Sailormoon Sailor Universe Episode 205

Mamoru Breaks Up with Usagi? Princess Irene Appear!


Usagi’s voice:  Mamoru finally breaks up with me. I’ve lost him forever.


It is around eight o’clock at night. Mamoru and Usagi are standing in a park besides the water. The same place they talked right after the Three Lights left.


Mamoru:  Usako, there’s something I’d like to tell you. Well, I … I am very sorry but… but I want to break up with you.


Usagi (shocked):  What?!!!


[Title Screen]


Usagi is in complete shock. She looks at Mamoru with tears in her eyes.


Usagi:  Mamo-chan! What did I do? Why do you want to break up with me? Is that you have another strange dream again? Or did I do something wrong? Please tell me!


Mamoru:  Usako, you didn’t do anything. You didn’t do anything. It’s me. It’s all me. I just realized that we are not suitable for each other. We might be when we were Endymion and Serenity. But we are Chiba Mamoru and Tsukino Usagi now. We are different. There must be a more suitable person for each of us.


Usagi (crying and shouting):  I knew it! You have fallen for Chiyoko-chan, haven’t you? (Mamoru shakes his head.) Yes, you are. You go to see her everyday. You care her so much. You want to break up with me so that you can go after her, right?


Mamoru:  Usagi! This has nothing to do with Chiyoko-chan, or anybody else. The problem lies between us.


Usagi: But we are the perfect couple, the ideal match. We are Mamo-chan and Usako.


Mamoru:  Can’t you see that? We have created this fantasy. We were deceiving ourselves only. Don’t you understand?


Usagi (shaking her head with tears dropping):  I don’t understand.


Mamoru: You should understand. We have to wake up from this fantasy of ours. I did. And when you wake up, you will see that we are not the perfect match. We are not meant for each other. We will not be able to accommodate ourselves for each other.


Usagi:  No, you just want to dump me. You have fallen for her, haven’t you?


Mamoru:  I told you. It’s not like that. Yes, I have feelings for her, but only because I realized your love to Seiya and I have to find the love of my life but not my past life! I didn’t even ask about Chiyoko-chan’s feelings and start …


Usagi (shocked):  Stop! What were you saying? Don’t get Seiya-kun into this. He is my best friend. Don’t make excuses for yourself by framing us.


Mamoru:  No, I am not framing you. You are in love with him. You just didn’t realize it. You are too self-involved. But we can see it in your eyes. Like what Luna said, you hadn’t the innocence and pure in your eyes for a long time ever since your memories were revealed, until Seiya-kun showed up. He gave you back the energy you had. I was not here when Seiya-kun was with you, but everybody else could see that. They just thought that you had feelings for him but still loved me, so they didn’t tell you. We talked several times and we all agreed that you are in love with him without noticing. You remember what we talked about here right after the three lights left with their princess? You asked me if I loved you and how much I loved you. I didn’t understand why you acted so strange. You had never acted like that before. But after I saw your eyes lit up every time you mentioned Seiya-kun, I realized the reason. It was because you instinctively wanted to convince yourself that you made the right choice. Can’t you see that?


Usagi is in complete shock. She can’t say a word. She can’t move. In her mind, she is thinking about how she reacted to Seiya and she becomes hesitating.


Mamoru:  I can’t be with a girl who has someone else in her heart, even if she loves me more. I would like you to think about your true feelings. You may not realize it right away. But I believe that if you think about it, you will realize it soon.


Usagi:  But I love you. And how about Chibi-Usa?


Mamoru:  You may still love me, but you are in love with him definitely. You chose me because you thought that I was your destined lover and you had seen the future. You felt unsecured to go for him. Actually, we should not have our past life memories and we should not see our future ahead as well. About Chibi-Usa-chan, you may still have her. It is just that she may have different appearance and different personality. But she is still your daughter with dreams and future of her own. By the way, are we going to be together just for pushing her out?


Usagi looks at Mamoru with tears in her eyes. She realizes now that their love is over. But strangely, she feels relief only. Then Seiya comes to her mind. She blushes and shakes her head.


Usagi (smiling with tears):  Can we still be friends, Mamoru-san?


Mamoru (smiling with relief):  Of course, we will be friends forever, Usagi-san.


Usagi (giggling):  This is the same line that I told Seiya-kun. No matter what, I hope you and Chiyoko-chan work out ok. When are you going to ask her?


Mamoru:  See? You think of him all the time. Well, I will ask Chiyoko-chan later. I am more worried about the new enemy. Although we are not lovers any more, I care about you and love you always. I will love you as my little sister. (Giggling) once Chiyoko-chan told me, we look like brother and sister a lot more than lovers.


Usagi:  You really like her. Oh, here, takes the ring.


Mamoru:  You may keep it, for remembrance.


Usagi (shaking her head):  I think I’d better not. I don’t want your future girlfriend or my future boyfriend to be uncomfortable. I still want us to be friends forever.


Mamoru nods and takes back the ring. Then they shake hands smiling.


Usagi and Mamoru together:  Friends forever!


Then, they go home. At home, Usagi takes a shower and sits on her bed. Few seconds later, she starts sobbing. Luna jumps to her bed and sits besides her.


Luna:  Mamoru-san broke up with you, didn’t he?


Usagi:  Yes, he did.


Luna:  Are you going to be all right?


Usagi controls herself and gives Luna a smile.


Usagi:  I will be. But like he said, we broke up for good. It is good for both of us.


Luna:  Did Mamoru-san tell you anything about Chiyoko-san or Seiya-kun?


Usagi:  Yes, he did. But I am not sure about my feelings to Seiya-kun. How come all of you can be so sure that we had feelings for each other? I can’t even be sure myself. But I promised Mamoru-san to think about it. He and I will still be friends. He said he would treat me as his little sister. He would care about me and love me always.


Luna (smiles):  That’s good. Please think about it. If you really love Seiya-kun, we can ask Princess Irene to bring him back. We all hope that you would be happy with the right guy whom you love, care, and want to give your life up for.


Usagi looks at Luna with a smile and nods her head. She walks out to the balcony and looks at the sky. Luna follows her and stands behind her on the floor. Although Usagi has tears in her eyes, she smiles with relief. Meanwhile on a planet in the sky, Nemesis and Cassandra are sitting in the hall. Three Witches are bowing to them.


Nemesis:  Circe, Medea, and Hecate, Four Winds had failed. You must bring back the Hope and Love Crystal of Prince Eric and Princess Irene!


Hecate:  Don’t worry, your honor. We will bring them back very soon.


Circe and Medea nod. The Three Witches are very beautiful. Hecate is the eldest sister and Circe is the youngest one. They are wearing bikinis with short see through skirts. Circe is in red, Medea is in green, and Hecate is in Blue. They have the same color of hair and eyes as their clothes. Circe has short hair like Uranus, Medea has straight hair that falls to her shoulders, and Hecate has curving hair like Neptune.


Cassandra:  Remember to work together. We hope to see the Crystals soon.


Three Witches:  Yes, your honor.


Today is Saturday. Four inners, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna, two cats, and Usagi are all at Usagi’s house. They are sitting in the sofa. Ikuko, Kenji, and Shingo are out. Luna is lying on Usagi’s kneels with eyes closed. Usagi is drinking some tea. Everyone, except Luna and Usagi, has serious and concern face.


Rei:  Usagi, are you ok?


Usagi:  I am fine.


Ami:  Are you sure?


Usagi (smiling):  Of course. Why are you asking?


Minako:  What happened between you and Mamoru-san? Did you guys break up?


Makoto:  Minako-chan!


Usagi:  It’s ok. We broke up for good. Although I cried, I only feel relief and better now. Mamoru-san was right. Endymion and Serenity were prefect match doesn’t mean he and I are prefect match as well. We can still be friends. We still care and love each other, only in a different way. By the way, you guys talked with Mamoru-san before he broke up with me, right? Well, (blushed,) I would like to know how come you said that … um…Seiya-kun loved me and I am in love with him?


Everyone exchanges glances.


Rei:  We saw it in your eyes.


[CM Break]


Usagi:  You could see that we were in love? Why we couldn’t? Why else he left?


Michiru:  You two are just too self-involved. Or he might don’t want you to make the choice between Mamoru-san and him. You would get a headache if that happened. We didn’t tell you that because we thought that you just had feelings for him but you were not in love with him yet. We thought that you would forget him after he left. We thought that we should consider about Chibi-Usa-chan and Crystal Tokyo as well. Also, we believed that Mamoru-san and you were the perfect match, the ideal couple, the destined lovers, and you would be together no matter what. However, you miss Seiya-san more day by day. We realize it now that you are in love with him. We should not let anything control our life. That’s how we could fight until now, right?


Usagi:  But I am still not sure. I don’t know…


Rei:  Usagi, we cannot make your decision for you. You have to make up your own mind. You should realize what your heart truly feels. Just remember, no matter what happens, we will stand by you.


Usagi (touched):  Thank you, all of you.


Luna:  Don’t worry. Usagi promised Mamoru-san that she would think about it. Actually, she felt better right away. She would be ok.


Usagi:  Yeah, don’t worry about me. I am fine. I am more curious about Mamoru-san and Chiyoko-chan. Have any of you heard anything he said about her? He told me that he has feelings for her but he hadn’t asked her out yet. What did you guys know or hear anything?


All (shocked):  What? Those two are a pair?


Usagi (disappointed):  So, none of you know anything.


Ami:  I only know that Chiyoko-chan is going to leave the hospital this weekend and Mamoru-san is going to pick her up and drive her home. I thought that they were just friends. I didn’t know …


Haruka:  Is this the true reason that he broke up with our princess?


Usagi:  Haruka-san, that maybe part of it. But what Mamoru-san said was completely true, right? Even if he broke up with me because of that, it made us realize that we were not a prefect match. He has the right to find his beatitude.


Haruka (smiling):  It seems to me that our princess has recovered really fast.


Everyone smiles with relief. Meanwhile, Three Witches are talking in a room.


Circe:  I think we should separate our work. If we go to the same place together, we may not be able to find the Crystals soon. We should go to different places separately.


Medea:  Didn’t you hear what Cassandra said? We are facing a very strong army here. We must stick together in order to fight the best.


Circe:  What are you worrying about? Four Winds failed because they were useless. That’s not going to happen to us. I think that we should separate to work.


Medea:  Hecate, what would you say?


Hecate:  If we are separated, we can find the Crystals faster definitely, but we may have the danger to be killed by those sailor soldiers.


Circe:  You are worrying too much. I will go alone.


Circe is going away. Medea tries to stop her but Hecate pulls her back.


Hecate:  Let her go. You can’t convince her to stay anyway. You know that, right?


Medea:  I am worried about her. After all, she is our little sister.


Hecate:  Let her do it this time. I think she can handle it. Give her a chance.


Medea sighs and they look at the direction Circe left.


On Saturday, Mamoru walks into Chiyoko’s room in the hospital. She is standing besides the bed with her back facing the door and she is packing her stuff.


Mamoru:  Hi! How are you today?


Chiyoko (turns around):  Hello! I am fine. Thank you very much for coming.


Mamoru:  You are welcome.


Mamoru takes her bag and walks out the hospital with Chiyoko. He puts her bag in his car and he drives the car towards Chiyoko’s home.


Mamoru:  I talked with Usagi-san. We broke up for good.


Chiyoko:  Oh, I am sorry.


Mamoru:  Don’t worry. We are perfectly fine. We are friends now and we always care for each other.


Chiyoko:  I wish you good luck. Hope you can find the suitable one soon.


Mamoru (blushed):  Well, um, I had something that would like to talk with you.


Chiyoko:  Sure, what is it?


Mamoru:  Well, I …


Chiyoko:  Oh, here. Turn right. That one is my home.


Chiyoko’s home is a large and nice two-level villa with a beautiful garden.


Mamoru:  Your home is beautiful.


Chiyoko:  Thank you.


Mamoru:  Do you have anybody at home?


Chiyoko:  My housekeeper and some servants are at home. My parents are still in New York because I didn’t want them to know my injury. Although we seldom see each other, we care each other very much. My parents call me at least once a week. While I was at the hospital, I asked my housekeeper to tell them that I went camping with my friends. I didn’t want them to be worried.


Mamoru (smiling):  You are a kind girl.


Chiyoko (blushed):  Thank you.


As long as they walk through the door, they are in shock because Circe is standing in the middle of the large living room and all the workers including Chiyoko’s fostress is lying on the floor. All of their Crystals are flying over the air. Chiyoko runs to her housekeeper and holds her in her arm. Chiyoko shakes her but there is no response.


Chiyoko (shouting, looks up at Circe):  Who are you? What did you do to her?


Circe:   The richest girl in town, you must be the princess. Give me your Crystal!


Circe jumps to Chiyoko but Mamoru holds Chiyoko in his hands and jumps away.


Chiyoko:  Thank you. (Thinking: this looks so familiar.)


Circe:  You want to be a hero? I will make you a hero.


Mamoru:  I don’t think you can do that.


Then Mamoru turns into Tuxedo Kamen. Chiyoko is in complete shock.


Circe:  So, you are one of them. (Turns to Chiyoko,) you must be Princess Irene and her lover. That’s great! I can bring back the Universal Crystal too.


Although Chiyoko doesn’t understand a word of it, she is embarrassed and blushed when she hears that. Kamen is a little blushed too but he quickly controls himself.


Kamen:  She is not the princess. She is just a normal girl. I am with the sailor soldiers. I won’t allow you to hurt her.


Mercury:  Tuxedo Kamen is right. We won’t allow that to happen.


Circe:  Who in the world do you think you are?


All sailor soldiers, except the Graces, are standing at the entrance. After they did their lines, Circe becomes really mad.


Circe:  Stupid! You are wasting my time. Blood Surge!


Circe’s attack is a surge of blood just like its name. It goes to the soldiers and they have to use all their attacks to block that out. All sailors have scared faces because their attacks could not hurt Circe at all.


Moon (thinking):  Where are the Graces? What shall we do now?


Circe:  I knew it. Four Winds were just too stupid to get killed.


Moon:  Who are you?


Circe:  I am the youngest one of the Three Witches, Circe! And you are all going to die. Blood Surge!


This time is unlike the first time. There are two surges of blood, one going to the sailors and one going to Chiyoko. All sailors look at Chiyoko with wide eyes because they can’t do anything to save her. Shortly, the attack hits Chiyoko.


Chiyoko (loudly):  Oh…


Kamen (shouting):  Chiyoko-chan!


Chiyoko’s Crystal comes out. It is a Hope Crystal with very strong golden lights. The lights become stronger and stronger, until it covers up Chiyoko’s whole body.


Circe (whispering):  I knew it! I knew I got the right one! (Shouting,) Blood Surge!


Aglaia:  Glorious Lighting!

Euphrosyne:  Cheering Capriccio!

Thalia:  Blooming Flowers!


Circe’s attack is blocked out and she is injured. Everyone else is surprised since the Graces gave out their identities to the enemy by attacking Circe. At the same time, a voice comes form the light that covered Chiyoko’s body.


Chiyoko:  Cosmos Protector Power, make up!


The lights are gone. Chiyoko has transformed into Sailor Protector.


Protector:  Cosmos Divine Light!


Circe is vanished right away. Everyone is in complete shock, looking at Protector with wide eyes. No one can move an inch. Sailor Protector’s sailor uniform looks very similar to Eternal Sailor Moon’s, but the short skirt is different, with lavender on the top, lunar in the middle and the bottom one is see-through and longer, with lavender shoulders and no ball-like arms. Her hairstyle has changed too. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail and her lavender headgear disappeared (I guess because it will be better for fighting). She is wearing lunar headgears, lunar stars chain earrings, and lavender long boots, like Star Lights’. She is holding a scepter. It looks like Sailor Moon’s but it is not a heart at the top. It is a lunar spherical shade planet with aureole (like planet Saturn). It had shining light moving around the aureole when she attacked.



Arthur’s Note


Trust me. I didn’t make this up. I saw the same breakup process from a friend. She fell in love with someone else without noticing. But when her boyfriend wanted to break up with her because he realized that, she cried like a baby.