+.Twilight Meadow.+
With every night,you travel far and wide.Your name is Drake.You enjoy travling among the flowers and daisys.One night you lay down and look into the sky.You see the stars and suddenly,to you,you see something moving quite fast among the clouds.You jump up,and yell,"Who is there?" Suddenly,a Crescent Moon dragon lands infront of you.She is in stress.You notice an arrow going straight through her chest.She meemps on last sentance before her eyes glaze,"Take my child,Nitzan,and love for him." You look sadly at her,and then,before your eyes,dies on that lonely,cold,evil night.But,after you cry your head off,you step toward the creature.It had said something about an egg.You look around the body,and in the grasp of the mother's claw,you see an egg.Gently taking it,you put it in your pocket.You hang your unicorn hide jacket over the fire,to keep the egg warm.After a while,the egg starts to move...The baby inside is still alive.This is Nitzan,the Crescent Moon Dragon..He will have some more friends here,aswell,soon.

Crescent Moon Adoptions
Personality:Sweet,and fun
Parents:Sprite and Darkness
Adopted at:Crescent Moon
-Several days later,you are riding your loyal horse,Star Burst across the praire.The egg of Nitzan Warm inside your pocket.Whistling happily,the 3 troops troop across the plraire.You stop for a second at a beautiful feild of purple flowers.You jump off your horse,and begin to run through the feild,your arms open like you were a bird.The mountains in the distance,the flowers,and everything was good.You stop,and collapse in the purple flowers.With your head to the sky,you roll over to look at a Uni bug.As you look,you see a nest.Inside a little egg rests.You smile at the thought of having two little dragons hanging around.Gently,you sit up.The flowers were so tall,you could just see over them when sitting up,and could see them for miles.This was a very good spot to make a nest.Bending back down,you pick up the egg.Gently,you take out the other egg,and look at them in contrast.The two eggs were very different.You put them down for second,and get out your animals guide to Twilight Meadow.You find the two breeds of dragons that match perfectly to what you were holding.A Haken,and a Crescent Moon dragon.The Crescent Moon Dragons tend to be bigger than Hakens.The eggs were both shiny and smooth.The Haken had a beautiful shimmery shine that Crescent Moon Dragons didn't quite have.Smiling,you put them both in your pocket.You get up,and walk back to your horse,Star Burst.You speak happily,"We have another little egg to father,good ol' boy!" -Smiling some more,you throw yourself onto his back.You pick up a trot and move on down through the meadow,singing a song.
"Great Friends forever..."
"Always Great Friends forever..."
-Your voice gets fainter and fainter as you leave the field.-
"Always Friends Forever...."
A week later....
Stage:Sub Adult
Clutch:Pre Clutch
Adopted at:
Fallen Tower
A Month Later...
Drake is walking along,having had Star Burst stolen at a town that they left very quickly.He looked around,trying to find some berries.He soon found some berries,and sat down to eat.He muched quietly until something else made a noise.He gently stuck his hand down in his pocket,and saw the egg was hatching!He quickly pulled it out,and helped a beautiful little     aqua Haken come out of its blueish shell.He let it sprawl out,and noticed it was aqua.He smiled and leaped for joy!You put him in your hands and walk till you find a small SMALL pond.It is so shallow you can see the bottom,and it has crystal clear water.Her gently placed the Haken in the water,and he surged forward through the water.He smiled,and sat down to make a cabin.He will settle down and find a life here right
next to this little pond.He smiled,and started to sing
Their song,"Always friends forever!"
Chapter II