<BGSOUND SRC="candleinthewind.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
In Light of all the devastating sorrow....

There has been an Awakening of Heart
in this nation.
Heart that reflects the true meanings that which this country was founded.
Kind unselfish acts to others.
True heartfelt concerns.

We have all been a different people since.
If any good can ever be found out of all the pain
Perhaps we have been given a glimpse towards a way to better life.
To live a life of caring as not to have let those
that gave, all the lost lives, all those with lives for ever changed, to have not been lost in vain..
What better tribute could we give?
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In our Memories Forever This Day will  be..
September 11, 2001

Among the pictures we have seen,
the images that will forever be in our  minds .
The images nothing like what will haunt those that were there.
There are some images, that can bring a different kind of tears.
That can touch in a way that brings both
tears and a smile. 
Tears from having been touched in a place deep inside, out of hope, out of Heart.
The Shinning Light out of this Tragedy,
out of the pain..
America.. We have come together!
Images of people standing together,
Our country United in it's pain, and resolve.
Images of strangers reaching out to strangers.
Neighbors became Hero's, without having been asked Whom before, we had not known their names.
We felt in our own hearts the need, the desire to reach out and help.
For no other purpose than to say "Here let me help you", or  "Thank You" to be of comfort. 
A Desire to "Help".  Out of genuine caring and love from their hearts.
Images of what makes our country great. Images that we would all be the better for,
Should We Never Forget.
Let Us Remember this Day, Let us remember the days after, And Perhaps the best response to this tragedy would be to continue living in the Light of  this new awakened heart of our nation.

The only other time I see our world behaving this way,
Is one time a year.. "Christmas"..
Lets not allow what good that has been born out of such evil, become that of "A Candle in the Wind".,
That to me, would be a tragedy too.

What binds us all together in the name of Freedom
The Compassion that is in the Heart of our Nation.
Guest Book
Guest Book
Guest Book

The Heart of our Nation
These two touching photos, along with two more on the following page,  I recieved in an email from a freind who is freinds with the photographer Chuck Sommers, an architect who lives in NYC.  These photographs are a part of a Gallery collection on exhibit now in NYC.  "Here is New York"

I was so touched by these I asked, and was given, permission to post them here,
So that you could be touched by them also.
Out of all the pain..
A Shining light..

And though we will never forget the images for ever in our minds of the horrors.
Let us not foget the people that were touched, still "are", and remember too,
The shinning light.  Unity.
Bless you all

Copyright 2001..
Photographer Chuck Sommers
All rights reserved
Photographs available for purchase with proceeds providing aid to the littlest victims of the
September 11th Attack.  Through,  "The Childrens Fund"
You can contact the Gallery and view other disaster related photography
"Here is New York"
NEXT  Shinning light 2