Sailormoon Sailor Universe Episode 217

What’s The True Meaning of Competition? Chiyoko’s Theory!


Usagi’s voice:  What’s the true meaning of competition? Do we just need to win the game or there is something beyond that? Life is full of competitions. We may not win every time. But as long as you know how to deal with your lost, you will gain from it.


Four inners, Graces, Chiyoko, and Usagi are walking on the street after school.


Ami:  Chiyoko-chan, I heard the drama club of our school joined the “Joined School Drama Open Competition” this year and you’re the screenplay writer, is that right?


Chiyoko (nods):  Yeah, and also the director and producer.


Usagi:  Really? Can we join? I’m really interested.


Others (overlapping):  Yeah, me too.


Chiyoko (smiling):  No problem. Actually, my screenplay is almost completed. I have a role for each one of you, so all of you’re going to join too!


[Title Screen]


The two couples, Taiki, Yaten, four inners, Haruka, Michiru, and Graces are having drinks in a private room of a restaurant.


Seiya:  Why don’t you put us into your drama too, Chiyoko? Ami-san told me you might get anyone to involve in your drama as long as his or her school didn’t join the competition too.


Chiyoko (smiling teasingly):  You’re worried that I’m writing a screenplay to put Usagi in love with someone else, aren’t you?


Seiya and Usagi are blushed and embarrassed, and the others burst into laughter.


Chiyoko (laughing):  He…ok, ha…all right, seriously, I didn’t put you guys into my drama because I don’t want to hear girls yelling you guys’ names downstage while my drama is rolling upstage. You know how crazy your fans are.


Taiki:  Chiyoko-san is right, although I really wanted to join it. What about you, Mamoru-san? Why don’t you join?


Minako (teasingly):  He can’t join. Seiya-kun would be really worried if Mamoru-san joined the drama, don’t you think?


This time, Seiya, Usagi, and Mamoru are embarrassed and all of the others burst into laughter again, and louder this time. They almost can’t stop laughing.


Chiyoko (laughing):  Ha…Ha…all right now. Ha…that’s not the reason. Mamoru-chan didn’t join us because he’ll have to be intern at a hospital for several weeks. He won’t have the time to rehearse with us. But I’m not worried. I’ve got Naru-chan, Umino-san, Ami-chan, Makoto-chan, Minako-chan, Yuko-chan, Keiko-chan, Akiko-chan, Haruka-san, Michiru-san, Setsuna-san, Hotaru-chan, and Usagi in my drama, and I’m going to play the main role. We’re going to be just fine.


Taiki:  Rei-san’s not going to join?


Rei:  I can’t, because the drama club of my school joined too.


Usagi:  Don’t worry. We’ve got enough people. Some of us may play few minor characters anyway.


Rei (mockingly):  Yeah, the only thing Chiyoko-chan should worry is you.


Usagi:  Hey! I did drama before. It wasn’t bad, right?


Rei (teasingly):  It wasn’t bad. It was really bad. It was too bad.


Usagi (angrily):  Rei!


They get into a fight and everyone else has sweat-drops. On Saturday, since Chiyoko has just finished the screenplay, they start to rehearse today. All, including Naru and Umino but except Mamoru and Chiyoko, are in the living room of Chiyoko’s house.


Usagi:  What’s Chiyoko doing? She has been in her room for about fifteen minutes.


Ami:  Didn’t you hear she needed to put on the make up?


Usagi:  But it has been so long. Besides, it’s just a rehearsal. Why does she need to put on make up?


Chiyoko:  Because I need to see if the effect is good before we begin.


Chiyoko suddenly shows up at the top of the stairs. Everyone looks at her with wide eyes. Chiyoko now has black short hair with a tomboy appearance, and she is wearing a black suit. She walks downstairs and turns around in front of the boys and girls.


Chiyoko (smiling):  So? What do you think?


Usagi (jumps to hold Chiyoko’s hands):  Woo, this is amazing. What did you do to your hair?


Chiyoko:  I’m wearing a periwig. So you guys think this is fine, right?


Ami (smiling):  It’s incredible. You look really handsome, exactly like a man.


Chiyoko:  Thank you very much. All right then, let’s see. You all knew the story is about a man’s daughter is getting married but he doesn’t really like his future son-in-law. The others keep trying to make the daddy happy with the wedding, and finally, he is. He even helps his daughter and future son-in-law when they argue and almost separate. All right then, and we also worked out the role list: Ami-chan and I are Michiru-san’s parents. (Giggles.) This is going to be fun. Setsuna-san is Haruka-san’s mother. Hotaru-chan is Michiru-san’s younger sister. The others are going to play other characters like the couple’s friends. You’re all satisfied with that?


Every character nods.


Chiyoko (excitedly):  Ok then, let the good times roll.


Chiyoko wrote the screenplay, and is playing the father, and also directing the drama.


Chiyoko (as father):  Michelle, you’re not going to marry this guy and that’s final.


Michiru (as Michelle, shouting at Chiyoko):  But I love him, dad! I really love him! I won’t listen to you and I’m going to marry him no matter what! Nothing can stop me!


Chiyoko:  Cut! Michiru-san, you have to show me some tears here. You were very angry about what I said and you couldn’t believe your father said something that hurt you so much. You were sad so you cried, ok? One more time!


Usagi (as Michelle’s friend):  Michelle, don’t worry. Everything will be fine. Your dad used to be very understanding. He might just cannot accept that her only daughter is getting married and leaving him. Give him some time. He’ll get used to it.


Chiyoko:  Cut! Usagi, you have to put your heart into it. Don’t just read the words from the screenplay. You have to add the mood and expression. Once again!


Later when they’re having a break, Chiyoko asks the others, especially the Three Lights and Rei who were watching the whole time, for opinions.


Yaten:  You’re like Gushiken Akane-san.


Seiya:  She’s not. Akane-san was hard on me only. Chiyoko is serious about everyone and everything.


Mamoru:  She’s serious about everything because she’s a perfectionist.


Mamoru has just walked through the door. He holds Chiyoko and kisses her forehead.


Chiyoko:  Everything goes fine in the hospital?


Mamoru:  Yeah, they said I’d be the next chief of our class if I keep it up.


Chiyoko (smiling):  I know you will.


Others:  Congratulations, Mamoru-san.


Mamoru:  How’s your drama going? Did Usagi-san do anything wrong?


Usagi (pouting):  Hey! Why does everyone think that I’m the only one making mistakes around here? I wasn’t the only one who got busted.


Ami:  Chiyoko-chan’s very serious about the performance. She trains us really hard.


Mamoru:  Like I said, she did it because she wanted everything to be perfect.


Minako:  We’re going to win with Chiyoko-chan’s training.


Chiyoko:  I did it not because I wanted to win. I did it because I didn’t want to regret someday. I want my conscience to be clear even though I don’t win the competition, because I know I tried my best.


Everyone nods with agreements.


Rei:  You’re right, Chiyoko-chan. You did really well actually. It was so good that it makes me think: why you’re good at everything and Usagi’s good at nothing?


Usagi (pouting):  Hey, Rei! How could you say that? I AM good at something.


Rei (mockingly):  Oh yeah? Like what?


Usagi (thinks hardly):  Like…


Rei:  You’re hopeless!


Usagi (angrily):  Hey!


They get into a fight and everyone else has sweat-drops. Meanwhile, Nicole turns a jasmine into a girl. The girl with blond short hair and blue eyes is wearing yellow bikini and short boots with white ribbons around her.


Nicole:  Jasmine, go to Earth and bring me back Prince Eric and Princess Irene. Don’t fail on me, ok?


Jasmine:  Don’t worry, your highness, I won’t.


Nicole:  H’m, I hope so.


[CM Break]


Today is the competition. Everyone has spent so much time on their work and is very nervous and excited. The two couples and all their friends are at the competition hall. Three Lights announced that they came to support their alma mater. Of course, most of the girls are surrounding them. Backstage, some girls show up near the sailors and one of them is looking at the Three Lights and the yelling girls like they are inserts.


The girl (to the girls besides her):  A bunch of silly girls! Those boys only know how to get attention in front of girls but have nothing inside. Only nymphomaniacs would like them.


The girls around her nod and leave with her. The fans are very unhappy to hear that and they go to give her a lesson. Although the inners including Usagi want to go too but Mamoru and Chiyoko pull them back.


Chiyoko:  There must be some people in the world who don’t like them. Are you going to hurt them all?


Mamoru:  Chiyoko’s right. Please stay clam.


Usagi (going again):  But they insulted our friends! I’m going to punish her!


Chiyoko (pulls Usagi back again):  Why don’t you just sit down and takes some rest? You still have a role to play, you know.


Makoto:  Who was the girl anyway? Does anybody know?


Rei:  She’s the chairlady of the drama club of my school, Matsushita Setsuko-san. She won many cups for the school in the open competitions with other schools.


Usagi:  Did that made her feel she was the greatest girl in the world? Everyone, we have to win the competition. I’d like to give her a lesson.


Chiyoko (shakes her head):  We’re not going to win just for your revengeful will. You knew it, right?


Usagi:  But…yes, you’re right. I’m sorry.


Chiyoko (pats her shoulder with a smile):  You’d like to give her a lesson for insulting Seiya, right? I understand. Let’s try our best in the competition, all right?


Usagi (smiles and nods):  Um!


Chiyoko:  It’s not our turn yet. Why don’t we rehearse one last time just in case?


Everyone practices in the dressing room. Setsuko walks by them and sees what they’re doing. She looks at Chiyoko with amazement and interrupts them.


Setsuko:  Excuse me, but were you the most famous girl in our school, Niiyama Chiyoko-san?


Chiyoko (smiling):  I don’t think I was the most famous one. But yes, I’m Niiyama Chiyoko. Nice to meet you, Matsushita Setsuko-san.


Setsuko (surprised):  You know me?


Chiyoko (smiling):  You were very famous in the school too when I was there. Don’t you know that?


Setsuko:  Chiyoko-san, I know this is the first time I talk to you. But there’s something you should know. You were good at acting, but you didn’t do directing and screenplay writing before. I don’t think you’re going to win in this competition.


Chiyoko (smiling):  The most important thing for competition is joining. I don’t care if I win or not. I shared a wonderful time with my friends in the rehearsals and that’s good enough for me.


Setsuko:  What are you talking about? What is “I don’t care if I win or not”? If you joined the competition, you had to think of winning only, right? Otherwise, why don’t you just practice in your free time? Why did you join the competition?


Chiyoko:  I joined the competition because I enjoy the process to fight for a goal. I concentrate on my work and fight for it with my friends. It makes me feel great. Moreover, “true nobility lies not in being superior to another man, but in being superior to one’s previous self.”


Setsuko (surprised, confused, and shakes her head):  I don’t understand you.


Chiyoko (smiling):  You don’t need to understand me. Everyone has his or her own thinking and personality. You don’t have to agree or follow anyone else. As long as you don’t do anything to hurt the others, you can do whatever to make yourself happy.


Setsuko is shocked by her wise words again.


Chiyoko:  Now if you’d excuse us, we still have our last rehearsal to go here.


Setsuko looks at her with amazement and she leaves.


Usagi and Ami (thumbs up):  Chiyoko-chan, you were great!


Chiyoko (winks an eye):  I was just telling the truth, right?


Mamoru holds her and everyone nods. The competition starts soon and everyone is doing great. Minako and Usagi start to worry if they’re going to win.


Usagi:  They’re all doing great.


Minako:  No offense, but Chiyoko-chan, their stories are great. People enjoy watching tragic romance more than comic family story, don’t you think?


Ami:  Don’t worry. Like Chiyoko-chan said, we tried our best and there’s nothing to worry about.


Taiki:  Ami-san is right. We saw your rehearsals and we felt great. A touching comedy is better than a sad story.


Yaten:  Although I quite agree with what Minako-san said, you’re going to be fine.


There’re few groups left. While another group is playing, Setsuko wants to go to the bathroom so she leaves. Few seconds later, Chiyoko and Usagi stand up.


Ami:  Where are you going? The competition is about to begin.


Chiyoko:  I’m going to the washroom.

Usagi:  Yeah, me too.

Chiyoko:  We’ll be back soon.


When they walk around a corner to the washroom, Jasmine is standing in front of many Hope and Love Crystals. Many people are lying on the floor. Setsuko’s one of them. They quickly stand back before Jasmine can see them, and they transform.


Jasmine:  None of them is Prince Eric or Princess Irene? That’s so strange.


Moon and Protector appear.


Moon:  Everyone is waiting to play a role in the drama competition.

Protector:  But I don’t think there is a role for you!

Moon:  For love and hope…

Protector:  the sailor-suited pretty soldiers…

Moon:  Sailor Cosmos Moon!

Protector:  Sailor Cosmos Protector!

Together:  In the name of the universe, we’ll punish you!


Jasmine:  I don’t care who you are. I am doing business here. Step aside!


Jasmine puts up her hands and the ribbons around her are released to fly to the sailors.


Moon:  Hope Crystal Eternal Light!

Protector:  Hope Crystal Divine Light!


Jasmine is vanished. A jasmine left on the floor and then disappears. The drama competition continues. After Setsuko’s group and Chiyoko’s group are finished, they’re resting downstage and waiting for the announcement of the awards.


Setsuko (sitting next to Chiyoko):  Who do you think is going to win the game?


Chiyoko:  I don’t care. When I thought of the moments we worked together for it, I knew that was the greatest treasure I had never had.


Setsuko (looking at her smilingly):  I think I start to understand you.


Finally, Chiyoko got the Best Actress In The Leading Role – although she is acting a father, she is a female in the real life. Chiyoko also got the Best Screenplay and the Best Director. Setsuko’s group got the Best Costume Design, Best Art Direction, Best Actor In The Leading Role, Best Actor In The Supporting Role, and Best Actress In The Supporting Role. Now it comes to the time to announce the Best Drama.


Usagi (sadly):  I’m sorry, Chiyoko. It seems that you’re going to lose the Best Drama because of us. We didn’t do well in the drama.


Chiyoko:  It’s ok, Usagi. Don’t worry about it. We tried our best and that’s good enough for me. We did share a good time rehearsing, right?


The judge finally announces:  The best drama of this year is – this hasn’t happened for a long time – a comedy, Niiyama Chiyoko-san’s group, “Father of The Bridge”!


Usagi, Chiyoko, and their friends (excitedly):  Yahoo!


Chiyoko goes upstage to get the prize. Mamoru’s the first one to hug her and he gives her a congratulatory kiss. Then everyone else congratulates her, even Setsuko.


Setsuko (smiling):  Congratulations!


Chiyoko (smiling):  Same to you!


Setsuko (putting up her hand to Chiyoko):  Friends?


Chiyoko (shaking hands with Setsuna):  Friends of course.


Everyone looks at them with amazement. Then Setsuko leaves.


Usagi (excitedly):  Where are we going for celebration?


Rei (mockingly):  For you, anywhere has something to eat is fine.


Usagi (pouting):  Hey, Rei!


They get into a fight (again? sighs,) and it’s not going to end fast. Everyone else has sweat-drops. Chiyoko is looking at the direction Setsuko left. Mamoru is holding her.


Chiyoko (smiling):  I think the greatest prize I won today is Setsuko-san.


Mamoru (smiling):  You’re right.


Then they look at each other smilingly.



New Characters’ Profiles


Jasmine has meaning like kind, caring, forgiving, charming and elegance, just like Chiyoko.



Author’s Note


I tried to make Chiyoko looking like the real moon: soft, forgiving, kind, sensitive, etc. You’ll understand her much and much more as the story go along. Chiyoko and Usagi are both ambivert, i.e. double personality, which means their outsides are different from their insides. Usagi is brave and positive on the outside, but inside, she’s a little vulnerable. Chiyoko is softhearted, elegant, and mature from the outside, but she’s funny and childish sometimes. Maybe they are affected by their pass life after all, or maybe they are born ambivert. I’ll talk about this later in my story. Well, I hope you like this episode. Next one will be one of my favourites. I’ll see you next time! Chao!