Romance In Avonlea RPG

Characters Taken
Sara Stanley**Kristi
Felicity King**Maude
Felix King**Maude
Gus Pike**Amber
Hetty King**Anne
Olivia King**Amber
Janet King**Lisi
Alec King**Lisi
Marilla Cuthbert**Asya
Cecily King**Katie
Andrew King**Bridget
Izzy Pettibone**Heather
Arthur Pettibone**Joshua
Aunt Eliza**Lisi
Dora Keith**Anne

This Role Play Game was started by Maude! It's really very new, in fact we just started writing. There are plenty of characters left so come join! We are beginning in the 2nd season.

Characters Available
Rachel Lynde, Davy Keith
Alec King, Muriel Stacy,
Morgan Pettibone, Sally Potts,
Janet King, Clemmie Raye,
Jasper Dale, Andrew King,
Mr and Mrs Lawson,
Clive Pettibone,
Clara Potts and Bert Potts,
Simon Tremayne, Chef Pierre La Pierre
and lots more!

Click here to find out more about the RPG!
Click here to join the game!
Click here to see the rest of Maude's Avonlea Page!

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