Season 2 - Bayville Beast



Episode Guides

Character Bios







Stars: Beast, Spyke
Appears: Nightcrawler, Jean, Cyclops, Rogue, Shadowcat, Storm, Wolverine, Xavier
Cameos: Risty


Evan is goofing off during chemistry. Kurt tells him to pay attention as McCoy lectures about unstable molecules. Evan's friends call to him from outside and he asks for the bathroom pass. McCoy sees him outside taking off on his skateboard from the window. He starts to finish his lecture, but he suddenly grabs his chest and groans. He tells the class to read a chapter as he leaves the room in pain.

He recites Shakespeare to himself, but he seems to be getting worse as he freaks out and rips a sink off of the wall. Later Kelly tapes off the room as Risty asks him if he knows who did it. Kurt and Kitty stand not too far away, and Kurt tells Kitty that it was McCoy.

Evan is still out skateboarding with his friends when he hears McCoy down in the Amphitheatre. Evan asks if he's okay, but he acts as if he doesn't recognize him and just continues to quote Shakespeare. Evan apologizes for skipping class, but McCoy lunges at him. Evan dodges him, and Hank finally comes around to realize where he is. Evan asks again if he's okay, but Hank tells him he'll see him tomorrow.

When Evan gets back to the Institute, he finds a package outside for Kitty. The other X-Kids are running a training session in the Danger Room. Kit, Jean and Kurt make it to a platform, but Rogue is taken out by a sphere.Evan comes rushing into the DR asking if he's late. The X-Kids brush past him and tell him off because they're going to have to do the session again the next day because of him. He gives several excuses as to why he's late. Storm tells him that he's making a habit out of it Upstairs, Kitty finds her package and opens it to pull out a pyramid hat. Scott asks her what it's for and she explains the she has a big test coming up and it's supposed to stimulate brain energy.

Next day at school, Hank gives Evan a lecture about realizing his potential and becoming part of a team. He gives him a Shakespeare passage and tells him that he'll forget about him cutting class if he memorizes it. In Gym, Hank has another attack, but Jean and Evan step in to help and he's able to get it under control.

At the Institute that night Hank came to ask Xavier for help. He tells Xavier that he feels like there is an animal or beast inside of him and he can't control it any longer. He's been using a serum to suppress his mutation, but lately it's not working as it should. Xavier looks into Hank's mind and sees the "Beast".

Hank returns to the school and is working on more serums. He tries one serum and screams. He physically changes into the "Beast". Kelly is also at the school working late. When he hears the screams he wanders down the hall to see what's going on. He peeks into Hank's lab and can see that it's been totally trashed. The Beast suddenly lunges up into the window and Kelly takes off running.  When the alarm goes off, the Beast is scared away.

The X-Men see footage on TV of Kelly telling about Hank becoming a Beast, and of all of the damage he's been wreaking about town. Kitty and Jean find him in a junkyard. He tries to attack Kit, but she phases through him. Jean slams him against a fence and holds him there until Wolverine claws his way through the other side. Evan shows up and says he knows where Hank is headed. Kit, Jean and Evan head for the Amphitheatre.

Evan makes it to the Amphitheatre and they find the Beast.  Wolverine shows up and they fight again. Evan calls in the other X-Men. He flings it off and goes after Wolverine. Jean separates them with her TK and pins the Beast to the back wall of the theater. Kurt ports in Prof. X as Evan quotes the passage to Hank to try and calm him. Xavier speaks telepathically to Hank, telling him that he's stronger than the Beast and he can regain control.

At the Institute, Hank has managed to regain control, but physically he still looks like the Beast. Evan suggests an image inducer. Hank says he's now a wanted fugitive, and even as someone else, he couldn't risk teaching with the "Beast" inside trying to get out. Xavier tells him he needs students who know his secrets, and have secrets of their own.