Season 2 - Hex Factor



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Character Bios







Stars: Scarlet Witch, Mystique
Appears: Avalanche, Quicksilver, Toad, Blob, Xavier, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Spyke, BoomBoom
Cameos: None


Xavier is wheeled into a cell. The guard closes the door and radios to someone else to bring in the patient. A girl is moved from a maximum security holding cell. She makes her way to the cell where Xavier is waiting and rushes him like she's going to attack. Xavier call out her name, Wanda, but when she continues forward he uses his powers to overcome her and calm her down. By the time the guards arrive she's sitting meekly in a corner of the cell.

Xavier tells her that he thought they had made more progress in teaching her to control her anger. She glares at him and tells him to get her out of there. He says that he has a place for her at the Institute, but that right now he can't risk it. A doctor interrupts to take Wanda for some more tests.

The doctor takes her through security, but Wanda starts to get upset. Things start flying around, walls start cracking. The doctor tries to calm her saying he's going to help her, but things just get worse. They take off running and when they make it outside they meet up with an old lady. The lady begins chanting in what sounds like Gaelic and Wanda is calmed. The doctor morphs into Mystique. She tells the woman to keep Wanda under control while she goes back in, that she has some other business to attend to.

At the Brotherhood house, Mystique arrives and tells the boys that they have a new secret weapon and then she brings in Wanda. Wanda sees Pietro and freaks. The boys run as she starts to bring the house down on their heads. They huddle behind a couch as things are thrown about the room. Toad asks Pietro if it's one of his old girlfriends, but Pietro says it's worse, it's his sister. Lance and Toad try to stop Wanda, but she turns their powers back on them. Agatha finally arrives and takes control of Wanda, calming her down again and leaving the room with her.

Pietro tries to tell Mystique that Wanda is too dangerous to have around. Mystique tells him that she brought along Agatha to help Wanda learn to focus her anger into power. He tells her that she won't co-operate. Mystique tells them that she got all of the info she needs downloaded from Cerebro and that Wanda will cooperate because Mystique can give her what she really wants, revenge. Tabitha interrupts again, this time on the way out of the house with her stuff. She tells Mystique that the room is all hers. As Tab walks away from the Brotherhood house there is a huge explosion in Mystiques room and she smiles. 

Later in the bathroom as she's cutting her hair, Pietro tries to talk to her about why they left her behind. He tells her that Magneto had no choice, that she was out of control. He asks her if she can at least try to see their father's point of view. She gets really angry and tells him that monster's have no point of view, then storms off.

Mystique overhears the conversation and asks Pietro which side he's really on. Pietro tells her that he's on her side, that Magneto was never really a father to him either. Mystiques tells him that it's time to move forward with their plans and she's set up a test to see if they are ready to take on Magneto.

At the Institute, Xavier tells that X-Kids that he's tracked Wanda to the Brotherhood and that they're all in the mall right now. The X-Men take off to confront them. At the mall, the X-Men do the usual routine of kicking some Brotherhood.

The X-Men have just about finished the Brotherhood when Wanda shows up. The place starts going haywire and the X-Men are scattered. As each of the X-men try to take on Wanda, their powers turn against them. Spyke is hit by his own spikes, Scott's blasts go out of control, Kit is trapped halfway in phasing through the floor. Kurt teleports her free, but the two of them are dumped into some trees outside. Jean talks Scott into retreating, telling him that Wanda is too strong, they can't beat her.

As the X-Men retreat, the Brotherhood celebrate their victory. Pietro puts his arm around Wanda, and says they owe it to their secret weapon, the Scarlet Witch. He tells Wanda that if their father could see her, he would be proud. Wanda knocks his arm away and says that Magneto is his father, not hers and that she'll have revenge for what he did to her.