SFS has initiated a structured volunteer programme to assist parents of special needs children.

People who are willing to give their time are given preliminary training and are assigned a family which they visit regularly on a mutually convenient schedule. 

The programme is evaluated periodically using feedback from the parents of the child. Milestones are assessed and continuous adjustments made to suit the needs of the child.

Let us remember that for the special needs family, every event and every step out of the house requires careful contingency planning and often restricts mobility for the rest of the family.   These small  inputs and help  from  our volunteers provide that little bit of freedom whilst maintaining a professional standard of input towards the betterment of the child.

In fact, three of our young members - Reshma and Ruchi and Lachmi have been coordinating the Volunteers Programme with enthusiasm and are doing a great job ! 

Those interested to help out may please get in touch with
Safia at 050-6526484

You   may   be   wondering  why  we  have  that  famous watercolour  on  our  site ....Cezanne's  painting  is an apt reminder  to  us  that no mountain  is  difficult to climb, and  no difficulty  is  unsurpassable if we  have  the  will  to overcome ....

Mountain, by Cezanne