"I Wish I Had Met You Earlier" 

By: Sieya Stars 

[A Sailor Moon Story in the Rasciana/Arcainia Saga]


Author's Notes: A couple of things I wanted to clear up about this 
story ^_^
.  First of all, I don't want anyone to think that I am really pompous 
something because one of the characters in this has my real name, 
though not
everybody who reads this will know that.  But anyway, my real name, 
that is
shared by one of the characters in this story, is the name of someone I 
a long time ago, and love very much, so I legally changed my name to 
and I gave the name to this before mentioned character.  So please 
think that I think way too much of myself, ok?  Thanks! ^_^ 

Also, This story is part of an open ended, and non continuos, saga [or
collection] of stories that I will be writing, which will include 
Moon stories, and non-Sailor Moon Stories, that all feature the two
Characters: Rasciana and Arcainia.  I call this open ended saga the:
Rasciana and Arcainia Saga.  So hopefully that will clear up any 
you might have on that.

Also, I'd like to say that all Sailor Moon characters do not belong to 
ok?  They belong to the brilliant Naoko Takeuchi, as well as Bandai, 
Animation, and countless other companies who own the rights, or have 
leased the rights.  However, I do own the characters Rasciana and 
so please don't take these characters for yourself, I wouldn't be very 
about that! ^_^  Thanks!

Also, I know that the Starlights are not really biological sisters, but 
my story I have them calling each other that because they are so close 
stuff, ok? ^_^

Well, I can't think of anything else pertinent to say, so I believe 
that I
will let you enjoy the story now!




 Chapter 4


Just then Rascia took Seiya's hand and they disappeared again, 
back in Seiya's bedroom on his home planet.  Seiya looked around in
confusion, then in irritation. 

"Why did you take us back?  I want to know if she is all right?  I want 
know what happens?!" Seiya said to the two Reality Guardians angrily.

"Dear Seiya, we cannot show you the future, especially since nothing 
even happen with that anyway.  One can only know so much about the 
And you are not suppose to know anything about your future, at least 
yet," Rascia replied.

"What do you mean the future?  You said that all of this was the past?"
Seiya asked confused.

"No, Seiya.  All that we showed you was the past.  But what you want us 
show you now is the near future.  For you see, what you witnessed has 
been happening as we have been watching it.  And what we are offering 
you is
something that might make anything past what you have seen, never take
place.  We are going to allow you to make it as if none of that ever
happened," Arcainia explained.

"But it already has happened, wouldn't I disrupt time if I went back 
changed something that already took place?" Seiya asked.

[AN: Any reader reading this, who does not like reading about time 
travel or
time line theories, might want to skip this next paragraph and continue 
reading at the following paragraph.]

"Seiya, time travel is a tricky thing.  If you were to go back in time 
change Usagi's past so that you were her boyfriend and not Mamoru, and 
and her were together as a couple from that point up until now, and 
then you
and her were to be together as a couple from this time we are at now 
whenever.  The time in Usagi's past that you both know of now [where 
she is
together with Mamoru and not you, and where she didn't know you existed 
until the war with Galaxia], that time period isn't lost or doesn't end 
disappearing.  That time period still exists.  It exists as it always 
right up until now.  Then from the point where you make the decision to 
back and meet Usagi when she first became Sailor Moon, up until now, 3 
after the end of the war with Galaxia, that new time line happens right
after the original version that you will change.  Then after that, your
future from this time point on with Usagi starts to happen."

After hearing Rascia's explanation of how time travel works, Seiya 
feel so reluctant about taking them up on their offer to go back in 
time and
alter Usagi's past, "So I will not risk ruining Usagi's life, or the 
of this world or reality if I have Usagi meet me a few years before the 
with Galaxia?" Seiya clarifies.

"Exactly.  Trust us, it is our job to keep reality together.  We 
offer you anything that would jeopardize that mission.  And you have 
seen that Usagi is not happy with Mamoru and wants to be with you," 

"And what of her child with Mamoru, Chibi-Usa?  I don't want to cause 
her to
loose the daughter she has grown to love?" Seiya asked.

"Seiya," Rasciana admonished, "We can't tell you everything that is 
going to
happen, or every consequence of every action.  You are going to have to
trust us, just a little.  And remember from what you witnessed a few 
ago, even with Usagi doing everything that she thought she should be 
that Chibi-Usa was still not being born when she should.  So 
fate is uncertain no matter whether you decide to alter the future or 
Do you understand?"

"You have a point.  And what about our princess, who will protect her?!  
other guardian Senshi?! 

"You will be going back in time as a time traveler from a different 
line.  Therefore, the StarLights on this new time line will still exist
there on your home planet, until such time as you have altered Usagi's
feelings for Mamoru and caused her to love you!  At that point the you 
is hear speaking to me, and the you in this other time line, will 
merge, and
you will be back on your homeplanet, free to decide your own destiny 
Usagi," Rascia explained.

So I guess you are trying to convince me that neither Usagi nor myself, 
anyone else have anything to loose by me taking you up on your offer to
enter Usagi's life a few years earlier than I did, and try to alter the
past, present, and future between us.  Am I right?" Seiya asked.

Rascia and Arcainia smiled at Seiya warmly, "Exactly, Seiya.  I'm 
that you caught on to that all so quickly.  That is exactly what we are
trying to get you to see as the truth.  And you, Usagi, her friends and
family, and even Mamoru are all very intelligent, caring, resourceful
people.  I am sure that if you want to make sure that Chibi-Usa still 
to life, that you will make sure that it happens in whatever way is 
You must have faith in yourselves and your abilities," Rascia added.

For the first time since he saved Usagi from Sailor Tin Nyanko on the 
of Crossroads High School, and felt for sure that she would always love
Mamoru and never himself, he regained all of his hope and brightened up
considerably, becoming happy again.  A bright smile totally changed and 
up his face, causing Rascia's face to brighten in a smile in response.
Arcainia gave Rascia a loving, and understanding gaze that Seiya 
though he didn't think that Rascia noticed it.  She wondered what it 
but decided it was none of her business.

"You are right.  I'm sure we can figure out a way to have Chibi-Usa 
even if I succeed in getting Usagi to myself.  But what of her destiny, 
about her becoming ruler of Crystal Tokyo, won't that be disrupted," 

"No, Seiya.  Remember what I said about trusting us not to ruin 
Don't you think that you and her are capable of ruling Crystal Tokyo 
just as
well as her and Mamoru?" Rascia asked.

Seiya's smiled brightened even more at the thought, "Yeah, I guess your
right.  The only real thing that is in jeopardy about her destiny, that 
doesn't want to loose, is her daughter, and you said that we all should 
able to find a solution to that problem.  All right then, I have no 
doubts, I am ready to go back to the past right now!" Seiya said, 
zipping up her travel bag and lifting it up enthusiastically.

Rasciana and Arcainia smiled affectionately at the excited sailor 
"Seiya, there are a few things we must tell you before you can go.  A 
ground rules and things like that," Arcainia explained.

Seiya nodded her head and perked up to attention, "First, when you are 
back you, nor your brothers, will not be able to tell anyone about your
being time travelesr, until Arcainia and/or myself, and/or Sailor
Pluto/Setsuna appear to you and tell you you can.  Second of all, you 
work at getting Mamoru together with Makoto/Sailor Jupiter.  Third of 
you must convince your two brothers to go back in time with you.  You 
not be able to successfully go back in time otherwise.  Fourth of all, 
must succeed in getting Mamoru and Jupiter to admit their love for each
other.  And fifth of all, you must get Usagi to admit her love for you,
before the point in time where Queen Beryl is destroyed," Arcainia 

"Who is Queen Beryl?  How much time does that mean I have?  What 
happens if
I don't succeed at getting Mamoru and Jupiter to love each other?" 
asked in a jumble.

Rascia smiled at him again, "Mamoru & Jupiter must end up loving each 
with your help, or," Rascia paused, fumbling for words, "......lets 
just say
that things in the future will not turn out well if you don't!  As far 
how much time you have, approximately 8 or 9 months.  And you will 
soon enough who Queen Beryl is, I can't send you back in the past with 
much prior information, consider that another ground rule for being a 

Seiya nodded his head in agreement, right before Rascia pulled a 
sparkling neclace she was wearing under her dress, from off of her 
Rascia handed the lovely neclace to Seiya, who took it confusedly and 
great awe.  He realized upon looking at it more closely that it was 
completely of sparkling, white diamonds, held together by the most 
gold he had ever seen.  The neclace seemed to radiate the same kind of
sparkling, bright aura as Rascia and Arcainia did, though it glowed 
silver and gold together.  It glowed even brighter at Seiya's touch.

"When you have convinced your brother's to travel with you, and you are 
ready to go back in time, to when Usagi first became Sailor Moon, place 
neclace around your neck.  And whatever you do, do not allow that 
neclace to
come off your neck, or you will go back to this point in time and will 
be able to return, and time will stay the way it is right now, forever.  
long as that neclace stays on you, you will remain safely in the 
time line.  And don't worry, as long as it is around your neck, it is
completely indestructible.  Nothing can harm or destroy it!  This is 
last, and a very important, time travel ground rule.  Do you 
Rascia asked Seiya seriously.

Seiya nodded his head firmly, and placed the important, lovely, 
neclace in his Senshi Extra-Dimension Pocket, until such time as he was 
use it!  When he looked back up, Rascia and Arcainia were completely 
not a trace of them anywhere.

"We will be watching you, and wishing you all the best!  Dear, sweet,
Seiya!" Rascia's voice said, echoing around his bedroom chamber.

In the next minute, he heard wrapping at his door, "Seiya, it's Taiki 
Yaten!  We are concerned about you, we want to talk to you and try to 
you!" Taiki said gently but loudly.

Seiya, a smile beaming on her face, ran to the door, and flung it open
enthusiastically.  She discovered two things on the completion of this
action, one: she was tremendously out of shape - for she was panting 
felt light headed -, and two: Taiki and Yaten were incredibly shocked, 
delighted, to see their sister looking so happy for the first time in 
3 years!

"Seiya, is that you!  Are you finally over Usagi-chan now, and ready to 
an active protector of the Princess!" said, you guessed it, Yaten!

"Yaten, can't you be a little more tactfull, and sympathetic for 
feelings!  Don't you ever miss, and want to be around Minako, like I 
about Ami and Seiya feels about Usagi!  You know she really cared about 
a lot!" replied, you guessed it, Taiki.

Yaten just rolled his eyes and looked back at Seiya, who grabbed both 
their hands and pulled them into her bedroom, closing the door.

"Yaten, Taiki, listen to me, we've been given a chance to alter the 
for Usagi's Galaxy, and who knows, maybe even our own, I don't know for 
yet!  But you have both got to agree to come back with me in time, or 
of this can happen!" Seiya said, recovering her spent energy by sitting 
her bed.

"Whoa, girl, calm down!" Yaten said, rolling her eyes up again, "I 
think you
are starting to suffer from malnutrition caused deliriums now or 
Nobody's going to, or able to, go back in time!  Anyway, we have to 
here and protect our Princess!" Yaten said indignantly.

Taiki wasn't thoroughly convinced that Seiya's talk of time traveling 
due to his severe bodily deterioration.  She remembered that Sailor 
had the ability to control time and send people backwards or forwards 
time, "Does this have something to do with Sailor Pluto, Seiya?  Did 
come to you and give you permission to go back in time and alter 

Seiya looked at Taiki and tried to think of how to make sure to be able 
convince her of the need to go back in time and trust Rascia and 
"Some fellow friends of hers, that proved to me their connection to 
that also guard the Gates of Time, came to me just before you two got 
They gave me this," Seiya said, taking out of her Extra-Dimensional 
the priceless, gorgeous necklace that Rascia gave her.

Taiki and Yaten just stared at the beautiful shimmering necklace that 
held, their jaws agape.  The necklace in her hands could easily fetch
millions of yen very easily, and even with the amount of money they had 
making on Earth as popular music idiles would not have been enough to 
for such a priceless item.  Not even their princess had something that
valuable and lovely in her collection.

"These friends of Pluto's, Rasciana and Arcainia, told me that if the 
of us don't go back in time and help out the Sailor Scouts on Earth, 
things in our future could go majorly wrong!  We must go back!  Think 
of it
Taiki, Yaten, we would get a chance to see Ami, and Minako, and the 
from earlier in time, and get to know them all over again!  It is a
terrific, and future saving, opportunity.  Surely, you don't believe we 
pass it up!?" Seiya cried passionately.

"We just can't ---" Yaten was about to argue, intending on saying that 
couldn't leave their princess unprotected, when he heard a lovely, 
voice in his head tell him that she would not be in danger, that time 
this time line's present would not pass at all while they were gone.  
some reason he didn't doubt for a second that the voice was true, he 
instinctively that it was.

Taiki, too, heard a soothing, reassuring voice in his head, and looked 
sternly in the face, before breaking out into a large grin, "It will be 
to see Ami, at an earlier time in her life, and get to know her all 

Even Yaten burst out in an uncharacteristic smile, and Seiya thought 
heard Yaten mumble: I wonder what Minako was like at 14!

"We will go with you Seiya!  Since Pluto's friends told you that 
nothing bad
can come out of it.  And hell, after seeing this kind of a change in 
you so
quickly, I'd be willing to go into the deepest depths of hell with you 
keep the old Seiya back!," Taiki said grinning.

A few minutes later Taiki and Yaten met back in Seiya's rooms with 
their own
travel bags ready.  Each of them shoving their hands into their
Extra-Dimensional Pockets to make sure they had their ever important 
microphones.  Nodding in readiness, they looked at their sister.  Seiya
nodded back enthusiastically, and carefully put the priceless necklace
around his neck.  The next mili-instant, the three sisters were sitting 
their mail forms in a studio dressing room.  They looked down at 
and saw that they were also several years younger than even they were 
last on Earth.  They were about 14 or 15.  Their travel bags they had 
in their own time line were sitting next to their chairs, and they were
dressed in their familiar performing suits.

The next instant a tall man in a dress suit threw open the door and
announced to them, enthusiastically, that all was in readiness for 
first debut performance in Tokyo.  Outside they could here the familiar
sounds of thousands of over enthusiastic fans screaming their names.  
and his brothers forgot how much they missed singing for an audience.  
didn't even think he liked it to begin with, but realized that he had 
it more than he would care to admit.

When they still made no move to get up, the tall man enthusiastically
grabbed Seiya's arm and hustled him out, followed by his brothers, and 
three of them walked out on the dark stage, in front of thousands of
screaming fans.  The host of the concert, yelled: One, two, three, 
and all of a sudden the stage lights streamed down on them from above, 
the memories of the many concerts they had performed at in another 
came flooding back, and instinct overcame them.

Taiki, Yaten, Seiya:       SEARCH FOR YOUR LOVE

                                    SEARCH FOR YOUR LOVE




Thanks for starting to read my story, this is one of the first two 
Moon fanfics I've tried posting on the Net, so I hope that you all like 
^__^  I'm not exactly sure exactly when I will finish the rest of this
story, since I am having a little trouble deciding what to have happen 
though I know what I want to have happen at the end, *sighs*, oh well, 
figure, neh? ^_^  If you want to email me with comments, questions, or
*sigh* flames, or suggestions or something, please send them to 
iluvthecheetah@hotmail.com.  And, if you like reading Mamoru/Usagi romance 
stories, instead of Seiya/Usagi ones, than please read
my other first fanfic: "Mixed Identities" .  Thanks!  ^_~

Oh, oh, oh!!! ::Jumps Up and Down cause I almost forgot to tell you!  
And if
you start out reading this on my own Site, then this is quite redundant 
you, but if not, Theeeennnn.......    I have A Sailor Moon 

This is the URL for it:
 .  If you 
not already at the Site, reading this story, then Pleassseee Preettyy
Pleaaassee Visit It, It would mean so much to me!  And Pleasseee Sign 
Guestbook too if you get the chance, Cause I ABSOLUTELY LOVE getting
GuestBook Entries!!!!

Thank You!!!!!!!!!  ^_^

-Seiya Stars

    Source: geocities.com/seiyausagifanfic2