Vietnam SEA / DRV Missions Vietnam
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You MUST have the Terrain and aircraft to have these missions work for you.

F 105D  MiG Killing                  MAP- DRV                       TYPE - SEAD                  AUTHOR - Streakeagle
This mission will recreate the first MiG kill by a F 105D on 29 June 1966 MiG-17 downed by Maj. Fred L. Tracy of the 421 TFS ("The Cavaliers"), 388 TFW.
Thud Lead        MiG Leads Perspective       Trailing MiGs Perspective

A 1 H  vs. the MiGs                  MAP - DRV or SEA          TYPE - CAP                     AUTHOR - Streakeagle
The missions recreate two historical encounters. Both encounters represent the only MiG kills made by A-1Hs in Vietnam. Each encounter is covered by multiple missions covering both sides.
Mission File

F 105D First Loss to MiGs      MAP - DRV                        TYPE - STRIKE               AUTHOR  - Streakeagle
 1965 April 04 10 miles south of "Dragon's Jaw" bridge strike objective
F-105D 59-1754 563 TFS 355 TFW MAJ FE BENNETT callsign Zinc 1 KIA by MiG-17(J-4) 1036 921 FR Le Min Huan
F-105D 59-1764 563 TFS 355 TFW CPT JA MAGNUSSON callsign Zinc 2 KIA by MiG-17(J-4) 921 FR Tran Hanh
Thud Flight      MiG Lead         F 100 Escort /  Intercept

F 105D Attack on Yen Bai        MAP - SEA              TYPE - STRIKE              AUTHOR - Saganuay82
You're in a 105D 30 NMs up the ridge heading for Yen Bai. A four ship of F4s is on CAP, RedCrown reported MiGs south of Yen Bai heading north. Weather is at 2500ft. Your target is the airfield runway. MiG 21s are based there and if youre detected they will scramble to intercept.
Thud Lead       Mission Map      Recce photo / Radar Picture      Threat Info   ZIP FILE w/Briefing

MiG Killers Over Kep               MAP - DRV                TYPE - CAP                        AUTHOR  - Mcarm
This simple mission is built around the first of those kills on the 2nd of January 1967. On that day Curtis R. Dose of VF-92 had flown MiGCAP for a 35 aircraft strike on Haiphong earlier that morning. Once the strike group had reported feet wet Dose headed inland to see what he could pickup. Shortly before 10:00am Dose approached Kep at low level and high speed.
What followed was a low altitude high speed dogfight with two sections of MiG-21's, Dose eventually downing 1 with a sidewinder, having shot 3. If you want to make this mission realistic I suggest you use only sidewinders as the fight took place at close range without guns.
Mission File

Haiphong Alfa Strike                     MAP - DRV                    TYPE - STRIKE                    AUTHOR - Mcarm
June 1966 was MiG month for Task Force 77. American aircraft took part in 12 separate engagements with the Soviet built fighters. The NVAF operated about 70 interceptors in June of 1966 including the newly supplied MiG-21. This mission recreates the events of the morning of the 12th of June 1966. A flight of VF-211 F-8's were flying MiGCAP for an Alfa Strike flight of A-4's inbound to Haiphong. Near the target the F-8's were bounced by four MiG-17's that slipped in using the cloud cover at 3,500ft. In the resulting mele one MiG-17 was destroyed by VF-211's CO CDR Hal Marr. The rest of the MiG's bugged out.
Mission File

Old Nick F4                                MAP - SEA                          TYPE  -  CAP                       AUTHOR - BattlerBritian
For those of you that have either Lou Drendel's '...And Kill MiGs' or Osprey's US Navy F-4 Phantom II Aces 72-73 you could hardly fail to notice the Sharkmouthed F-4B on the covers of these two books.
This aircraft belonged to VF-111, the Sundowners, callsign Old Nick and the aircraft depicted is No. 201 flown by Lt Gary Weigand and his WSO Lt(jg) Bill Freckleton when they shot down a MiG-17 near Quang Lang airfield. This mission depicts this action.
Mission File          Mission Info

Cam Thuy Strike                        MAP- DRV                           TYPE - STRIKE                  AUTHOR - WEHNER
Intelligence reports the transfer of 8 Mig 19 with chinese flight instructors to Cam Thuy airfield. To our own surprise, they are declared as valid targets. Looks like somebody up the chain hasn't read the ROEs too carefully tonight ! We are in a hurry now, as they were expected to take off at dawn and we do not want the command change its mind ;o). You should be there in 16 minutes and prevent them from take-off. Good luck.
Mission File          Same mission but closer to IP

Song Ca River Bridge strike               MAP - DRV                  TYPE - STRIKE               AUTHOR - WEHNER
Strike the bridge with your flight of F-105s.  Be warned of heavy AAA and MiGs in the area.  This mission turned out to be a co-op between Wehner and Rolling Thunder.
Mission File

Kein An Airfield               MAP - DRV                  TYPE - STRIKE               AUTHOR  -   Saganuay82
You are lead for A-6 Intruder strike on Kein An airfield.  Support will be F-4B MIGCAP and F-105F WW .  EB-66 will provide jamming support.  Recover aboard CV43.
Mission File 

VietCong Camp                        MAP - DRV                     TYPE -  ATTACK               AUTHOR - Saganuay82
A report has come in that a possible training camp has been located on the east coast.  You are flight lead for 4 X F105D to recce the area and engage any targets.
Mission File
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