Microsoft Ebonics

Microsoft has announced the release of a special Ebonics version of Windows 98, titled "IT BE A FRESH WINDOW."
There are numerous differences between standard Windows 2001 and the Ebonics version.
Below are some of them
Users of the Ebonics version will notice several command and dialogue box changes:

1. Break Back In = Re-entry
2. Aww Shit, = Error
3. Itz All Good = OK
4. 4 Real Doe = Yes
5. Hold Up, Dawg = Cancel
6. Do Dat Shit Again = Reset
7. R U Crazy = Are You Sure
8. Hunt Dat Down = Find
9. Put A Cap In It = Delete
10. Games & Shit = Programs
11. Letter Shit = Documents

So have several words on the title bar too:
1. Dat Thang = File
2. I Be Seein' It = View
3. Put Sumpin In = Insert
4. Hook It Up = Format
5. Stuff I Ain't Gone Need = Tools
6. Number Shit = Table
7 Break In = Window
8. What Da F*ck??? = Help
Auto Correct has been replaced with "Keepin' it Real".

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