Chinese Ceramics : an exhibition
Text and Pictures
by Daffydil

Copyright © Daffydil Tan. All rights reserved.

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Exhibition of Chinese ceramics

Jointly presented by Heng9696, CK Ho, & Daffydil_33
Venue: Civil Service Club
3rd Floor Lobby, 60 Tessensohn Road
20th July-20thOctober 2004 *
Admission : FOC

* Extended to 28th Feb 2005

The Fu, Lu, Shou, Xuangxi Display

A group of blue-and-white auspicious porcelain

A Teksing coral-encrusted plate

A brown Teksing tureen with fish knob cover

Teksing baby and shards

Dehua blue & white & whitewares recovered from the Teksing

On to its 2nd run the Daffyhong Pte Collection opens with a brand new display ..... all you China cultural buffs, heritage trail seekers, amateur historians and other like-minded people who relish a peek into the lifestyles and norms of the past, we invite you to come visit our Exhibition, now on at the Civil Service Club in Tessensohn Road.
The new display focuses on two themes:

1) The Fu, Lu, Shou and Xuang Xi on Chinese ceramics.
From time immemorial, the Chinese have celebrated happy occasions with auspicious symbols among which Fu, Lu, Shou and Xuang Xi characters are some of the most beloved and well-known. Be it birthdays, weddings, anniverseries (or even Mother's Day, if such festival existed in old China !)there would be a handy pot with that auspicious character to mark the event. In this display we bring you a collection of vases, boxes, cups, bowls, jars etc decorated with auspicious words of Fu, Lu, Shou, and Xuang Xi .

2) Tek Sing Treasures from the Deep
The Chinese junk Tek Sing which sank in 1822 in the South China Sea carried a cargo of 350,000 pieces of Chinese porcelain. Salvaged in 1999 by Mike Hatcher the porcelain have been making rounds in the international auction market. In this display we showcase selected items from the Tek Sing hoard

Once again, I want to conclude by thanking our generous host the Civil Service Club for providing the space and support to make this exhibition possible.

22nd July 2004

Related link:In praise of Chinese folk ceramics

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