Sailormoon Sailor Universe Episode 206

Mamoru And Chiyoko, Moon Is No Longer The Same One!


Usagi’s voice:  Mamoru and Chiyoko is a pair now. I realize that my life is never the same anymore. But Chiyoko is a nice girl. I am happy for them. I really am.


Protector (smiling):  Hi, everyone, the daughter of King Derek and Queen Frederica, Princess Irene, and Sailor Protector as well, is pleased to meet you all.


Then Sailor Protector turns into Princess Irene. She is wearing a long plain lavender no shoulders dress, with feature wings like Moon and Galaxia’s in Episode 200, and with a long see-through lunar shawl like Black Lady’s around her arms and waist.


[Title Screen]


The Graces look at Princess Irene with tears in their eyes. Then they bow to her but they can’t say a word. Few seconds later, they recover.


Aglaia:  We finally found you, our princess.


Irene (smiling):  Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thalia, you did a great job. Thank you.


Thalia:  But we are sorry that we could not protect King Derek and Queen Frederica.


Irene is shocked and gets tears in her eyes. She didn’t know that they were dead. She is about to fall. Kamen quickly goes to hold her.


Irene (sobbing):  They were …


Aglaia:  Yes, our princess. We are so sorry. We are ready for any punishment.


Irene (controlled herself):  It wasn’t your fault. Please get up. We’d better transform back to normal form first. My housekeeper and the others need a doctor.


Later, they are all at the Tenth Secondary General Hospital.


Doctor (to Chiyoko):  They are going to be ok. But they need to stay in the hospital for several days for check ups. They need some rest now so you please go home. You may come to visit them tomorrow.


Chiyoko:  Thank you very much, doctor.


Then they go back to Chiyoko’s home. Everyone sits on the sofas around a tea table. Everyone is in silence first because they don’t know how to start it. Then, Chiyoko thinks that she should say something because she is the one who has all the answers.


Chiyoko:  Did anybody get hurt?


Everyone looks up at her, smiles, and shakes head.


Ami:  Huh, Princess Irene …


Chiyoko (smiling):  Ami-chan. Please call me Chiyoko-chan. My mother gave me a chance to live on Earth to have a new life. I’m not only Irene, but also Chiyoko. I would like you all treat me as a friend but not a supreme being because I am not one. That includes the three of you, Yuko-chan, Keiko-chan, and Akiko-chan.


Graces:  Yes, your highness!


Graces blushes immediately, Chiyoko shakes her head smiling, and the others laugh.


Ami (looking at Chiyoko):  Chiyoko-chan, Yuko-chan, Keiko-chan, and Akiko-chan told us the story already. Now you are here. We will be able to win this battle if you … (blushed).


Chiyoko (giggling):  If I am able to find a lover?


Minako (curious funny face):  When are you going to start looking for one? Do you need me to introduce one for you? Have you got a boyfriend?


Usagi looks at Mamoru who is looking at Chiyoko nervously.


Chiyoko (shaking her head):  I don’t have one. But there is something that I’d like to tell you. I am not the only one who is able to create Universal Crystal.


Usagi:  We know. Your brother can do that as well.


Chiyoko (shaking her head again):  I am not looking forward that I can find my elder brother before Princess Victoria takes over the universe. What I am trying to say is that anyone in the universe can create Universal Crystal.


All:  What???


Yuko:  Pin…I mean Chiyoko-chan, I thought that only the heirs of the rulers can create the Universal Crystal.


Chiyoko:  That’s a misunderstanding. You can create the Universal Crystals if, and only if, you are deeply in love with your beloved one and you are willing to sacrifice yourself and anything of yours for him or her. It is difficult to find such a pair. But as the rulers of the universe, their heirs are grown up in a family full of love and hope. They believe in hope, love, peace, dreams, and so on, as the same as their parents. That’s why the heirs of the rulers are easier to create the Universal Crystals. It makes the others believe that only the heirs can create the Universal Crystals. But actually anyone can do that, as long as you fall in love with your suitable one deeply.


Akiko:  Why didn’t you tell us?


Chiyoko:  It was because we didn’t want anyone else to know. As the rulers of the universe, actually I prefer to call it the protectors of the universe, that’s what they do, they have to protect any planet from dangerous and keep the universe in order. There can be more than one pair. If you are a pair, you need to fight with evil. That’s not an easy thing to do. We need someone strong enough to do that to be the one. So if you are not suitable, we won’t let you know. In addition, we didn’t want too many people to know this because we didn’t want any evil to go after any personnel to look for Universal Crystals. If it wanted that, it would follow us and we can fight with it.


Usagi:  So what should we do now?


Chiyoko:  Find the suitable pairs who would carry the Universal Crystals of course. Do any of you know anyone that’s possibly qualified?


Everyone thinks for a moment. The inners and outers look at Mamoru and Usagi and shake their heads.


Usagi:  Don’t worry. We’re going to find the pair. I’d like to ask you one thing though, Chiyoko-chan.


Chiyoko (nodding):  Sure. Go ahead.


Usagi:  Aren’t you going to look for your brother? After all, he is your brother. Like you said, as the heirs of the rulers, you will be easier to create the Universal Crystal.


Chiyoko:  I really miss him. I miss him very much. We were very closed. He was a great brother. However, we have a more important thing to do here. If I can meet him here, that’s lucky for me.


Akiko:  I don’t think we could. He left since Silver Millennium was attacked and never came back. How are we going to find him? He might be dead.


Yuko (frowning):  Akiko!


Yuko looks at Chiyoko, who is having a sad face, and gives Akiko a glance.


Akiko (shrugging):  I was just telling the truth.


Yuko:  Although we have never served Prince Eric before, we should show some respects to him. After all, he is Princess Irene’s brother.


Akiko:  All right, all right, I was just telling the possibility. I did say ‘might be,’ didn’t I?


Chiyoko:  It’s ok. I believe that my brother is going to be ok. I have the feeling that I am going to meet him somehow, sometime, and somewhere in the future.


Everyone else can see her sadness and she is just trying to make herself and the others feel better. Everyone tries to think of something to change the subject.


Ami:  Oh, Yuko-chan, why did you give out your identities anyway?


Yuko (giving Ami a thank glance):  We hid our identity because we didn’t want the enemy to think that Princess Irene is here. But since she was in danger, we could not lose her, right?


Ami nods with a smile.


Chiyoko:  So, all we have to do now is to find the Universal Crystals as soon as possible. We should consider anything else later. Usagi-chan, please come with me. You need some of my power so that you will be able to use “Silver Moon Crystal Healing Kiss” on your own.


Usagi nods and follows Chiyoko to her room. Meanwhile, Nemesis and Cassandra are reproving Hecate and Medea in the hall.


Cassandra:  I told you to work together, work as a term. You didn’t listen to me. See? This is the outcome!


Nemesis:  Hecate, Medea, we are really disappointed. I don’t want to see that one more time. Go and finish your job. Don’t fail. Otherwise, you need to bear the outcome yourselves. Did I make myself clear?


Hecate and Medea:  Yes, your honors. We will bring back the Universal Crystal very soon. We won’t fail again. That was an accident. Circe didn’t think that she would meet the sailor soldiers right away.


Cassandra:  I told you not to work alone. Do you guys think you are so great to fight against the Silver Crystal? That’s the Crystal that has the second strongest power in the whole universe. You must act fast to get the Universal Crystal before them.


Back in their room, Hecate and Medea are sad and worried.


Medea:  I told you not to let her go. See? We lost her forever.


Hecate:  Do you think I wanted that to happen? I am upset too. After all, she was our little sister. But what we need to do now is to kill those people who killed her.


Medea:  This time, I will go with you.


Hecate:  Of course.


[CM Break]


Mamoru is working on the computer when he suddenly hears the doorbell. He then walks to the door and opens it. Chiyoko is standing outside with a smile.


Chiyoko (smiles):  Hi! Good afternoon. May I come in?


Mamoru (smiles):  Sure.


Mamoru opens the door and let her in. He offers Chiyoko to sit on the sofa. He then walks to the kitchen and comes back with some tea.


Chiyoko:  Thank you, Mamoru-san.


Mamoru:  Sorry to ask you to come here. I should be the one go to visit you. But I …


Chiyoko:  Don’t worry about it. So what do you want to talk about?


Mamoru tells her the rest of the story that he didn’t tell her, including Endymion and Serenity.


Chiyoko:  I finally understand why did you hesitate. You did have a reason other than love to be with her.


Mamoru:  We had made our choice. We separated for good. And we are fine for that. I even told her to think about her and Seiya-kun.


Chiyoko:  So that’s the boy’s name. Seiya and Tsukino, the star and the moon, it’s really nice. “I wish you were the moon and I were a star, so that we could shine together forever.” It’s a Chinese phrase. What a perfect pair! (Sees Mamoru’s surprised face and covers her mouth for a second then removes it.) Oh, I am sorry.


Mamoru (chuckling):  It’s ok. I just couldn’t imagine how knowledgeable you are.


Chiyoko (smiling):  Thank you. By the way, has she realized her love to him yet?


Mamoru (shaking his head):  She thought that I broke up with her because of you.


Chiyoko (blushed):  What? Why?


Mamoru:  She knew that I went to the hospital everyday to visit you. But I told her that had nothing to do with you. The problem lied between her and me. It seems that she finally understood.


Chiyoko exhales with relief and disappointment.


Mamoru:  But she did say one thing true. I do have a feeling for you.


Chiyoko turns red again.


Chiyoko (giggling nervously):  Mamoru-san, you have a good sense of humor.


Mamoru:  I am serious.


Chiyoko (seriously):  You feel that only because you broke up with Usagi-chan.


Mamoru:  I admit it. If I was still with Usagi-chan, I would not ask you even I have feelings for you. But since I realized the fact, I should fight for my future, right?


Chiyoko looks at Mamoru with a thinking face.


Mamoru:  Chiyoko-san, what is it?


Chiyoko:  Do you think that Usagi-chan might choose you because she was afraid to go for an unknown future but not because not noticing her love to Seiya? She knew her future with you but she didn’t know anything if she was with Seiya. She felt uncomfortable to be with him. That’s a common girl’s feeling.


Mamoru thinks for a moment.


Mamoru:  Possibly, but I’m not sure. You may be right. But it doesn’t matters now. Actually, I think that Seiya-kun would be more suitable for her. I gave up my life for Usagi-san more like because I was her friend than her boyfriend. I did it for loyalty. He was different. He gave up anything for her, including his mission. He still kept protecting her even though he thought Usagi didn’t love him, even though his friends kept saying we were their enemy and Usagi-san’s friends kept telling him that he was going to hurt her to be with her. He considered her above everything. More importantly, he trusted her. How can I compete with that? I didn’t stay for Usagi-san not going to the US. I even dumped her once because of a strange dream! But now no matter what happens, I am going to be her friend and support her.


Chiyoko (blushed):  Yeah, me too. After all, she brought you to me.


Mamoru is thrilled to hear her words.


Mamoru:  No, it’s my luck that brought you to me.


They smile to each other and Mamoru holds her in his arms. Meanwhile, Usagi and the other inners are shopping in a supermarket. Usagi is the only one who is not shopping but eating around. Everyone has sweat-drops when Usagi is eating meatballs with her right hand and shashilk with her left hand. After Usagi finished all her food, she goes to the lady’s room.


Rei:  I begin to think that have we got the wrong princess? May be Queen Serenity was afraid that the true princess will get hurt if her identity is revealed. That’s why she picked Usagi to be the “princess”. Otherwise, why Chiyoko-chan is so perfect and Usagi is like this?


Makoto:  Rei-chan, we all know that you are not serious.


Ami:  I’m worried if Usagi-chan is really ok with Mamoru-san and Chiyoko-chan.


Rei:  Are you going to ask Mamoru-san to go back to Usagi if she feels bad? Of course not! Usagi is not going to be happy if we do that, right? So we should not worry about something that we cannot change.


Ami:  I understand that. But I am still worried about her feelings.


Meanwhile, when Usagi finished her business and walks back to the inners, she hears a scream from another aisle. She quickly goes back to the washroom and transforms.


Usagi:  Moon Eternal, make up!


From the other aisle, Medea and Hecate are looking at all the Hope and Love Crystals flying in the air.


Medea:  None of them is the one. I don’t get it. There are so many people here but none of them is the Princess. I thought that any kind of girls on this planet loves to go to supermarket. There is a big chance that she would be here.


Hecate:  Next time we should try a place with more girls.


Moon (appears behind them):  You’re not going to do that! For Love and Justice, I’m the sailor-suited pretty soldier Sailor Moon! In the name of the moon, I’ll punish you!


Medea:  So it was you who killed my little sister. You are not going to walk away from it this time.


Hecate:  Yeah, because you are going to die here.


Moon:  Who are you?


Hecate:  I am the eldest one of the Three Witches, Hecate.


Medea:  And I am the middle one of the Three Witches, Medea. Virus Stream!


A bunch of green and blue virus goes to the Sailor Moon.


Mercury:  Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!

Mars:  Mars Flame Sniper!

Jupiter:  Jupiter Oak Evolution!

Venus:  Venus Love and Beauty Shock!

Moon:  Silver Moon Crystal Healing Kiss!


The attacks are blocked out but Medea and Hecate are not hurt.


Medea:  So these are sailor soldiers? I am really disappointed.


Aglaia:  Glorious Lighting!

Euphrosyne:  Cheering Capriccio!

Thalia:  Blooming Flowers!


Three attacks come from behind. Medea is not ready to escape from them. She is hurt.


Hecate:  Are you ok, Medea? I told you to be careful!


Protector:  Cosmos Divine Light!


Protector finishes Medea immediately.


Hecate:  So you were the one who actually killed my sisters! Be careful! I will be back and kill you all for my sisters!


Then Hecate disappears.


Protector:  Is everyone ok?


Everyone nods.


Aglaia:  It seems that she didn’t notice you are the princess, Protector.


Protector:  I don’t care if she notices it or not. As long as they don’t know my identity on Earth, I am safe. I am a lot worried about that they may find the Universal Crystal before us since they choose large amount of people as targets every time.


Moon:  Don’t worry. Like you said, it has to be the one who is deeply in love. We don’t need a large amount of targets. We just need to find the right one. Let’s try our best and see what we can do. You may be surprised.


Protector (nodding and smiling):  Moon, you are no longer the old Serenity anymore. You are stronger and more positive now. Good for you. That’s all what you needed to fight. Honestly, I didn’t like the old you. I am not the kind of person who just knows how to scream and asks for help every time get into trouble. I love to solve everything myself. That’s why I can learn so many things. Serenity was a negative thinker most of the time. You are a total positive thinker. I can see that. Although you cry all the time, you can go on after you finished crying. That’s not bad for a 17 years old teenager with such responsibility. Serenity needed protection. You are a protector. I love to be your friend a lot more than to be Serenity’s friend. Lucky for me that I didn’t meet her but I meet you.


Moon looks at her with surprises. Then it seems that she falls into rumination, and the inners as well.



Author’s Note


I always think that Usagi and Serenity are not the same person. Luckily Usagi never asked Mamoru he loves which or he is a dead man. Chiyoko’s say was my thinking. Do you feel the same way? Tell me what you think about it.