah forget it! I musn't question the Queen or she will think I'm on to something! 

	Fluorite appears at the pond near the library as Sakuya.

Sakuya: This looks like a nice spot, The New Tokyo Library! I should find a lot of energy here! 
Hm hm...
(The three were at the front of the library) 

	Usagi had BIG, BULGING eyes.

Ami: It's the newest out of all the libraries in Tokyo! It was built 2 years ago! Around the 
time that Pharoah 90 disrupted this area!
Usagi: So Pharoah 90 not only destroyed the school, but some of the area as well. ((I'm just 
making it up, people! So don't sue!!)) 
Ami: Right!
Taiki: Pharoah 90? Is that an enemy you faced?
Usagi: Yes! He was responsible for possessing Hotaru-chan and her father. Hotaru then became 
Sailor Saturn after fighting off her evil energy within her and destroyed him! It was then that 
the Messiah was found and it was me!
Taiki: Interesting story! We have experienced MANY battles with enemies who threatened us! But 
we were sick of it all! All I want now is a normal life.
Ami: Well, now you have it!
Usagi: You don't have to fight with us!
Taiki: That's nice, but I can't accept that.
Usagi/Ami: Huh?
Taiki: ::shakes his head:: You have saved our lives from Galaxia and found our Princess. I can't
leave this planet until I repay you and the senshi for your deeds!
Usagi: You don't have to! You're on vacation! And you should be enjoying it!
Ami: She's right!
Taiki: Nothing is going to change my mind! ::starts walking up the stairs:: Yes I'm stubborn 
like Seiya, but I'm not going to run away from this. No more running away...
Ami: ::blushing:: *Taiki...you had so much pride and courage when you said that. What happened 
to you when you got home?*
Taiki: ::turns around:: Are you guys coming?
Girls: YEAH! ::running up the stairs::

	They made it inside and the librarian told them the rules and how they are suppose to 
behave. There was a detector and each of them had to go through it. Taiki went first...

Taiki: Hm...
Policeman: Good! You may pass! ::Taiki went::
Ami: ::went through:: 
Policeman: Good! You may pass! ::Ami went and ended up tripping, but Taiki caught her::
Taiki: ::blush:: Are you all right?
Ami: ::blush:: Yes!
Usagi: ::went through, but the alarm came on:: Aiiiii!!!! WHAT'S HAPPENING!?
Policeman: ::looks at her meanly:: You have something! Pass it over!
Policeman: Please don't make this hard on me. If you don't cooperate, I'm going to kick you out!
Usagi: ::big, watery eyes:: But I don't have anything! WAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! WAAAAAAHHHHHH!
-The library covered their ears for Usagi's meaningless whines.-
Policeman: Miss...Miss! I'll let you pass!
Usagi: ::stops and innocent look:: Huh?
Policeman: Only if you empty out your pockets.
Usagi: Ok! 

	Usagi empties her pockets and found her brooch, keys, and a doughnut ((Where did that 
come from?)). The policeman just sweatdrops.

Policeman: A doughnut?
Usagi: He he! I have no idea where that came from.
Ami/Taiki: ::sweatdrop:: Yeah, right!
Policeman: And your keys and little toy...all right. You may pass!
Usagi: Sorry about the trouble I caused.
Policeman: Don't worry about it! Enjoy your stay!
-They walked away.-
Taiki: Why does it seem like when we are around you something goes wrong?
Usagi: ::eating her doughnut:: I don't know! Maybe because I AM an Odango Atama!
Taiki: That's true!
Usagi: Oh! The Space Section! May I go there?
Taiki: Don't ask us! Miss Mizuno and I aren't your parents!
Ami: ::nods::
Usagi: OK! BAI! ::runs off::
::Ami and Taiki sweatdrop and dialect eyes::
Ami: For someone who was sad and devastated, she sure can bring herself back together.
Taiki: It's all in the doughnut...the doughnut was her immature boost.

	Usagi went through the shelves looking at the books.

Usagi: WOW! A book on horoscopes and the stars!!! ::picks up the book and begins scanning 
through it:: Hm...maybe I should check this out!

	Usagi takes the book and begins looking at others.

Usagi: The Planets of Our Solar System...The Asteroids of the Amazon... Hm...all are very 
interesting! ::then a book falls down:: Huh? ::picks it up:: Till We Meet Again....? ::opens it 
and scans through:: 
Book: This story is about a young girl's love towards a solidier of her kingdom. Even though the
kingdom engaged her with a prince from the blue planet, the star-crossed lovers' passion grew 
deeper and stronger which let them to their fate...
Usagi: A romance novel! I should check this one out as well! 

	Usagi put the other books back and decided to check out the ones on the horoscopes and 
the romantic moon story. When she was running at the end of the corner, she bumped into someone 
and the person caught her in their arms. The books fell to the ground.
Usagi: Oh dear...I'm so clumsy! ::looks up:: I'm very... ::gasp::
??: What? 

	They both stare at each other. Meanwhile, Taiki and Ami were looking at books on 

Taiki: This is not very hard at all!
Ami: Too bad we are the only ones out of our friends who understand it!
Taiki and Ami laugh a little.
Taiki: You surprise me, Miss Mizuno. You are the only person I ever known that is has the same 
knowledge as me.
Ami: ::blush:: Well, I want to become a doctor and that is why I'm doing this.
Taiki: Really? I studied back on Kinmoku ever since I was little. It was my thing... ::arch eyes
and arm behind back:: and playing chess.
Ami: ::giggles:: I love playing chess!
Taiki: Maybe we ought to play sometime... ::grin:: to see who IS the master.
Ami: ::grin:: Is that a challenge?
Taiki: It would appear so.
Ami: ::brings out her hand:: You have an opponent, Mr. Kou! And you must be ready when the time 
Taiki: ::shakes her hand:: Oh don't worry! I will! 
Taiki/Ami: ::smile::

	Back to Usagi...

Usagi: What are you doing here?
??: I should be asking you that! ::picks up her books::
Usagi: Oi!
??: A book on horoscopes...Till We Meet Again? ::looks at her:: You're into this stuff?
Usagi: ::puffpuff and takes the books from the person:: So? I can have some interest about myths
and space!!
??: ::starts to laugh inside::
Usagi: What? Why are you laughing at me?
??: ::stands up and picks up his/her books:: What happened to the Usagi I knew?
Usagi: ::confused:: Huh?
??: The Usagi I knew loved reading only manga and eating. Are trying to change yourself? For 
Usagi: ::looks away:: I'm not trying to do anything except... ::soft:: ask you for 
??: ::concern:: Huh?
Usagi: ::looks back:: Just forget it...you probably wouldn't care anyway... ::she starts 
running with her books::
??: ::sad eyes:: Odango...
Usagi: ::was hiding behind a shelf with her books close to her chest:: I shouldn't have ran 
away from him, but I couldn't bear to look at him...

Seiya: Leave me alone! I don't want you or anyone else to come near me!

Usagi: ::looks down:: Now I know for sure there is no hope... ::begins to weep::

	Taiki and Ami were quizing each other on calculus until Ami saw a familiar figure.

Ami: Oi! Isn't that Seiya-san?
Taiki: ::turns around:: It sure is! Yo! Seiya!
Seiya: ::turns the direction and smiles a little; walks over to the two:: Hey! What's up?
Ami: Everything is just fine!
Taiki: Miss Mizuno and I are quizing ourselves!
Seiya: ::sweatdrop:: Studying even on a Sunday. 
Ami: What are those books in your hand?
Seiya: Oh! They are on minerals and health!
Taiki: Minerals?
Ami: Health?
Seiya: ::nods:: Yeah! I'm trying to find this particular crystal and improve my body figure! 
(( You don't need it, Seiya-baby!! He he he!! ^^))
Ami: ::blushes a little:: But you all ready have a "figure"...
Taiki: ::grrr::
Ami: ::looks at Taiki:: Hm?
Seiya: ::laughs:: Thank you, Ami-san, but I think I'm not strong enough!
Taiki: ::gruff:: Don't push yourself! ::normal voice:: By the way, did you see Miss Tsukino?
Seiya: Uh...

Usagi's voice: ::looks back:: Just forget it...you probably wouldn't care anyway... ::she 
starts running with her books::

Seiya: ::eyes are shadowed:: No...I haven't seen her at all.
Ami: Well, maybe we can find her for you!
Seiya: That won't be necessary... ::begins walking::
Ami: ::stands out of her chair::  Why are you doing this?
Seiya: ::stops in his tracks and doesn't say anything::
Ami: You know it wasn't her fault! You know! ::Seiya frowns:: She would never hurt anybody 
especially you, Seiya-san. ::pauses:: She didn't come out of her room for three days! ::Seiya 
has worried and concerned look:: Why? Because she missed you and she feels like you have no 
care in the world for her.
Seiya: ::deep voice:: No care? I tell you no care, Ami-san. ::looks at her serious:: No care is 
having someone who uses you for their own needs and then dump you out later. After that bastard 
kissed her, did she come after me? Did she see the pain in my eyes when I saw that? NO! Usagi 
will never understand my true feelings toward her and when she does it, will be too late! I'll 
be... ::turns around::
Ami: You'll be... ::compassionate  voice:: Is that what you think?
Seiya: ::angry tone:: Mmmm...
Ami: Don't run away. Don't hurt her again, Seiya-san... 
Seiya: ::looks at Ami with a sad face::
Ami: Please?
Seiya: I don't want to, Ami-san...but with a person like me, who knows what pain I put Odango 
into ::narrows his eyes:: and I think it's best that I should stay away from her... ::walks 
Ami: What did he mean by that?
Taiki: ::hugs her:: You were great, Miss Mizuno!
Ami: ::blushes:: Um, Taiki-san...
Taiki: ::looks at her:: You were sticking up for your beliefs.
Ami: My beliefs?
Taiki: Your will to get Seiya and Miss Tsukino back together was truly a good deed and I have 
never seen anyone wanting to stand up to Seiya emotionally like that.
Ami: But it didn't work. I totally didn't through to him...
Taiki: That is true, but the only person who can do that is Usagi.
Ami: ::sad:: Yeah...
Taiki: Miss Mizuno, don't be sad...not now...not in front of me...

	Something in Taiki's tone made Ami look at him in an instant. They stared at each other 
and Taiki went closer to Ami's face. Ami closed her eyes for the incoming moment she has always 
be waiting for...Taiki and Ami were about an inch from kissing when all of the sudden...

??: ::sigh:: That is so romantic...
Taiki/Ami: ::red:: HUH? ::they turned around and saw "Peeping Tom" Usagi staring at 
them:: USAGI-CHAN!!!
Usagi: ::child giggles:: What?

	Then a scream was heard from outside. The scene divided into 3 parts with Usagi, Ami, 
and Taiki in it. 
Usagi: Sounds like someone needs our help.
Taiki: It sure does, but we can't transform here!
Ami: Outside! Hurry!

	The three ran outside and saw a youma attacking the nearby people by the pond.

Usagi: Let's transform!
Taiki/Ami: Hai!

	Silver Moon Crystal Power, Make UP!
	Mercury Crystal Power, Make UP!
	Maker Star Power, Make UP!

	Fluorite and the youma were enjoying the scene of people getting their life takin'.

Fluorite: ::evil laughing:: This should impress the Queen!
??: Not so fast!
Fluorite: ::turns around:: Who said that?
??: ::pink spotlight is shining on the solidier:: I won't allow you to take people's life away 
especially if they haven't experience romance! I'm the pretty, sailor-suited fighter, Sailor 
Moon! On behalf of the Moon, I'll punish you!!
??: ::blue spotlight is shining on the solidier:: I'm Sailor Mercury, Guardian of Ice Water. I 
will also punish you on behalf of the planet, Mercury!
??: ::dark blue spotlight is shining on the soldier:: I am the star of life! My star is the 
shade of blue which means purity! I'm Sailor Star Maker! Stage On!
Fluorite: All great! The Sailor Senshi!
Youma: I'll take care of them, boss!
Fluorite: I know you will! Good luck! ::disappears:: 
Youma: Why don't we play some water games?
Sailors: ::confused:: Huh? Water Games?
Youma: Let's start with a balloon fight!

	The youma begins throwing water balloons at the Sailors, who were comically escaping 

Maker: I had enough! STAR GENTLE UTERUS!!

	The attack hit the balloons and they all burst. The youma was not pleased.

Youma: Ergh!! ::calms down:: But the fun is just beginning! ::it creates water shooters:: 
Moon: Eep!
Youma: Have a douse of water! ::starts shooting::
Moon: Aiii!!
Mercury: Mercury Aqua Rhaspody! ::it fights off the evil water and sends it back to the youma::
Youma: ::drying its face:: Drats!
Moon/Maker: Good comeback, Mercury!
Mercury: ::smiles:: Thank you!
Youma: All right...I tried being easy on you, but you didn't want that route. ::starts glowing::
Moon: Oh no you don't! ::puts her hands up to her forehead:: Crescent Moon Discus!

	The attack flew at the youma and it disappeared.

Moon: Ha ha!! I gotcha ya!
??: Ha ha! I don't think so!
Moon: What!?

	Appearing before them was a lizard-like creature: grosteque, scaly, and it's teal-color 
with orange hair was not helping the appearance.

Youma: I have this form to test out! 
Maker: How can that be?
Mercury: ::checks on her computer:: This thing has an ability to manipulate water. That is why 
it was able to transform into a creature of the sea. 
Youma: Enough talking! ::it slams it's tail down onto the ground; Maker moved Mercury out of 
the way and Moon dodged, but landed on the ground::
Maker: Sailor Moon!
Moon: ::tried getting up:: I can't lose...
Youma: Got a helpless sailor! ::strikes at Moon::
Moon: ::turns around:: Huh...
Mercury: ::struggling to get out of Maker's arms:: Sailor Moon! RUN!

	Sailor Moon sees the youma coming at her, but she couldn't move. She screamed loud and 
shrieky hoping someone could come to to her rescue. As soon as the youma was at least a few 
inches away from her, someone grabbed her in the nick of time.

Moon: ::eyes closed:: Mmm... ::opens her eyes and realizes someone saved her:: I'm ok...
??: That's a relief!
Moon: ::shocked:: Fighter!
Mercury/Maker: Fighter!
Youma: Huh? Who are you?
Fighter: ::red spotlight; still carrying Moon and was on top of a postlight:: I'm the star of 
justice! Red as a burning flame, I protect the people I love and the universe! I'm Sailor Star 
Fighter! Stage On!
Moon: ::clapping and blush:: Yeah! Yeah!
Youma: Boo! Boo! Take that! ::shoots the water at them::

	Fighter jumps off the post making sure Moon didn't get harmed. 

Youma: Dang it! 
Fighter: ::puts Moon down gently:: Stay here! ::runs off to the monster::
Moon: ::still blushing:: Fighter...
Fighter: Star Serious Lazer!	
	The attack was dodged by the youma; it jumped up in the air and started yelling at 
Fighter, who wasn't offended by its remarks. 

Youma: What are you? A smart alec?
Fighter: ::blows her fingers:: Yeah...you could say that, Loch Ness Monster.
Youma: ::red:: You!!!! ::it charges at full speed ahead at Fighter::
Fighter: ::punches it in the face:: That was smart...
Youma: ::falls flat down on the ground::
Moon: ::with pompoms in her hand:: Yeah! Fighter is da ma...I mean woman!
Fighter: ::arch eyes and laughs::
Mercury/Maker: ::sweatdrop:: I thought this was suppose to be a battle, not a comedy hour.
??: ::appears in the sky:: That's what I thought! Servant, why aren't you fighting back?
Youma: I'm trying, Mistress Fluorite! But these pests...
Youma: ::fear:: I'm sorry!
Fluorite: I'll help you! ::grabs out a spear:: I'll kill the Moon Seishi!! ::flies over to Moon 
with the spear::
Moon: Ack!
Fighter: Sailor Moon! 

	Fighter runs over to Sailor Moon and covers her with her (Fighter) body. Fluorite 
strikes Fighter's shoulder. The scene became red as Moon watched Fighter scream out her pain. 

Fighter: ::mad and in pain:: Grrrrrr...damn you... ((Uh oh...))
Fluorite: ::smiles:: That's one! But not the right one! ::flies back up::
Maker: ::starts running towards them:: Fighter! Sailor Moon! 

	The youma grabs Maker by the ankles and throws her across the pavement.

Mercury: MAKER!! ::runs to her, but Fluorite's spear had a rope around it and tied Mercury 
around a tree:: Oi! Let me out!
Youma: Thanks, boss!
Fluorite: ::blows her fingers like Fighter:: Yeah, yeah... ::looks at it:: How dare you even 
call yourself a servant of the Fluorite! You were highly embarrasing!
Youma: But...
Fluorite: Now finish them off! I'll be watching you!! ::goes over the lake::
Youma: ::mad and looks at the helpless senshi:: This is all your fault, Sailor Senshi!!
Fighter: ::whispering:: Oi! It's not as stupid as I thought it was!
Moon: ::whispering back:: Not now, Fighter.
Youma: ::looks at Moon:: You are the only one that is capable of destroying me! ::makes a water 
shooter:: Now it's your turn!
Moon: Uh oh!
Fighter: Get away from here! NOW!

	The youma starts blowing the water at them.

Fighter: Leave, Sailor Moon! I'm good as dead anyway...
Moon: I won't allow that! I won't! 
Fighter: What?
Moon: ::gives her eyes of shining care:: I can't leave you here, Seiya-chan...
Fighter: ::looks at her in the eyes:: Odango...
Youma: ::stupid laughing:: Aren't you going to run? Run run run??
Moon: I will not run! ::stands up with her tier:: I will fight back!
Youma: Huh?
Moon: Silver Moon Princess Power Kiss!

	The two duel it out; Moon tries to hang on, but her time was running short since she 
also realized that if she can destroy the shooter, she could defeat the youma. But, there was 
no way of that happening, or so she thought.

Moon: I can't hold on, but... ::thinks of Fighter, Mercury, and Maker:: I have to be strong!! I 
won't let them hurt anymore people! ::tier glows brighter::
Fluorite/Youma: What!?

	Sailor Moon screams with courage and the power...

Fighter: Sailor Moon! STOP!!
Moon: I won't give up!!! 

	 The tier's light powered up and went straight for the youma's chest; it made a hole! 
((That had to be painful!!)) 

Youma: ARRGGHH!!! ::dies::
Fluorite: You'll pay for this!! ::disappears::
Fighter: ::trying to get up:: Sailor Moon...
Mercury/Maker: ::were free/getting up::
Mercury: Sailor Moon!
Maker: ::smiles:: Miss Tsukino!
Moon: Guys... ::faints, but Fighter catches her::
Fighter: ::worried look:: Sailor Moon! ::shakes her body (gently):: Wake up! Don't give in! 
Sailor Moon! ::shakes her for a few minutes, but nothing could awake the fainted princess; sad, 
narrow eyes:: You can't die...you CAN'T! Odango, please? ::closes her eyes:: Don't leave me...
Moon: ::slowly opens her eyes; smiles and weak, soft voice:: Oh Fighter...
Fighter: ::opens her eyes:: O...Odango? Are you all right?
Moon: Yeah... ::yawns and eye-closed smile:: I was just napping...that battle with the youma 
really wore me out, so I decided to take a nice snoo...
Fighter: ::interrupts her with a hug:: You little idiot!! How dare you do some crazy thing like 
that!! I was so scared that I might lose you!! Don't ever do that again!
Moon: ::shine in her eyes:: *Forgive me, Seiya-chan...*
Mercury: ::runs over to Sailor Moon and kneels close to her:: Oh Usagi-chan... ::cries:: I was 
so worried! I wish I was a better guardian for you!
Moon: ::smiles:: Ami-chan...

	Then a blue glow began to shine in between the friends.

Moon: What is happening?
Mercury: ::gasp::
Fighter: What the...?
Maker: ::gasp::

	Inside the light, a beautiful harp was forming. The harp was blue like Mercury's skirt 
and had a silver wing at the end of it. 

Mercury: The harp of Marina!
Moon: ::soft voice and smiling:: That's right, Princess Mercury! That is your planetary 
Mercury: My planetary treasure?
Moon: The one chosen to use ice and water as their power has the harp of Marina! Mercury, this 
is a gift from your planet and the weapon to fight your enemies and protect the Silver Crystal!
Mercury: ::takes her harp and feels the aura of water flowing within her:: I can feel the water 
stream in my blood...the power of my mothercastle, Marina. 
Moon: ::smiles:: Use it well...
Mercury: I will! ::the harp disappears::
Fighter: A harp of Marina, eh? To protect the Princess and the Silver... ::pauses:: *Silver 
Moon: ::looks at Fighter:: Fighter, what's wrong?

	Fighter was still for a long time, thinking about the crystal and the voice Sailor Moon 
just displayed. She then realized that the Silver Crystal was Usagi's and something about her 
voice seemed to  match the girl in the dream.

Maker: Earth to Seiya...come in. Houston, we have a problem!
Moon: ::shakes Fighter:: Fighter...Fighter...what's wrong?
Fighter: ::snaps out of it:: Huh...oh sorry.
Moon: What happened back there? You went turned stone after you said Silver...why?
Fighter: Mmm...*If I tell her, then she will think I'm against her. After all, if the girl in 
the dream says that it's an important treasure to the galaxy, then of course there will be 
conflict. Also, my body is not functioning in my control...what should I do?*
Moon: Well...
Fighter: ::looks mad:: It's none of your business!
Moon: Huh?
Fighter: ::stands up, but falls back down:: 
Moon: You need to sit down...your shoulder is wounded.
Fighter: I don't need your help, Sailor Moon. I'll be fine!
Moon: But...
Fighter: NO!

	Moon looks scared and Fighter saw it the fear in her eyes. She couldn't bear to look at 

Fighter: I'm sorry, Usagi...but you wouldn't understand...no one will! ::starts running away 
very fast::
Maker: Fighter!
Mercury: ::looks at Fighter and then Moon, who has a confused, but worried look at her 
face:: Usagi-chan...
Moon: ::whispers:: Seiya-chan, what's the matter? Are you hiding something from me? Something 
that will affect me? 

	Sailor Moon stands up, but then she sees a circle pendant on the ground and picks it up.

Moon: *What's this?* 

	She was about to open it, but then something urged her not to.

Mercury: Maybe you should check up on him, Taiki.
Maker: Nah, he'll be fine. 
Usagi: I think...Seiya is hiding something...
Ami: What do you mean?
Usagi: I'm...not sure...but I will find out. ::grasping the pendant in her hand::
Taiki: He has been acting strange lately and the other day, he messed up Yaten very bad!
Ami: No one never doubted that he was an excellent warrior with brute strength, Taiki-san.
Taiki: No, he beat up Yaten like he was the enemy!
Ami/Usagi: ::gasp::
Usagi: Why would he do that?
Taiki: ::shrugs:: Dunno.
Ami: Maybe...he should get a check-up.

	Usagi walks toward the pond and leans against the bar while Taiki and Ami were talking 
to each other.

Usagi: ::hair blowing in her face:: We always told each other everything and shared our 
thoughts, but now we can't even see each other. ::looks at the skies:: Why does it have to be 
this way, Seiya-chan? Why can't we go back to the way we were?

	Usagi opens the pendant and sees a picture with three people: a young girl, a young
boy, and a woman. Usagi stares at the image for a long time, wondering who these people are to 
Seiya. Ami and Taiki were staring at Usagi.

Ami: Usagi and Seiya...they are now in two different worlds. 
Taiki: Hm?
Ami: If this keeps up, they will never cross and realize that they need each other.
Taiki: I think Seiya already knows that.
Ami: What do you mean?
Taiki: He's stubborn, ill-tempered, and naive at times, but underneath that lies a man with 
potential love, passion, and hope. 
Ami: I see...but will that side of him ever appear again?
Taiki: ::puts an arm around her shoulder:: When the light of her aura shines in his heart 
again, the bond between them will grow and become a beautiful rose. The eternal rose of love 
can never die and they will never have anymore doubts or pain. ::looks at Ami:: I will be I 
will looking forward to that day.
Ami: ::smiles and looks at him:: Me too...

	The two just stared at the lonely princess for a long time.


(Three Light's Apartment)

	It was night now and the lights were off. Seiya was leaning on the door, holding his 
wounded shoulder and expressing the pain through his face. 

Seiya: ::breathing heavily; eyes closed:: This is stupid! Why must I avoid Odango? I'm 
wondering if is it because of that incident or me. 

	Seiya has flashes of his abnormal behaviors and attacks on other people; he then sees a 
vision of Usagi trying to help him, but he turns on her. Usagi was screaming and looking at her 
fate with fear. Seiya opens his eyes.

Seiya: I have forgiven you already, Odango...but it seems like my body is refusing to correspond
to my feelings and emotions. I don't want you to get hurt because of me. ::pauses:: I love you 
too much to see you in pain... ::soft scream since his shoulder hurts so much:: Dang this hurts!

	Seiya starts limping over to the countertop; a circle of blood was on the door. Seiya 
gets to the counter and almost collaspes. He brings himself back up.

Seiya: I need to get to the bathroom... ::pauses:: Come on, Seiya...you can do it... 

	Seiya starts limping to the bathroom; at one point in time, he fell down and his vision 
was getting blurry. Struggling to get up, Seiya keeps pushing himself and makes it to the 
bathroom. Just as he was about to get the first aid kit, he fell to the floor...

Seiya: Odango...

	...unconscious due to lack of blood.

				-End of Chapter Nine-

Brief Views of Next Chapter:
Usagi's voice: Sei-chan was taken to the hospital! Oh no! You must live, Sei-chan! Also, 
Rei-chan and I meet a new person. Hey! He looks like Haruka-san! What's going on here? 

Notes from Me: Oi minna! I'm so sorry that it took so long to get this chapter going, but school
and family comes first. I recieved letters from people saying they want my fanfic in their 
site/like my fic! I thank you all so much! I just got Real Player, so if anyone knows a good 
site to download the Stars Image Songs, e-mail me, k? I would appreciate it. Well, I don't have 
much to say and again I'm sorry for taking so long. Hopefully Chapter Ten will be done soon.

-Little Miss Usagi
(November 2000)

    Source: geocities.com/seiyausagifanfic2