			by: Jason Charrier


This program is freeware, but it would be really nice if you would let me know if you plan on using it in whole or in part. YOU MAY NOT SELL THIS PROGRAM! If you redistribute it, please include this readme. In other words, you may steal it, but please let me know if you do.

General Info

This is my first real Windows program!!! I'm pretty tired from writing it, so I'll make this brief. It's pretty intuitive. The plus sign is for adding an entry, the minus for deleting, and the arrow for modifying. These can also be found in the Edit menu. As you add entries, they will accumulate in the view. Click on an existing entry to select it and do what you will with it. You can save and load "Skedules" and also print them out. It will even let you know when a "skeduled" even occurs or has occurred. 


To install, simply double-click the setup.exe file in the main directory of the CD if it doesn’t start automatically (if you have an installation CD.  If you did not receive this on a CD, double click the Skeduler.msi file to begin installation. Shortcuts to the program and its documentation will be placed in Start\Programs\JKC Software\Skeduler. 


The installer this program uses allows you to fix the program if some of its files are damaged or deleted. To repair the program, run setup.exe (or Skeduler.msi if you don’t have a CD of this program) and choose “Repair Skeduler”.


To uninstall, either run the setup.exe (or Skeduler.msi) file again and choose “Remove Skeduler”, or you can uninstall it from the Control Panel\Add/Remove Programs applet. 

Release History

V 1.0 (4/23/2000): INTITIAL (NON PUBLIC) RELEASE! WHOO-HOO!!! Nothing has changed since the last version because there isn't a last version. 

V 1.0.1 (5/2/2000): Hmm…can’t remember what I changed, but it wasn’t much.

V 1.1 (5/4/2000): - selected entries now turn blue instead of that annoying red

- Double left or right clicking when no enntry is selected 
  brings up the add entry box thingy

- Decided I had made enough changes to warrrant calling it 
  "version 1.1"

V 1.1.1 (5/4/2000): - put a picture in the about box

- support for leap years

- minor text changes here and there

V 1.1.2 (5/12/2000): - fixed a MAJOR bug in the leap year checking that would 
     only allow you to enter stuff for February if it was for  
     a leap year

V 1.2 (5/27/2000): - some minor changes since 1.1.2 that I can’t remember

- now has the option to remind you at certtain periods of time      of your events.  NOTE: This is buggy! It works fine as long as the hour that your event is scheduled is the same as the current time (i.e. if you schedule an event at 6:05, and the current time is 5:55, then neither of the reminders will work.  This is being worked on, and I hope to have it fixed by the next release). 

V 1.2.1 (5/30/2000): - the five and ten minute reminders now work (at least I’m 
     pretty sure they do)!!!

  - now always asks to make sure you really want to delete an 
            entry when you tell it to

V (6/5/2000): -made some new icons! Looks a whole lot better!!!

V 1.2.2 (6/14/2000): -added a right click menu with Add, Modify, and Delete. Got 
          rid of deleting selected entry by right double clicking 
   on it.

V (7/7/2000): -to avoid confusion, an event has to be selected in order 
   for Modify and Delete to even be selectable (before, you 
   could choose them, but it wouldn't do anything).

V (1/30/2003): -FINALLY released to the public! 

Known Issues
-Skeduler requires the Microsoft Foundatioon Classes (MFC). Unfortunately, I don’t have any way to distribute them as well.

-If you enter a year above 2037 (why you wwould, I don’t know), it will crash every time. This is a bug in Windows (I know it’s in 98 and NT. Don’t know about the rest). IT’S NOT MY FAULT!!! Hopefully we won’t still be using Win98 in 2038. 


PLEASE, send feedback, suggestions, bug reports, hate mail, etc., to
