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They are both young, attractive, conservative commentators. One is a passionate principles promoter. One is a shameless self-promoter.


Sean, it is not the newspapers' fault Case 1

Glenn Beck—Dig Deeper for Clinton Dirt Case 2


Talk Show Host Misfires
Quotes and comments on the best conservative talk show hosts
who, once in a while, misfire.
Yet, they are still the best of the best!


Principles Promoter—Self Promoter

Guess Who Is Who?


They are both young, attractive, conservative commentators. One is a passionate principles promoter. One is a shameless self-promoter.

If you caught Michelle Malkin on either the Sean Hannity radio show or on Hannity and Colmes, September 12, you saw a rising star in action and at her very best. I have been a follower of Michelle's work for some time as her columns are quite impressive. She spoke about immigration control since she has a new book out whose title sums up the border control and immigration problem well—Invasion.

I also have been a big fan of Sean Hannity, but now I find myself asking a question—has anyone figured out Sean Hannity's shameless self-promotion fixation?

With such crucial issues facing this nation—current war on terror, pending Iraq war, Clinton's failure to counter the multiple attacks on America during his regime, WMD threats, 911 anniversary, tax slavery—can't Sean find some time to discuss these crucial issues on his radio show?

I thought September 11th would be a bit different. Surely there would be some memorable commentary from Sean Hannity on border security, the war against terrorism, or wonderful memorials about victims of the September 11 attack. On the one year anniversary, it would be a different radio show—wouldn't it?

The show, sadly, did not make an exception for the 911 anniversary. What we heard was a continuation of Sean Hannity's self-promotion tour. I decided to verify my belief that Sean is a shameless self-promoter by taping his show and putting the stopwatch to the segments. (Numbers below).

Here is a summary from Sean Hannity's latest business plan:

Fill up two hours of my daily radio show promoting my "Let Freedom Ring Tour".

With the remaining hour, use half of it to plug my new book. With the other half, divide that up between plugging Hannity and Colmes and plugging my website.

In the few odd moments when I do get a call thrust on me, hurry them along and say "I don't have much time. I am coming up on a hard break. Make your point quickly." Practice those phrases well so they flow smoothly off the lips.

On the website, plug my radio show and the "Let Freedom Ring" book signing tour. Avoid, at all costs, commentary and topics of interest. Squeeze in an extra photo of myself if at all possible.

On Hannity and Colmes, whenever a guest has a new book, make sure I remember to get the last word in about my own book after briefly mentioning the guest's book. Never, ever, let my guest get the last word in promoting their own radio show or their own book. Always have the last self-promotion plug. Giggle, smile, and look at the camera when I do that so it looks and sounds cute, not rude or boorish.

If you go to Hannity.com, you will see a website that has 1 silhouette of Sean, 7 photos of Sean—including three of the same "Let Freedom Ring" book cover—and one joint photo with Oliver North. Pay close attention to that last one, otherwise you will not recognize Ollie since Sean made sure Ollie was in the dark shadows, but Sean, of course, had the lights trained on him. Roughly 95% of the real estate on his web site is self-promotion. The remaining space has a few links, a Barbara Olson link, and little else.

Contrast that with Michelle Malkin's website. Her website is just the opposite—about 95% of the real estate highlights her columns. And the seven photos? Even though Michelle would win the Miss Conservative beauty pageant contest among columnists, you do not find one photo on her home page. She prefers, instead, to promote her sincere opinion about our founding principles through her column links.

On the 13th, Amazon.com's best sellers list showed Michelle's Invasion two slots ahead of Sean Hannity's Let Freedom Ring.

How poetic! Nice gals finish first!

You say Michelle does not have a radio show to plug so it is different for her? Michael Savage has a radio show. Go to the Savage website and the dominant feature is a petition to save the Pledge and 6 "Michael Savage says" briefs about illegal aliens and border security. It is not dominated by his photos or plugs for his books. On Monday and Wednesday evenings I leave scheduled meetings and turn on the car radio to the Michael Savage show and like clockwork, he is in the middle of some passionate rant about founding principles.

If you randomly tune into Hannity's radio show, odds are the first words you will hear will be book, tour, website, or "Hannitized". On Friday the 13th, nearly the entire 530pm to 600 pm segment, except for his five minute "Trash the Lines" was taken up with his book and tour plugging.

Is Sean on medication?

FOX keeps tighter control of things as they don't allow Hannity to grovel like he does on the radio show. What a sweet deal Sean has with his radio gig. Plug your entire enterprise on the network's dime. Get paid by one network while you plug your show running on a competing network.

Let's be honest. Have you ever tried to call a national talk show host? After a zillion attempts, you finally get through. Are you really going to ask "Sean, when are you coming to Long Island with your book tour" and ask "how is your book doing on the New York Time's best seller list", chat about who is going to be on Hannity and Colmes, and that's it! When Sean never even asks "do you have anything you want to ask me" it gives the impression Sean is hiring plants to plug Sean Hannity Enterprises.

In Michelle's Malkin's latest column End Sanctuary For Illegal Immigrants, she points out that two of the hijackers who attacked the Pentagon obtained fake IDs in the parking lot of a 7-Eleven near the Pentagon. Michelle visited that same 7-Eleven recently and she said,

"The parking lot was, as usual, filled with Hispanic day laborers. Local cops suspect that most of these men are here illegally and that they continue to facilitate trade in fake identification documents. But nobody arrests them."

Michelle also had this to say about New York City a year after the WTC attack:

"Barely two months after the September 11 attacks, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg stated his commitment to preserve the Big Apple as a formal sanctuary for illegal aliens. 'People who are undocumented do not have to worry about city government going to the federal government,' Bloomberg vowed."

Michelle spoke about the illegals and national security on both Hannity shows September 12th in a fervent but composed fashion. There was not a hint of self-promotion in her appearance. Michelle is an outstanding columnist, a wonderful role model for young conservative women, and a founding principles promoter. Contrast that with these segments from the Hannity radio show on September 12th:

Comments and Topics
Democrats and the debate on Iraq.
Sean discusses caller's birthday party, self-promotion about his book, rank of book on Amazon.
Self-promotion--Let Freedom Ring Tour.
Self-promotion--Hannity and Colmes.
Sean discussing with caller nukes, chemical weapons, Hiroshima.
Self-promotion Hannity and Colmes.
Self-promotion--Let Freedom Ring.
Asks what we can do to "Make Flipper happy"--(Flipper is his call screener).
Talks to guest Michelle Malkin. Sean immediately plugs his book after he brings up Michelle's book. Sean's book got the majority of book discussion time, not his guest's book.
Self-promotion. Talking with caller "Lillie" from Florida who is "Flipperized". Talked about "praying to birds" and about her husband who is "Hannitized". [Flipper obviously is told to screen these people to promote Hannity while good callers with important topics are more than likely told to call back another day]
Self-promotion--Hannity and Colmes.
Self-promotion--Hannitization tour (Let Freedom Ring tour).
Discusses fluff with a caller from Michigan about a concert and music. [Nice screen job there, Flipper. As long as the caller promises to say warm and fuzzy things about how much they love Sean Hannity, callers like this get to waste 242 seconds].
Guest Senator John McCain. As soon as McCain mentioned an item in his book, Sean Hannity hijacked the conversation and immediately started talking about his own book and even, unbelievably, asked Senator McCain if he had bought Sean's latest book yet. [He had practice at this since he did the same thing to Michelle Malkin earlier in the show].
Self-promotion--Sean's book.
Self-promotion--Let Freedom Ring tour.
Self-promotion--Let Freedom Ring tour.
Self-promotion--Hannity and Colmes.
Discusses Iraq debate.
Self-promotion--Hannity and Colmes.
Self-promotion--Sean's website.

This ugly, shameful display by Sean Hannity can be contrasted with Michael Savage's Friday the 13th show. Michael's first two segments lasted 470 and 579 seconds in length and were pure 100% vintage Savage, highly entertaining, and not one second—not one second—was spent on any self-promotion.

The best cure for Sean's illness would be to replay the video of Michelle Malkin's appearance on Hannity and Colmes continuously until he understands what grace, charm, and outstanding commentary is.

Our nation faces some very serious threats, not only foreign, but from within. We need the voices of reason with national reach to rise above the paycheck and fight for our nation's survival.

Michelle Malkin is a modern day heroine. Her works are a vital piece in the fight against these clear and present dangers.

Sean Hannity has become a shameless self-promoter, not only on the anniversary of September 11, but regularly, even as our nation faces these grave threats to our freedom.

Let Freedom Ring? Sean, is the subtitle "Let the Cash Register Ring"?


To Sentry: "I am ever so glad for this piece. I'm going to copy it in total and send it to that jerk -- he won't read it, but I'll feel better for sending it. And, I hope that dipper "flipper" takes one mouthful too many."--Dave C (abrev) at comcast.net


This is a new section in the Sentry Over America family of sites.

This section of Sentry Over America will feature critiques and reports on radio and TV hosts (Columns).

It will also include conversations (Cases) I have, or my members or readers of Sentry Over America have, with syndicated hosts. If we disagree with the point by the host and, in plain words, the host just flat out misfired, we will publish the conversation. In addition, some misfires that Sentry or readers just hear will also be presented. Members and readers of the site are encouraged to send in their arguments for possible publication. If possible, some actual transcript would be helpful if you happened to have recorded your conversation. If not, please have the host's comments as accurate as you can remember. The theme and point is the key, however, not the actual words the host used.

If you speak with a talk show host and disagree with the outcome, or you hear your favorite conservative talk show host misfire, send in the comment, date of show, and your commentary, and your name ( actual, forum screen name, or state if you choose to remain anonymous), city and state. Selected submissions will be published.

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