
Messengers of God

Have you ever seen an Angel? You may feel that Angels are simply legend but they are as real as anything you know of and they are simply gorgeous! There are so many types of Angels, they are so incredibly beautiful that mere words just cannot describe them. These Angels are Guardian Angels to the lucky Christian children of God. Guardian Angels usually exist in two or three, on the right and left hand sides of Christians. Some people have a mixture of Fairies and Angels as their guides, or they might have only Angels and some might not even have any! The maximum total is two to three Angels or Fairies guides for a Christian. People who have fairies as guides are usually animal lovers, or people who work with nature and animals, playing a part on behalf of the Fairy Realm. Most of the time, I do not look at a client's guides unless I am conducting an assessment to see if the client is suitable to learn healing classes from me. Even though, I will not attempt to look at the guides without permission, unless if its necessary after I felt a strong sense of negativity in a potential student-to-be, that is affecting my sacred space where I conduct healing sessions, and will not leave me alone! Since I only teach mostly individual student, or maximum group of four students, I often make it a habit to make sure they have no negative spiritual bondages before I will agree to teach them healing classes. Fortunately, some Christian clients have beautiful Angels that decided to greet me voluntarily and say 'hello!' during healing sessions, it has been such enlightening experiences for me, they are so beautiful that no words on earth could describe them, or to say they are simply gorgeous heavenly beings no human can describe them with their earthy vibrations and words!

Archangel Gabriel A Magnificient, 7 ft tall male Angel. Always appeared in simple, white cotton, long, straight robe covering the feet. He is tall, dark, very stern looking with slit eyes, high nose, short and black hair. He is Messenger of God, an outstanding healer and communication guide. He goes around very discreetly and seriously in his heavenly work, with a no-nonsense attitute. He is a very quiet Angel with luxurious, feathery white wings almost touching the ground. He has done more work and has such great efficiency than anyone could possibily think of. An Angel with such great achievement and constantly travelling with such speed on behalf of God.

Archangel Michael An outstanding male Angel, about 8-10 ft tall and sometimes taller. He has light curly hair, sometimes appearing in snow white, thick, long robe with thick silvery triming. Other times appearing in white and red armour, welding a sword which destroys and ground negativity. He is fast and he travels like speed. He has white, luxurious, feathery wings almost touching the ground.

Androgenous Angels Lovely child-like Angel, usually 3 ft tall though some can be up to 5 ft or taller and still maintaining it's child-like feature. Carries merging gender qualities and features of both male and female Angels, sometimes looking like a girl but having a male name, or a male genital. These are usually Guardian Angels, they are helping and working Angels. eg. Cupid. Robes varies but usually white and pale in colour. Female gender usually appear in white victorian short dresses with elaborate trimings and pale coloured ribbons; male gender and adrogenous usually appear in floor length pale coloured or white robe with little trimmings, or they can be dressed in armour sometimes if they are spiritual warriors. Their Aura are light golden-white in colour and it emit a very nice feeling. Wings can be tiny or almost up to floor length depending on their spirituality level, and the quality of energy they emit will also be able to determine their spirituality. Satan is classified as an adrogenous fallen Angel 3 ft tall, going about his own work in creating negative rapples in peoples' mind. He can appears anywhere very fast to keep up his mischievious and negative act. He will leave you alone if you can conquer his mind wave filled with negativity

Adult Angels Usually seen as lovely female Angels, about 6 ft tall, usually with beautiful long wavy red hair, beautiful robe in light orange-brownish colour or any other colours, with elaborate trimings and usually appear very sensual, these angels are mostly confined as guides for Roman Catholics, they usually have medium wings though it can also be in any size. Sometime beautiful female Angels of such type with big luxurious wings come down from heaven to help, sitting on a beautiful white horse with large wings. Male Angel of such type usually appear in simple white robe with wings from tiny to big.

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