America, Fight Back!

End the US dependence on Middle Eastern Oil!
Don't let bin Laden get away with what he's done!

Tell the Terrorist States that we will not fund more attacks by Osama bin Laden or any other terrorist group by saying NO to Middle Eastern Oil!

Trade in your gas guzzling SUVs for better gas mileage and safety.

How can the US stop being dependent on middle eastern oil when all of America buys huge vehicles just for the sake of having a status symbol?

With the recent attacks on New York City and the Pentagon every American can do their part to fight against the terrorists who attacked the US on Sept. 11, 2001.

If it takes you $25 - $50 to fill your gas tank, think of how much of that money is going to a terrorist state who support and harbor crimals like bin Laden. Don't fund the attacks on America! Start fighting back by buying more fuel-efficient cars. Not only will you save money, you will keep your hard-earned money out of the hands of the people who commit the unspeakable crimes we have seen recently. I urge anyone who has a vehicle with poor gas mileage to consider making a change. It's the American thing to do.

More information about car alternatives and fuel info to be posted soon. Please feel free to e-mail

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