Season 3 -Day of Recovery



Episode Guides

Character Bios







Stars: Mystique, Cyclops
Appears: Wolverine, Storm, Beast, Jean Grey, Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Spyke, Iceman, Berzerker, Scarlet Witch, Toad, Avalanche, Blob, BoomBoom
Cameos: Rogue, Magma, Jubilee, Multiple, Quicksilver, Magneto, Wolfsbane, Sunspot, Cannonball


Scott and Mystique face off. Jean tries to probe Mystique's mind, but somehow she's able to block it. Scott threatens her and she tells him that if he ever wants to see Xavier again he'll back off. They're interrupted by sirens and suddenly police cars and helicopters are everywhere.

Everyone scatters. The New Mutants are surrounded, but Berzerker blasts the cars and leads them off through the woods. Tabitha covers their escape by blowing up some trees. Jean is captured and stuffed in a police cruiser. Kurt 'ports in and takes off, but Kit yells for him to wait and he skids to a stop. She phases through the officers that try to catch her and right into the cruiser. Scott is surrounded and can't get to the car. Storm swoops in and picks him up to fly off. Kurt makes one more stop to pick up Bobby then they hightail it out of there.

At the lookout, the X-men regroup, but they aren't together long before the Brotherhood show up as well. Mystique tells them that she had nothing to do with Magneto's plan to expose them, but that the public response proves that Xavier was wrong and that humans and mutants will never be able to exist together. Jean bursts in and asks her why she's there, what she wants. Mystique says that she wants her team member back from the military, but she doesn't know where to start looking.

Nick Fury shows up and says that he knows where to start. After a brief tense moment he hands over a disc with information about where the others are being held. Storm tells the X-Men that they'll split up in groups, but Mystique snatches the disc from her hand and says that she's in charge. Storm is furious, the sky darkens and lightening starts flashing everywhere. Mystique tells her to back off and Jean interrupts to remind Storm that Mystique is still holding the Prof somewhere. Storm calms down and Mystique starts barking out orders.

She sends Toad and Wanda to to find out if Magneto is really dead. Wanda and Toad end up breaking into a news van and watching the footage that was taped the previous day. In slow motion they can see that Quicksilver rescued Magneto right before the Sentinel landed on him.

Inside Logan is being questioned by the military while the others are standing nearby in clear plastic cells. The Blob is the last one being cut free from the green stasis goo. Once inside the base the others split up. Bobby and Kit make there way to shut down the alarms, but Bobby flubs up and they go off anyway.

Suddenly troops are everywhere. Mystique tells Jean, Scott, and Lance to keep them back while she goes off with Kurt to find the prisoners. When the alarms go off the officer questioning Logan leaves to see what's going on and during the confusion Spyke is able to pop a spike into Logan's restraint and free him. Logan returns the favor and as Spyke frees the others Logan takes on the remaining troops. Blob is able to break free from the goo and they round up all of the troops and get them contained.

Scott and Mystique are the last ones through and Scott slams the grate in Mystique's face. She screams at him to let her out, but he tells her that if she doesn't tell him where Xavier is he's going to leave her.

Storm tells them all that they have a new world to deal with now, one that fears them and that somehow they have to find a way to teach them that they are the good guys before it's too late.