2003 (32)


00.01.2003 show
16.02.2003 star square
25.03.2003 international music festival
20.04.2003 SBS tv show
15.09.2003 MBC - Dae Jang Geum
19.09.2003 writing to DJG Fans
24.12.2003 visit Cheju island
30.12.2003 MBC Drama Awards "Grand Prize Awards"

Lee Young Ae Big Korean Wave Stars


"2003 Star Square hand print ceremony" CJ CGV

international music festival

SBS tv show

MBC "Dae Jang Geum"
(MBC-TV 20 of 20) (2003.09.15-2004.03.23)

Young Ae Writing to Dae Jang Geum Fans

Hi, this is Lee Young-Ae.

Hello everyone, i'd been meaning to send greetings to you all, but I’m still somewhat unfamiliar with internet bulletin boards, so please understand if I sound a bit awkward or stiff.

Right now i'm writing from my room. The shooting starts tomorrow. I hope that all our Dae Jang Geum staffs will finish shooting safely and smoothly.

May this board become a warm and comforting space for you. i'll listen to your words and reflect upon myself too.

Wish you all happiness and health.

Posted on MBC Dae Jang Geum forum at 19th September 2003

24.12.2003 visit Cheju island

MBC Drama Awards, "Grand Prize Awards"

END OF 2003 (32)