The Mystical Realm of the Raven
You have now entered the Mystical Realm of the Raven.  Open your mind.  Relax your eyes.  Drift and float through the unexplainable experience you are now emmersed in.

Sequoia's art is a mystical ride.  A clandestine journey through a benevolent time.  Sultry visions that are unable to define.  Capturing your soul to free your mind.

All images are the property of Sequoia Raven Moon and are available for sale.  Duplication or use of these images with out authorization is not righteous.  Please be kind, honest, and generous.  Contact for pricing and information.

Wisdom The Forest Muse
Wisdom is a virtous, intelligent mind that functions to recognize objects unmistakenly without the bias of the beholders experience.

Digital.  Based on Original image painted on the table of a 1971 VW Bus.

The Forest Muse

Invited into the forest and asked to engage in play.  White Butterflys dancing gracefully around.  The trees are alive and begin to show their faces.  They hum, and grumble, and watch in wonder.  The deeper into the forest I'm taken, the more the trees begin to reveal.  Arriving to a rushing waterfal, I sit.  The fresh water mist pervades the air and dances on my skin, I breathe.  A long deep refreshing breath in, and an extended exhale I'm encouraged to let it all go.  I sit.  And there she appears.  Like a cloud of white splendour dancing in the mist, the goddess of the forest, the lady of the trees.  A long breath in filling my heart with compassion and love, an extended breath out invoking the blessing of long life.  A deep breath in I'm handed a gem from the earth and asked to partake, a special wisdom to all who abide, an exhale allowing it to disolve simply into ONE.  Peacefully abiding in my heart I dwell and The story of the forest muse to you I tell.    

Digital.  Composed from photographic images.  


def: Something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality. (webster)

A thousand petals of a luscious vision. Caught deeply in the sensation of an instant connection.
Freely standing on a fast moving river.  Passionately screaming silent words. Angel of bliss dances still in the night.
The wisdom of grace illuminates your sight.
In what direction the seer does go?
In what direction the knower does know?
Spiraling words two meanings could describe.  Too many questions to decide.
Your treasure, your bliss, your future
resting under a rock in the rivers tide. There is No direction.  And there is NO return.  When your Eyes are open, your vision discern.  Close your eyes and in darknesss the truth you will perceive.  Dance freely. No worry about tomorrow.  Faith in your destiny will keep you from sorrow.  As the angels delight in your beauty,  dance in divine thankfullness for to them you are pure love.

Digital.  Composed of two different acrylic paintings on canvas. 

My swan, let us fly to that land Where your Beloved lives forever.

That land has an up-ended well
Whose mouth, narrow as a thread,
The married soul draws water from
Without a rope or pitcher.

My swan, let us fly to that land
Where your Beloved lives forever.

Clouds never cluster there,
Yet it goes on and on raining.
Don't keep squatting outside in the yard-
Come in!  Get drenched without a body!

My swan, let us fly to that land
Where your Beloved lives forever.

That land is always soaked in moonlight;
Darkness can never come near it.
It is flooded always with the dazzle
Of not one, but a million suns.

My swan, let us fly to that land
Where your Beloved lives forever.

Kabir - 'Perfume of the Desert' - Harvey & Hanut

Digital.  Composed of  acrylic paintings and photographs.


Kiss of Subtle Breath
Kiss of Subtle Breath

Digital. Based on acrylic painting.

Kiss of Illuminated Light
Tree Fairy and the Dark Sage
Kiss of Illuminated Light

Digital. Based on acrylic painting.

Tree Fairy and the Dark Sage

Digitally altered version of acrylic painting. 
