Of Shoe Chronicles, Dragon Boat and the Meaning of Work

Next, there was also the formal get-together of the company that we commonly call Dinner and Dance. It was usually teh time where we get to officially let of hair down. I've been through 6 Dand Ds but never got to win a major prize. It usually went to the newer members of the company. I was a new member once, too. But I am still wondering why I never got the first prize.....

Ah! What is life as we usually see it?
Work, salary, the 5 Cs, datelines and the STRESS! Well, apart from the 5Cs, the rest sort of form the bulk of what I went through in my life a software developer in Reuters Singapore that began somewhere in Shenton Way and later ended up as a permanent fixture in Science Park.

But it wasn't just all work and no play!... There were the infamous (and the traditional) Dragon Boat races, the Shoe Chronicles and the people that gave flavour and life in Reuters.

Firstly, the Shoe Chronicles began as a simple photostated rag that tried to give a more lighter face to the goings on within the company. Started by myself and two other interested staff, we churned out pieces that provoked, encouraged and even make one laugh at oneself, once in a while. Along the way, it began to evolve to include more zanier editorial members and a professionally printed mag. To some extent it did manage to achieve its humble goals.Now it is under corporate hands,sporting a flashier and in-depth items that continues to live up to its tradition of entertaining and informing the people in Reuters Singapore.

Shoe Chronicles, circa 1990s

Finally something must be said about the company's yearly duty in participating in the Singapore Dragon Boat races. We haven't outdo our last highest standings of fourth place, way back in 1988/89.

We have always been the underdogs and still we push ourselves to that elusive top 3 placing that we always hope to achieve.

Will we ever? Time will tell, time will tell...I hope I would still be around to savour that moment. Even if I'm no longer with the company, the thought that Reuters can beat the best with her limited resource, would certainly be music ot my ears!
